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Voyage: Brutal Kaido — Chapter 046

Kaido continued: “Second, in the future, you are not allowed to worship the waste of Mitsuki Ota, let alone call yourself Mitsuki Ota. ”

Hearing Kaido insulting Mitsuki Ota, Yamato was immediately angry: “Kaido, you are not allowed to insult Ota-sama. ”

Seeing Yamato’s reaction so fierce, Kaido had just fantasized about the opportunity to restore his father’s filial piety with Yamato in the future, and he was beaten to pieces all of a sudden, and scolded angrily: “Grass fuck, then don’t talk about it, continue to fight, if you win, I will let you go.” ”

“Wait a minute.” Yamato heard Kaido’s anger, and he was also a little panicked in his heart, because Yamato knew that he couldn’t beat Kaido, after all, he could win the fight a long time ago, and he was actually a little afraid of Kaido’s heart, especially Kaido’s attitude towards her now has changed. Thinking of Ace again, he planned to fool the past before saying, “Well, I won’t worship Lord Ota in the future, and I won’t call myself Mitsuki Ota anymore.” ”

Kaido looked at Yamato with some suspicion and spoke, “Then you still have a respectful title for him?” Say it out loud, ‘Mitsuki Ota is a big fool. ’”

Hearing Kaido’s words, Yamato immediately exploded: “Kaido, don’t go too far, you no longer call yourself Mitsuki Ota, you even want me to humiliate Ota-sama, forgive me for not being able to do it.” ”

“It seems that your reverse bone is really all over the body! The father-daughter relationship has just been restored, and now it is so rude. Kaido’s eyes flashed with cold killing intent, and he said coldly: “You are like this, it is hard for me to believe that you have a repentant heart!” Yamato. ”

And Yamato was also a little frightened by the killing intent on Kaido, now she is really facing the killing intent of the four emperors, and Kaido would not show killing intent to her before, which made Yamato a little afraid, and whispered: “I’m sorry, Father.” ”

“Hmm, that’s good!” Kaido grinned and put forward the condition again: “Add one, and don’t claim to be under it in the future.” ”

“I see.” Yamato sounded like a defeated rooster, and suddenly he wilted and asked, “What is the third condition?” ”

“You haven’t shouted the phrase ‘Mitsuki Ota is a big fool’!” Kaido kindly reminded.

Yamato was even more angry when he listened, and his resentment towards Kaido deepened a little, but thinking that Ace, who might die soon, could only say sorry to Lord Ota in his heart, and whispered: “Mitsuki Ota is a big fool…”

Kaido listened to the big and mosquito-like voice and teased: “Louder, I didn’t hear it, so that everyone here can hear what you say.” ”

Yamato blushed and looked at Kaido angrily, but Kaido looked at him with a mocking look at this time, and was even more resentful of Kaido’s bad behavior, and roared angrily: “Mitsuki Ota is a big fool…”

“Hmm, that’s right!” After Kaido heard Yamato’s words, he immediately felt his rare victory, laughed heartily, felt that being able to adjust Yamato seemed to be a good pleasure, and also decided to transform Yamato.

And Black Maria and Runmei and the others were also a little surprised, they didn’t expect that Lord Kaido also had such a training method, so that the one who had always called himself Mitsuki Ota was now really obedient.

“Okay, what’s the third requirement?” Yamato asked as he looked at Kaido with an angry look.

Kaido also did not have ink, and said: “Third, now in the country of Wano, there are still hidden Mitsuki Ota’s daughter Mitsuki Hikazu, and three Mitsuki Goda’s retainers, namely Kawamatsu, Denjiro and Asura Boy, but they have been waiting for the opportunity to overthrow my rule, and they are actually daughters, so naturally they need to share the worries of their father, and publicly execute Mitsuki Ota’s daughter and three retainers, and it is up to you to personally execute them openly.” ”

At this time, Yamato hurriedly asked: “Wait a minute, the retainers of Ota-sama’s daughter are still in Wano Country, haven’t they already fled overseas?” ”

Kaido was also speechless for a while, he didn’t want to answer Yamato’s words at all, and the members of the Hundred Beast Pirates were also shocked, they didn’t expect that Mitsuki Ota had been dead for eighteen years, and there were still remnants of Mitsuki Ota in the territory of Wano Country, and Mitsuki Goda’s daughter and retainers had been hiding in Wano Country.

Black Maria was also a little surprised, although the Great Snake General’s Mansion announced that Mitsuki Ota and his retainers had all died in a fire eighteen years ago.

But Black Maria as the flying sextine of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, she still knows a lot of information, Kawamatsu has been caught many years ago, and is now imprisoned in the quarry of the rabbit bowl, and the Asura boy she has also heard, it seems to be the leader of the bandits of Jiulitou Mountain, Jiutenmaru, but Denjiro she didn’t know at all, rumors have long died, but I didn’t expect him to hide in the country of Wano.

Kaido looked at Yamato and said indifferently: “Just now you scolded ‘Mitsuki Ota is a big fool’, how come you have an honorific title for this fool again so quickly!” Your future honorific title can only be used for me alone, do you understand? ”

Yamato listened to this time has been angry almost can’t bear it, just now she insulted Lord Ota, already he is very sad, and now he is said again by Kaido, Yamato feels that if he blasphemes Mitsuki Ota again, then he will not be able to become a man like Ota in the future, and he does not plan to give in to Kaido, and Kaido looked at each other, and said seriously: “I can promise you the first two conditions, but the third one is not, I will definitely not kill Mitsuki Ota’s daughter retainer, They are all the hope of the country of peace. ”

Kaido looked at Yamato very indifferently and said, “If you don’t kill them, how can you cut off your thoughts, or do you still not want Fire Fist Ace anymore.” ”

“You…” Yamato looked at Kaido with an angry expression, gritting his teeth and saying, “You despicable villain, you actually want to use this means to make me submit, I have already promised you two conditions, you still have to kill Ota-sama’s daughter and retainers, I can’t do it.” ”

Hearing Yamato’s words, Kaido was also angry: “You still use the honorific title for that waste Mitsuki Ota, and you still call yourself below, for my father, you don’t have such respect!” And he just agreed to my request, and now he has forgotten it all. ”

“It’s okay, there are still a few days before the execution of Fire Fist Ace, so you should go to the prison first and think about it slowly!” The corners of Kaido’s mouth showed a fierceness, and then ordered: “Come, take her to the cell for me.” ”

Hearing Kaido’s order, several waiters walked up the road in handcuffs; “I’m sorry, Master Yamato. No, it’s Miss Yamato. ”

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Voyage: Brutal Kaido

Voyage: Brutal Kaido


The hemp rope will break at the thinnest part, and the bad luck will only seek out the misfortune.

A terminally ill boy saw an old woman falling down on the roadside and kindly called the police. However, the old woman blackmailed her and destroyed her family. In desperation, he killed the old woman and her family. But in the end, he couldn’t even do the extreme exchange. Instead, he was imprisoned. Among them, he passed away with endless anger and pain.

After death, his soul traveled to the world of One Piece and became Kaido, the strongest creature on land, sea, and air.


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