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Voyage: Brutal Kaido — Chapter 051

The battle continued, and the surrounding troops also continued to arrive, from night to night, and the members of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group who were defeated by Yamato had reached thousands of people.

However, even if Yamato is strong, it is difficult to resist in the face of a long siege from so many people, and at this time, Runma and Peggy Wan attack again, and Yamato can only deal with it with difficulty, because she has too many opponents.

Several dark arrows were fired, but Yamato could not resist it, and was shot by the arrows of the Batman.

Yamato groaned, his body was half kneeling on the ground, and before he had time to rest, another fishing net shell hit, Yamato immediately dodged the fishing net and jumped into the air, and there was another dense rain of bullets, Yamato could only resist with armed color domineering.

“Rattlesnake venom.” At this time, the real poker also found the opportunity, using his artificial devil fruit, a huge rattlesnake bit on the arm of the big snake, and the snake’s head immediately retracted after the bite.

“Damn it!” Yamato looked at the group of hundred beasts and pirates around him, and his face became more and more ugly.

“Young Master Yamato, you can’t run, admit defeat! Even if you are powerful, you will not be able to defeat so many of us. The real poker next to him smiled sadly: “And you have also been hit by my rattlesnake venom, you have no chance of winning.” ”

Yamato was already half-kneeling on the ground at this time, with several arrows inserted in his back, his whole body was bleeding, and the mace was on the ground to force himself not to fall, seeing that the pirates around him had surrounded him, supporting the mace hard, trying to get himself up and roaring: “I still have to go to save Ace, how can I fall here!” ”

However, even if Yamato roared like this, her body had already exceeded the limit of what she could bear, originally when she fought with Kaido before, she had been seriously injured by Kaido, and although she bandaged the wound in the attic with a medical bandage, she also took a short break, but her state has been in a state of residual blood, and now she has been fighting with the Hundred Beast Pirate Group for several hours, and she can’t hold it anymore.

At this time, a huge figure rushed out, brandishing a mace to knock all the surrounding pirates out, shouting: “You are not allowed to bully Yamato.” ”

Hearing this voice, Yamato looked over and saw an ancient giant race more than sixty meters tall, with a human upper body and a horse on the lower body, running towards her with a grimace, and constantly attacking the members of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, Yamato said excitedly; “Second tooth.”

“You are not allowed to bully Yamato.” Erya roared, picked up a huge mace and shot towards the surrounding pirates, facing the war weapon of the numberer, ordinary pirates were not Erya’s opponents at all.

“Hey, what are you crazy about! Second teeth. “The surrounding group of hundred beasts and pirates fled one after another, they can’t deal with the ancient giant race like Erya, and they can trample them into meat foam with one foot.

Runtian looked at Erya and shouted loudly: “Yamato has already betrayed the Hundred Beast Pirate Group now, do you want to betray with Yamato?” ”

But Erya ignored it, and continued to wave his mace to fight back the people of the Hundred Beast Pirates, and ordinary pirates, in the face of Erya’s size, there was no way, only to scatter and flee, even if it was Runtian such flying sextuplets, it was not so easy to defeat the ancient giant race like Erya.

Yamato also jumped onto Erya’s back and said excitedly, “Erya, let’s go quickly.” ”

“Erya, stop, you guy, are you going to betray Lord Kaido?” Pei Jwan looked at Erya and immediately cursed, he had deliberately sent someone to remind Erya before, but he didn’t expect that Erya still rebelled.

Erya didn’t care at all, and completely ignored Runmei, and ran away directly.

“Damn it!” Runtian looks very angry, but in the face of such a big man as Erya, she is also difficult to deal with, for the strong, Erya those who have the ability to attack a wide range, Erya’s huge size is a live target, but Runtian does not have a unique move that can attack widely, so there is no way to deal with Erya.

“Sister, what should I do!” Peggy Wan looked at Runtie next to him and asked.

Runnian was also angry: “Fire, fire me.” “There is no way, then directly use shells, anyway, such a huge body is also a live target for shells.”

One by one, the pirates carried rocket launchers and fired at Erya, Erya was also rough and thick, and the shells fell on his body, although he felt pain, but it also made Erya even more stimulated, ran faster, directly knocked the gate of the castle open, and ran outside the castle.

Yamato said excitedly: “Great, finally come out, Erya, go to the port.” ”

Because Yamato’s domineering perception of seeing and hearing is perceived, there is a lot of breath on the port side, most of the breath is not strong, but there is a very powerful breath, it may be a real fight, or it may be flying sextuplets.

However, now that there were chasing soldiers behind, he could only continue to move forward, shouting: “Erya, hurry, let’s hurry up.” ”

Closer and closer to the port, Yamato saw that there was a bonfire in the port, which made Yamato a little curious, but after seeing the people in front of the bonfire, Yamato was dumbfounded, in front of the bonfire was Kaido and Black Maria, Monet, and a dozen wandering girls, and Kaido was here to barbecue, while waiting for Yamato, after all, the boats near Ghost Island were all removed by Kaido, and there was only one ship on the side of Onitou Port, if Yamato wanted to run away, he would definitely come here.

“Kaido, why are you here.” Yamato looked at Kaido and questioned loudly.

Just now, his own domineering did not perceive that Kaido was also here, and if he sensed that Kaido was here, he would definitely not come from throwing himself into the net.

“Now that all the ships on Ghost Island are in this port, I just need to wait for you here.” Kaido looked at Yamato with some playfulness, ate the skewer in his hand, took a sip of wine with the wine gourd next to him, and said with a sinister smile: “It’s just, what I didn’t expect was that they were so useless, and it took so much time to take you down.” ”

Yamato listened to the face very ugly, obviously he could escape from the country of Wano immediately, did not expect Kaido to stay here, Kaido ate the skewer in his hand, threw the roast skewer aside, stood up with a mace and walked towards Yamato, exuding a deep cold killing intent: “After playing for a day, you should almost go back to the cell, do you obediently go back by yourself, or do you want me to beat you up and then throw you in.” ”

(New book for collection).

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Voyage: Brutal Kaido

Voyage: Brutal Kaido


The hemp rope will break at the thinnest part, and the bad luck will only seek out the misfortune.

A terminally ill boy saw an old woman falling down on the roadside and kindly called the police. However, the old woman blackmailed her and destroyed her family. In desperation, he killed the old woman and her family. But in the end, he couldn’t even do the extreme exchange. Instead, he was imprisoned. Among them, he passed away with endless anger and pain.

After death, his soul traveled to the world of One Piece and became Kaido, the strongest creature on land, sea, and air.


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