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Voyage: Brutal Kaido — Chapter 042

After Yamato got up, he immediately gritted his teeth and cursed: “Damn it! Kaido, you scumbag, actually attacked me? ”

At this time, Kaido was a little confused, and the rest of the people were also a little puzzled, why did Lord Kaido sneak up on her!

“When did I sneak up on you?” Kaido also asked very puzzled.

Yamato wiped the blood off his forehead and scolded angrily: “Just now you attacked me with the overlord color winding, obviously you have knocked me out, but you have to catch up and use the more powerful overlord color winding to sneak up on me, it is simply against the way of the samurai.” ”

Kaido was speechless when he listened, and without waiting for Kaido to speak, Runda, who was watching the battle from the outside, cursed: “Yamato, you are an idiot!” Kaido-sama is not a samurai. ”

Runtian listened to Yamato’s shameless words, and suddenly became angry, on the sneak attack, who can compare to you Yamato! When you used to fight with Kaido-sama, you were basically playing sneak attack! Shouted at Kaido: “Lord Kaido, come on, beat her, beat her hard.” ”

Hearing Runtian shouting beside her, Peggy Wan immediately stopped: “Sister, don’t mix it in.” ”

“You shut up for me, little Pei…” Runnian also scolded at Peggy Wan.

Kaido was speechless for a while when he heard Runtian’s cheers, and said to Yamato: “You mean, when I fought you before, even if I repelled you, I would wait for you to recover before launching the next round of attacks on you.” ”

Saying this, Kaido’s eyes were cold: “Haven’t you figured out the situation!” Is it naïve to think that now is the same as before? In the past, it was to feed you and let you grow in battle, not really fighting, and another point, I am not a samurai, don’t take any samurai set of things on me. ”

“It’s still that sentence, whether you want to save Ace, whether you want to open the country of Wano, or if you want to dismantle the factory, as long as you can win me, you can do it.”

When Yamato heard this, her eyes suddenly became more fierce, she was well aware of Kaido’s strength, and the battle just now was more certain, and asked: “Kaido, is that really a 100% pure sea lou stone you are wearing?” You are also an ability, if you wear a sea lou stone with 100% purity, it is impossible to have such a powerful strength, even if you are powerful, it is impossible to really ignore the side effects of the devil fruit. ”

Kaido listened and laughed: “That really disappoints you, I can really completely ignore the suppression of Hailou Stone.” ”

Black Maria testified at this time: “I can testify to this, the one worn by Lord Kaido is really a sea lou stone handcuff, and it is also a sea lou stone handcuff with 100% purity.” ”

“It’s really fake!” Peggy said in shock, if he let him wear the 100% purity Hailou stone handcuffs, it would instantly make him lose his weakness and lose all resistance.

“It’s true.” Black Maria reconfirmed.

“How is that possible?” Yamato didn’t dare to say anything.

And Kaido also took out the key of the sea lou stone from his arms at this time, untied the handcuffs on his left hand, and threw the sea lou stone handcuffs towards Yamato: “If you don’t believe it, you can put it on yourself and try it!” ”

Looking at the handcuffs thrown by Kaido, a parabola was cut in the air, Yamato instinctively went to catch it, but at the moment when the hands caught the handcuffs, the suppression of the capable person by the sea lou stone appeared, Yamato immediately felt a sense of weakness, the body immediately felt weak, almost kneeled on the ground, but let her hold on to the strength did not fall, holding the sea lou stone handcuffs, shocked: “How, how is it possible, it is really sea lou stone…”

The purity of this sea lou stone is very high, and now just holding it in his hand, he feels like he is going to kneel, and he does not dare to hold the sea lou stone handcuffs all the time, and forcefully throws the sea lou stone handcuffs to Kaido, but because of the weakness of the sea lou stone, Yamato just threw the sea lou stone five or six meters away.

Kaido stepped forward and picked up the handcuffs of Hailou Stone, and then put the handcuffs on his left wrist, jokingly: “How!” Now believe it! ”

“Although I can basically be immune to the side effects caused by the sea lou stone, but wearing the handcuffs of the sea lou stone, it is true that I can no longer use the ability of the devil fruit, and it still has some suppressing effect on my strength, and this time is a test of my own strength. Come on! As long as you can win me, you are free. ”

When Yamato heard this, he gritted his teeth fiercely and roared, “I will definitely knock you down, Kaido.” ”

Saying that, Yamato’s body erupted with a tyrant-colored domineering, and then wrapped the overlord-colored domineering energy around the mace Ah Jian’s body.

Seeing Yamato’s move, Kaido already understood what move Yamato was going to use, and then, he also took the same posture, both of them were extremely fast, and rushed towards each other.

“Thunderous gossip…”

The same moves, the same attacks, each other attacked each other

With a muffled ‘boom’, the attacks all fell on each other’s bodies, and the strong impact shattered the entire ground.

Under the blow, the bodies of the two staggered, and two seconds later, Kaido felt pain in his forehead, and a wisp of blood flowed from his forehead.

Black Maria was also shocked: “Lord Kaido is actually injured. ”

“What a joke! Yamato that guy actually injured Kaido-sama. Runmei suddenly roared angrily, she didn’t believe that Yamato had this kind of strength, after all, he also knew how strong Kaido’s physical defense was, basically he could be immune to most attacks, could it be that Yamato, this fool, had grown to this point?

Kaido covered his forehead, also a little surprised, just now his own attack also fell on Yamato’s body, she should also eat her own stick firmly, why didn’t she fly out!

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Voyage: Brutal Kaido

Voyage: Brutal Kaido


The hemp rope will break at the thinnest part, and the bad luck will only seek out the misfortune.

A terminally ill boy saw an old woman falling down on the roadside and kindly called the police. However, the old woman blackmailed her and destroyed her family. In desperation, he killed the old woman and her family. But in the end, he couldn’t even do the extreme exchange. Instead, he was imprisoned. Among them, he passed away with endless anger and pain.

After death, his soul traveled to the world of One Piece and became Kaido, the strongest creature on land, sea, and air.


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