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Voyage: Brutal Kaido — Chapter 041

Kaido’s domineering appearance had long predicted Yamato’s actions, and he saw two futures, one was that he blocked the Servant Ice Fang, and Yamato killed him from the front, and the other was that after he avoided the Servant Ice Fang, Yamato attacked him from the side.

Kaido did not choose to hard connect, the body immediately dodged the attack of the Waitless Ice Tooth, and Yamato was a little surprised in his heart after seeing Kaido dodge, she and Kaido have fought many times, Kaido generally chooses to resist hard with his body, how did he choose to avoid this time, is it really because of wearing the handcuffs of the sea tower.

However, Yamato didn’t think much about it, and immediately chased after him, shouting lowly: “Divine Foot White Snake Drive.” In an instant, Yamato’s speed increased several times and he rushed towards Kaido.

Kaido also predicted the trajectory of Yamato’s attack a long time ago, and a sinister smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: “Thunder gossip…”

Yamato was shocked, she didn’t expect Kaido’s reaction to be so fast, and she hurriedly defended directly and immediately.

A ‘boom’ stick fell on Yamato’s body, Yamato suddenly felt the strength coming from the mace, directly unable to stop at all, the terrifying power spread throughout the body, the throat felt the fishy sweetness of the blood, and then the delicate body was directly pumped out by a stick, and the heart was shocked: ‘Damn, this smelly old man, is he really wearing a sea tower stone to fight? ’

And after Kaido’s blow, he also immediately pursued, and purple lightning began to appear on the mace in his hand, and at the same time, a red overlord-colored entanglement appeared on the eight-fast fast, and he roared lowly: “Descend the third life, lead Naraku…”

‘Boom’ a stick fell, hitting Yamato head-on, the powerful overlord color and armed color impacted Yamato’s body, Yamato’s delicate body fell heavily on the ground, the ground was suddenly smashed into the depression, and countless spiderweb-like cracks appeared on the hard ground.

After Kaido landed, he looked at Yamato who fell to the ground with an indifferent face, and said with some embarrassment: “It seems that the force is too strong!” ”

It has been half a month since he came to this world, and the memory of the original body has been well accepted, but in this half a month, Kaido has been cultivating, but there is very little for battle, even if he has the memory of the original body, he can use the skills of the original body, but he still lacks actual combat experience.

“That’s awesome.” “Unexpectedly defeated Young Master Yamato at once.” “Is this the power of Governor Kaido? Even if he is wearing the handcuffs of Hailou Stone, he is so powerful. The members of the surrounding Hundred Beast Pirate Group were shocked.

And at this time, Runnian and Peggywan also ran over, and Runti saw that Yamato had fallen to the ground, and there were so many cracks around, and also scolded Peggywan behind him: “It’s all to blame on you!” Xiao Pei, I want you to hurry up and you have to swallow slowly, but now Kaido-sama and Yamato, this stupid bastard, are hateful! Missed the key part of Yamato’s beating. ”

“Sister, in fact, there is no need to look at it, how can the Yamato Young Master win Lord Kaido!” Peggy Wan in the back said helplessly, I really don’t understand what her sister thinks, it is obviously Lord Kaido’s own family affairs, why does she like to come to see the excitement so much! Every time she heard that Young Master Yamato was going to challenge Governor Kaido, she was very happy to run to see it.

“Xiao Run, you’re late, the battle only lasted less than a minute before it ended.” Black Maria also teased a little: “However, Xiao Run, you should simply want to see the scene of Yamato being beaten!” ”

Runtian was also unhappy and said: “Hmph, I just can’t see Yamato, this unfilial daughter, I should beat her fiercely, all day Ota Ota, like a fool.” ”

For Yamato, Runnian is actually quite jealous and very disgusted. At the beginning, when Runnian and Peggy came to the Hundred Beast Pirates, the people of the Hundred Beasts Pirates were like wolves, but all she heard from her childhood were those people boasting about how genius the young master was, and at that time, Runtian was very curious about Yamato.

What kind of overlord color domineering in ten thousand, inheriting the perfect bloodline of Hundred Beast Kaido, a large number of auras blessed on her body, making Runnian very unhappy, but at the moment when Runti really saw Yamato, it was very unhappy, this guy actually claimed to be what Mitsuki Ota, and did not admit that he was the daughter of Lord Kaido, enjoying the aura and resources of the young master of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, but he had always disobeyed Lord Kaido.

So from that time on, Runma secretly regarded Yamato as her rival. Yamato’s age is six years older than Runda, whether it is domineering or physical, Yamato has to surpass herself, no matter how hard she cultivates, she can’t catch up with Yamato, and the gap is getting bigger and bigger.

Until later, Yamato this guy was obsessed with Mitsuki Ota and threatened to defeat Kaido and let the country of Wano open the country. Then, it was no surprise that Yamato was taught a lesson by Lord Kaido and was imprisoned, which made Yamato’s heart blossom, thinking that Lord Kaido should always know who is more important!

But the reality is completely opposite to what she imagined, even if Yamato was imprisoned, he let her out after a few days, but she was not allowed to leave the ghost island, and later Yamato repeatedly challenged Kaido-sama, and in the process of challenging Kaido-sama, he kept getting stronger, and Kaido-sama only released Yamato symbolically for a few days. This made Runmei very jealous in her heart, and at this time, Runmei completely understood that she didn’t want to surpass that woman, but just wanted to take her place and get Kaido’s favor.

For Kaido, Runmei is very respectful, she has lacked her father’s love since she was a child, Kaido is a very weighty person in her life, she has always wanted to get Kaido’s approval, she always remembers that when she was fifteen years old, she won the title of flying sextuplets and became the youngest senior cadre of the Hundred Beast Pirates, which was a rare happy moment in her life.

In the battle field, Kaido silently looked at Yamato who fell to the ground, blood flowed out of Yamato’s head, under the perception of seeing and hearing domineering, Yamato did not completely lose consciousness, about a minute later, Yamato’s fingers moved slightly, and then consciousness began to recover, slowly stood up from the ground, covered his head, looked at the blood stained by the injury, looked at Kaido on the opposite side, with fear and anger in his eyes.

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Voyage: Brutal Kaido

Voyage: Brutal Kaido


The hemp rope will break at the thinnest part, and the bad luck will only seek out the misfortune.

A terminally ill boy saw an old woman falling down on the roadside and kindly called the police. However, the old woman blackmailed her and destroyed her family. In desperation, he killed the old woman and her family. But in the end, he couldn’t even do the extreme exchange. Instead, he was imprisoned. Among them, he passed away with endless anger and pain.

After death, his soul traveled to the world of One Piece and became Kaido, the strongest creature on land, sea, and air.


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