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Voyage: Brutal Kaido — Chapter 050

After Black Maria took the order, she tore off half of Yamato’s life paper and handed it to Run, and teased charmingly: “Xiaorun, you have to cheer up, if you can catch Yamato, Lord Kaido may praise you.” ”

Rundo listened and looked at Kaido next to her with some excitement, but Kaido was silent, and Runtian clenched her small fists and said, “Leave it to me!” I will definitely catch Yamato. After Runtian finished speaking, she took the life paper and left.

“Lord Kaido, Xiaorun has always wanted your approval.” Black Maria said a little charmingly.

Kaido didn’t answer, but continued to workout.

After having Yamato’s life paper, Runmi quickly led people to find Yamato’s hiding place, and found that when Yamato was sleeping inside, Runtie originally wanted to rush in directly and beat Yamato violently, but after thinking about it, he decided to catch her first and humiliate her well!

And Yamato is resting now, but it is a rare good opportunity, and he immediately mobilized his manpower and surrounded all around.

Then, several waiters with the sea tower stone chain tiptoed towards Yamato, Yamato, who was sleeping in the attic, suddenly felt the crisis, beautiful eyes opened, several waiters immediately hurriedly wanted to put chains on Yamato, Yamato’s reaction was also extremely fast, and immediately took the mace to beat several waiters out.

“Damn it! I wanted to catch you while you were sleeping, but if this is the case, don’t blame the old lady for being unkind. Seeing that the plan had failed, Runmei immediately transformed into anger and rushed towards Yamato with a mace.

“Was it discovered? But I’ve rested enough, I’m going to save Ace, I definitely won’t be caught by you.” Yamato said as he also transformed into a white wolf, looked at Runmei who rushed to the front, and shouted lowly: “Shenzu White Snake Drive…”

‘It’s so fast…’ Looking at Yamato’s speed, Run’s pupils contracted slightly, and his body immediately contracted his defenses.

‘Boom’, the mace with cold air fell on Runtian’s body, bending the mace in Runtian’s hand, and the powerful force directly knocked Runti out, and the wall of the attic fell directly from the attic to below.

“Sister…” Peggy Wan looked at Runtian being beaten away, and also said angrily: “Go together, hit me, hit me hard.” ”

“Yes.” Several laughters also took out cannons one after another, and a piece of Hailou stone fishing net was fired from the cannon mouth.

Yamato turned around and jumped downstairs as well, dodging the sea lou stone fishing net, after all, if caught by that kind of fishing net, it would be finished.

“Chase, don’t let her escape.”

Downstairs, this is the performance floor, which is a very open space, and after coming here, Yamato found that all the members of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group were around. The members of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group also showed a sinister smile: “Young Master Yamato, it’s best to surrender obediently, Lord Kaido said, even if we hurt you this time, we won’t be punished in any way.” ”

Yamato looked at the vicious group of beasts and pirates around him, and his heart couldn’t help but become more solemn, but thinking that Ace would soon be executed, Yamato firmly held the mace and roared: “Don’t come to hinder me, I definitely want to save Ace, even if it is to kill you all, I will go.” Saying that, he rushed towards the crowd, and where he passed, the pirates were like ten cuts of wheat, and they were thrown into the air by Yamato’s stick.

But there are also very many people in the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, and Yamato has just finished fighting a wave, and another wave has come.

“Damn it! It’s really endless. Yamato looked at the endless stream of members of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, and a tyrant-colored domineering aura burst out of his body, and suddenly the pirates who were not strong fell one after another, and I have to say that the overlord-colored domineering is really a divine skill used to clear the army.

However, even if she fell a lot, there were still these hundreds of people standing, and these people who could withstand her overlord-like domineering were obviously stronger, and in the rest of the places, there would be a steady stream of pirates continuing to come.

Runda, who was beaten out and flew out, was also vomiting blood in her mouth at this time, dyeing her mask red, looking at Yamato who was fleeing, gritting her teeth and saying: “It’s abominable!” How is she so strong. “I have already resisted her attack with all my strength, but I still flew so far by her?

“Don’t think that this will defeat me, it’s not over yet!” Runtian quickly stood up, as an ancient species of ability, how could she be beaten and fall! Rushed towards Yamato again.

I saw Runtian clenching the mace in her hand and roaring lowly: “Thunder gossip…”

Yamato was shocked when she heard the name of this trick, but when she turned to defend, Yamato found that the power was not strong, and he couldn’t even make her take half a step back, and he saw clearly that the person who came was Runtian, which made Yamato breathe a sigh of relief and scolded: “What kind of thunderous gossip are you!” ”

Runtian listened and immediately scolded: “It’s noisy, why are you only allowed to use Lord Kaido’s moves, I can’t use it!” ”

“Who wants to use his moves! Under is Mitsuki Ota. Yamato shouted angrily, and with a force in his hand, pushed Runtian away.

“Since you want to be Mitsuki Ota so much, then go to the prison and be your Mitsuki Ota Field!” Runta roared at this and continued to wave her mace at Yamato.

Yamato also waved his mace to force Runtian back, and said firmly: “I finally asked for the restraints of handcuffs, as long as I leave here, I can get the real only.” ”

“Less nonsense.” Rundy roared, continuing and waving her mace.

“Let you see, this is the real thunder gossip…” Yamato shouted angrily, with a white cold aura on the mace, and rushed towards Runtian at an extreme speed: “Thunder gossip…”

‘Too fast. Runtian immediately defended, but still couldn’t defend, and the mace in his hand and Runtian’s whole person were directly sent out.

“Sister…” Peggy looked at Runtian, who flew out upside down, and said angrily: “It’s hateful! I should have hit my sister…”

“Go together, don’t give her a chance to breathe, even if she is powerful, she can’t be the opponent of so many of us.”

‘Bang bang…’ were a few more shots, but Yamato’s domineering appearance was also very strong, and he immediately dodged or defended, and the surrounding real fighters and givers also rushed towards Yamato again.

“Sister, are you okay?” Peige Wan looked at Runtian who fell to the ground, and found that Runtian’s body had begun to freeze, and immediately smashed these ices, shouting loudly: “Sister, wake up!” ”

And Runtian originally rolled her eyes, and the mask was already stained with blood, but when she was slapped by Peggy Wan, she woke up, covering her head and shouting: “It’s abominable!” It hurts! Yamato this bastard. ”

“Great.” Peggy Wan was also relieved to see Runtian sober up.

And Runtian stood up, looked at Yamato, who was besieged by a large group of people, and also shouted loudly: “This pirated thunder gossip of yours is just that!” This kind of power is at most thunderous four trigrams. ”

“Peggy Wan, let’s go together.” Saying that, Runma didn’t care about the injury and attacked Yamato again.

Yamato saw Runmei join the battle again, and also scolded: “Damn it! Run, you guy is really difficult. ”

(New book for collection).

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)


Voyage: Brutal Kaido

Voyage: Brutal Kaido


The hemp rope will break at the thinnest part, and the bad luck will only seek out the misfortune.

A terminally ill boy saw an old woman falling down on the roadside and kindly called the police. However, the old woman blackmailed her and destroyed her family. In desperation, he killed the old woman and her family. But in the end, he couldn’t even do the extreme exchange. Instead, he was imprisoned. Among them, he passed away with endless anger and pain.

After death, his soul traveled to the world of One Piece and became Kaido, the strongest creature on land, sea, and air.


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