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Voyage: Brutal Kaido — Chapter 049

“Little ones, let me find it, but don’t let her escape from the ghost island.” Runnian shouted loudly.

“Lord Kaido, just leave it to Xiaorun! As long as Yamato is still in Wano Country, she won’t be able to run. Black Maria came over and said.

“That’s hard to say!” Kaido said with a serious face, because on Yamato Kaido saw the shadow of Wang Luffy, you must know that Wang Luffy is a person with bad luck, almost any adversity can turn over, if Yamato also has this luck.

Subsequently, in the castle of Ghost Island, the members of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group began to act, with the detection ability of the royal emperor, Yamato’s whereabouts on Ghost Island have long been figured out, and at this time, Yamato seems to be Luffy possessed, obviously he has been seriously injured by Kaido, but at this time, he can fight more and more courageously, and defeat them all in the face of the pursuing Hundred Beast Pirate Group.

“Damn it! It’s just endless. Yamato once again knocked the pursuing pirates out, gasped, heard a sound from a distance, Yamato immediately hid in the attic, watching the pirates below run over, and felt a long sigh of relief in her heart, the long battle made her already exhausted, fortunately, she was very familiar with the environment of the ghost island.

Sitting in the attic, Yamato thought in his heart how to escape from the ghost island, where there are telephone bugs and royalist surveillance everywhere, once out, they will be discovered, and then there will be a steady stream of members of the Hundred Beast Pirates, even if she is powerful, it is impossible to knock everyone down.

Yamato is constantly moving in the attic, looking at the pirates on the performance floor at this time through the gaps in the attic, constantly looking for her traces, and needless to say, the exits in the castle must also be heavily guarded.

“However, at least temporarily thrown them away, Kaido did not catch up, the big Kanban does not seem to be on the ghost island, as long as there is no big kanban, then the real threat of the ghost island is only Kaido alone.” When Yamato thought of this, he immediately relaxed, immediately leaned against the attic, and then found the medicine box from the attic and began to bandage himself.

This attic is her secret base on Ghost Island, because she has often rebelled against Kaido since she was a child, and Kaido will let people look for her when she is angry, so Yamato found several secret bases in the castle where she could hide, just to avoid Kaido.

“Let’s take a break here for a while! After that, I was trying to find a way to escape. Yamato said seriously, she remembered that Ace would soon be executed, and her time was running out.

Moreover, even if you want to go to sea, you can’t find your direction at all! After all, Yamato grew up on a ghost island since he was a child, and the farthest place he has gone is the country of Wano, except for these two places, the rest of the places have not been visited, and if you want to go to the headquarters of the navy, I am afraid that you have to find a few members of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group.

However, I’m actually not very worried about this Yamato, as long as I can escape from the ghost island, I can catch a few people by the way when I run away.

The key thing is that you must be able to escape.

After bandaging the wound, Yamato also slept groggily because of his injuries.

The group of Hundred Beast Pirates outside was still looking for the trace of Yamato, and Runtian was even more angry and thunderous: “It’s abominable!” What the hell did that guy run away! ”

Runmei wants to behave well this time, now Fuzifer and Sasaki want to challenge the position of the big kanban and run to fight with Jack, all three have now left the ghost island and gone to fight on the uninhabited island outside, Quinn and Ember and Kebal have also gone to the country of Wano, among the senior cadres of the ghost island, only he and his brother Peggy Wan and Black Maria, but Black Maria obviously does not want to participate.

This time Yamato that fool pissed off Kaido-sama again, and he had a rare opportunity to teach her a lesson, but he was very happy, but at this time, the guy actually disappeared.

“The castle is so big, God knows where she’s hiding, let’s stop!” Sister, in the past, when Lord Kaido and Young Master Daiwa had a conflict, they also asked us to arrest Master Yamato, but in the end, the matter still fell apart. Peggy Wan also said a little helplessly.

“This time is not the same as before.” Runtian suddenly said a little excited: “I think Lord Kaido is really angry this time, and didn’t you hear Lord Kaido’s order?” Let’s beat Yamato to death, as long as we can’t die, we will beat us to death, and Lord Kaido would not have said such things before. ”

When Peggy Wan heard Runtian say this, he felt that it seemed to be the same thing, and spread his hands and said, “Even if that’s the case, we don’t know where Young Master Yamato is!” ”

“Life paper?” Runtian’s mind suddenly flashed, and she immediately said to Pejiwan: “Xiaopei, you immediately go to Lord Kaido to bring Yamato’s life paper.” ”

“No, is this really good?” Peggy Wan was suddenly a little stunned, after all, in Peg Wan’s opinion, this is more like the father-son conflict between Kaido and Yamato, these subordinates can act a little, how can they still go online!

“Really, what’s so bad! But he told us to go and capture Yamato, and we were just carrying out the order. Runmei stomped her foot angrily, and then turned around and said, “Forget it, I’ll go by myself.” ”

“Sister…” Peggy Wan saw that Runtian really ran towards the training ground, but he didn’t stop it, so he had to order his subordinates to continue searching for Yamato’s traces.

Runnian came to the training ground, and saw that there were only Kaido and Monet and two maids on the training ground, these two maids should be black Maria’s wandering girls, sent to serve Kaido, but Black Maria was missing, which made Runti a little puzzled.

Seeing Kaido sadly carrying a huge scale and doing push-ups with one hand, this made Runtian also swallow spit, and stepped forward and said, “Lord Kaido.” ”

“Runny! Is something wrong? Kaido also felt the breath of Runmei for a long time, but did not stop training and asked calmly.

“Lord Kaido, you are so strong, you still have to train like this!” Runtian was a little puzzled.

“Of course,” Kaido replied calmly, with his Saiyan bloodline, his potential is almost infinite, as long as he passes training, he can continue to become stronger, not to mention Kaido’s future opponent is Joey Boi and the world government, he must also become stronger, strong enough to single out the entire world.

And Runtian saw that Kaido ignored her, and immediately said: “Lord Kaido, I want Yamato’s life paper.” ”

“Are you really hiding?” Hearing this, Kaido chuckled and spoke, “However, it is impossible to run away. ”

“Hmm.” Runtian listened and said seriously: “I don’t know where she is hiding now, but Lord Kaido, don’t worry, I will definitely catch her.” ”

“Hmm.” Kaido also nodded slightly, then got up and put down the scale on his back, sat on the sofa next to him, the wandering girl immediately handed over the towel, Kaido wiped the sweat on his face, and spoke: “I also thought of this, I have asked Maria to get Yamato’s life paper, if Yamato accidentally escapes from Ghost Island, I can also find her life paper to chase her.” ”

“I will never let her escape.” Runtian listened and immediately assured.

“Xiao Run…” Black Maria also came to the training ground at this time, and saw that Runnian was also here.

“Maria, tear Yamato’s life paper in half to her.” Kaido commanded.

(New book for collection).

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)


Voyage: Brutal Kaido

Voyage: Brutal Kaido


The hemp rope will break at the thinnest part, and the bad luck will only seek out the misfortune.

A terminally ill boy saw an old woman falling down on the roadside and kindly called the police. However, the old woman blackmailed her and destroyed her family. In desperation, he killed the old woman and her family. But in the end, he couldn’t even do the extreme exchange. Instead, he was imprisoned. Among them, he passed away with endless anger and pain.

After death, his soul traveled to the world of One Piece and became Kaido, the strongest creature on land, sea, and air.


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