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Voyage: Brutal Kaido — Chapter 054


“Of course.”

However, BIGMOM still had doubts: “I don’t know those words at all, how do I know that what you printed for me is the text of the red historical inscription!” ”

“Then you can ask Breen, or you yourself to come to Wano Country in person, and then I can have someone take you to the place of the red historical inscription, and it just so happens that I also have some things I want to discuss with you.” Kaido said with a cold look.

“There is something to discuss with me, what a matter!” BIGMOM SAID WITH SOME DOUBT.

“You’ll know then.” Kaido did not answer and continued to ask, “How! Will this deal work out? ”

Hearing Kaido’s words, BIGMOM was a little moved, although BIGMOM did not know the meaning of the words on the red historical inscription, but only by gathering four red historical inscriptions and translating the content on them could the exact location of the final island of Ralphdrew.

Now BIGMOM has a red historical inscription in his hand, and Kaido’s hand also has one, the third is rumored to be on a ship, and there is a man with burns on that ship, and the people of the BIGMOM pirate group call it ‘the burn man who guards the red inscription’, and whenever a ship wants to get close, there will be a whirlpool on the sea, sinking all the approaching ships into the sea, and the last stone tablet is missing.

BIGMOM asked with some curiosity: “Kaido, why did you give me the rubbings of the red historical inscription, don’t you want to become One Piece?” ”

“One Piece? I’m not interested in following Roger’s old path. Kaido snorted contemptuously and said boldly: “Lingling, if you choose to gather four stone tablets and go to Ralph Drew, even if you become One Piece, strength is the basis of everything, the reason why Roger can become One Piece is not only to reach Ralph Drew, but also more because he defeated all the strong people on the sea at that time, and the strong people on the sea also recognized his strength, so that he could become One Piece.” ”

“Only after you have the power of One Piece, you can become One Piece, not by relying on a few stone tablets to become One Piece.”

BIGMOM was also a little surprised, didn’t expect Kaido to say such words, is it a confidence in his own strength? ASKED, “KAIDO, AREN’T YOU INTERESTED IN ONEPIECE?” ”

Kaido didn’t want to talk so much nonsense with BIGMOM, and said indifferently: “Okay, don’t talk about those useless, let’s go back to the topic we just started!” Lend me Brynn. ”

BIGMOM listened to the silence for a long time, and spoke: “Okay, then in a few days I will personally take Breen to the country of Wano, and then I will see the red historical inscription with my own eyes before I believe it.” ”

“I won’t be available in a few days.” Kaido immediately refused, and re-agreed a time: “The time is set for a month later!” ”

“Huh?” BIGMOM was a little surprised and asked, “Kaido, where are you going next?” Wouldn’t it be that you wanted to go to the headquarters of the Navy! ”

“Oh, is the intention so obvious?” Kaido was also a little surprised, he didn’t expect BIGMOM to guess it all at once.

BIGMOM listened and grinned: “Oh, you really like to mess around!” Kaido. Do you want to get involved in the war between the Navy headquarters and the Whitebeard Pirates? ”

Kaido listened coldly: “I just want to test my strength, you!” At that time, if the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy headquarters go to war, this is a rare opportunity! Are you going to take the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates? ”

“Hmph, the Navy just wants to publicly execute Fire Fist Ace, and the old guy with Whitebeard is now old, whether he still has the guts to go to war with the Navy headquarters has to be said!” BIGMOM listened to a cold snort, she was not sure about Whitebeard’s actions, and changed the topic: “However, these have much to do with me. Since you’re calling today, there’s something I want to ask you. ”

“What’s going on?” Kaido said coldly.


Kaido was also a little surprised, the news of BIGMOM was learned quite quickly! Caesar had just arrived on Ghost Island yesterday, and BIGMOM had already received the news today, but Kaido did not deny it, and said coldly: “That’s right.” ”

“I spent a lot of money to let Caesar help me study the technology of gigantic human body, since Caesar is now in your hands, I don’t know if his technology has succeeded!” BIGMOM ASKED WITH SOME EXPECTATION.

Kaido frowned slightly as he listened, and the black Mary next to Kaido reminded: “Lord Kaido, I heard that there seem to be several giantized children in Caesar’s experimental subject, but the technology does not seem to be complete. ”

After listening to it, Kaido said to BIGMOM: “It seems that there is indeed a huge experiment, but it does not seem to be successful.” ”

“What? Caesar’s waste, a gigantic experiment, was invested by the old lady. BIGMOM GRINNED AND SAID, “KAIDO, GIVE ME CAESAR!” I invested a lot of money in him, and if this guy hadn’t completed the experiment on the gigantic human body, I wouldn’t have let him go. ”

Kaido listened and immediately refused: “Don’t be ridiculous, now Caesar is already my subordinate, how can I give it to you!” And billions of Baileys want to complete the gigantic human body, if it can be completed so easily, the world government will have completed it long ago. “Kaido finally got Caesar over, just to be able to master the production of SMILE, and with Caesar and Quinn joining forces, then the technology of the Hundred Beast Pirates will also be greatly improved.

BIGMOM ALSO SUDDENLY SAID ANGRILY WHEN HE HEARD THIS: “THIS GUY CAESAR TOOK BILLIONS OF BAILEY’S MONEY FROM ME, AND THE OLD LADY SPENT SO MUCH MONEY, SHE CAN’T ALL BE LOST!” The technology of the gigantic human body, Caesar originally gave me a ticket and said that it could be completed, if he could not complete it, the old lady would tear him up with her own hands. ”

Kaido was comforting: “Investment is originally made up of risk, don’t be so competitive about that kind of little thing, Lingling.” ”

BIGMOM listened angrily and said, “What did you say? Kaido, it can’t be that you want to devour the gigantic technology of the human body alone! I remember that the numberers under your command seem to be the products of the gigantic human body of Vegapunk! ”

“I’ll swallow a fart alone! You also know that the numberers under my command are the technology of Vegapunk, and Caesar’s technology is far worse than that of Vegapunk. Kaido didn’t want to talk to BIGMOM anymore, and said coldly: “Okay, Laozi is too lazy to talk to you about these things, after a while, you will come to the country of peace to ask Caesar, I am not a technician, we can talk properly after you come.” With that, Kaido hung up the phone.

“The hateful stinky little ghost dares to hang up the old lady’s phone.” BIGMOM LISTENED ANGRILY, THREW THE PHONE WORM OUT HARD, PICKED UP THE CAKE ON THE TABLE AND ATE IT ANGRILY.

(New book for collection).

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)


Voyage: Brutal Kaido

Voyage: Brutal Kaido


The hemp rope will break at the thinnest part, and the bad luck will only seek out the misfortune.

A terminally ill boy saw an old woman falling down on the roadside and kindly called the police. However, the old woman blackmailed her and destroyed her family. In desperation, he killed the old woman and her family. But in the end, he couldn’t even do the extreme exchange. Instead, he was imprisoned. Among them, he passed away with endless anger and pain.

After death, his soul traveled to the world of One Piece and became Kaido, the strongest creature on land, sea, and air.


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