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Voyage: Brutal Kaido — Chapter 077

And Kira quickly reacted: “You guys take Kidd and run.” ”

“Although they are all some ants, I can also use you to try my new trick, I feel honored!” Saying that, Kaido’s body began to change, and soon turned into a dragon human form.

For these people in the Kidd Pirates, Kaido will not treat Yamato the same, although Yamato is also an enemy of Kaido in the original work, but at least now there is still the possibility of adjustment, and she is also Kaido’s daughter, so Kaido will have some patience with Yamato, and for the Kidd Pirates, Kaido does not have that patience.

And Yamato was also surprised, the strength of these people was not even as good as her, and Kaido also had to use the human-animal form.

I saw thunder and lightning appear on Kaido’s mace, and then flames appeared, and lightning and flames gradually appeared around Kaido’s body, which made the people of Kidd’s pirate group fearful.

“Thunder fire gossip…” Kaido shouted angrily and swung his stick violently.

The thunder fire gossip smashed Kira’s body under one blow, and the powerful 20 stick gas with spark lightning and several crew members behind him killed in seconds, and the stick gas kept falling on the trunk of the No. 19 mangrove tree, and with a bang, the strong rod directly interrupted the No. 19 mangrove.

This attack frightened everyone stupidly, and the still alive Kidd Pirates also had no idea of resisting at all, and begged for mercy: “Spare your life!” Lord Kaido, we don’t dare anymore, spare us! “Don’t kill us, we’ll never appear in front of you again.”

And Kaido snorted coldly and said contemptuously; “There is a bit of the feeling of anti-aircraft guns hitting mosquitoes, and this destructive trick is a bit wasteful to use to hit them!”

Kaido’s green dragon form, in addition to allowing Kaido to turn into a green dragon to gain basic attributes such as attack power and defense power, the phantom beast species also gives Kaido Ray, Fire, Wind, and Cloud four elemental abilities.

Thunder and fire are the most commonly used by Kaido, such as thunder gossip and heat breath, wind attribute This is a unique move such as wind blade and tornado, and cloud attribute is the only one that has no attack power, only the flame cloud This ability that allows Kaido to fly in the air, at most, that is, the cloud attribute has some control ability.

But after crossing into Kaido, Kaido has been wondering if he can fuse several attributes, anyway, after the Hokage next door fuses the attributes, the power of ninjutsu will increase greatly.

So Kaido naturally wanted to try it, so that he might be able to exert more powerful power, and now after fusing, he found that the power was indeed good.

The thunder and fire gossip just now, because there is no opponent comparable to Kaido, so the single damage Kaido does not see how much stronger, but with the addition of the fire attribute, the shock wave that is hit out comes with the attributes of fire and thunder, which makes the AOE range destructive power increase a lot, which is not available in the previous thunder gossip.

Thunder Gossip is just a single attack trick, and Thunder Gossip AOE has more damage.

“However, against you little imps who don’t know the height of the sky and the earth and want to provoke me, only dead without a corpse is the best place for you.” Saying that, Kaido swung his mace again and hit the people of Kidd’s Pirates.

“Spare your life!” “Run away! I don’t want to die…” “Don’t kill us!” ”

Bang bang Kaido mace knocked down, as if hitting whack-a-mole, one by one, and after knocking them down, Kaido also continued to go up to make up for it, until all the heads of everyone in the Kidd Pirate Group were smashed, and the red and white blood brain pulp on the ground mixed together, looking very disgusting.

The eight fasts in Kaido’s hand flicked off, shaking off the blood on it, looking at the dozens of headless corpses that fell to the ground at this time, their heads had been smashed into mosaics by maces, and said contemptuously: “In this case, you can’t be sit-ups!” ”

At this point, the Kidd Pirates have all been destroyed, and there are two fewer people here in the Extremely Evil Era.

Drawing on the experience of Kaido’s defeat in the original book, after Kaido defeats his opponent, he has to spend a little time mending the knife to avoid the opponent having the opportunity to sit-up.

In the original work, the reason why the Straw Hat Pirates and the samurai of their alliance were able to defeat the combination of the Hundred Beast Pirates and the BIGMOM Pirates was by sit-ups.

“Father, my lord, why do you have to kill them, they don’t pose a threat to you!” Yamato, who followed Kaido, looked at the Kidd Pirates who died tragically, and his fear of Kaido increased a little.

Kaido looked at Yamato and said grimly: “Yamato, this sea is so cruel, don’t you say you want to go to sea!” This kind of thing, when you go to sea, you will see a lot, there is nothing to fuss about. ”

“What’s more, they also want to take off my head and treat the enemy mercifully, that is cruelty to themselves.”

Yamato was silent when he heard this, and he had a new understanding of Kaido’s cruelty, and at the same time, he wanted to get rid of Kaido’s control even more, and asked in a low voice: “Father, there are less than six hours left before Ace’s execution, when do we leave!” ”

“What’s the hurry! Lao Tzu has also consumed a lot of physical strength from crossing the Red Earth Continent, of course, he also has to rest and recover, and haven’t you already watched the live broadcast just now? Fire Fist Ace hasn’t come out yet! Let’s find a place to rest before talking about 300! Saying that, Kaido carried the mace to Yamato and said, “Let’s go!” I’ll take you to meet someone again, if you want to rescue Ace, you need to find the help of a strong man, of course, his attitude is likely to be the same as that of the redhead. ”

Yamato immediately asked, “Father-sama, who did you say you were going to meet?” ”

“You’ll know when you get there.” Kaido did not answer, but beckoned Yamato to follow him, and Beck’s pirate group did not dare to mention the idea of wanting to join Kaido, this Kaido is too cruel, making him, a pirate who has been at sea for several years, feel afraid, the supernova pirate group with a bounty of more than 300 million, was simply destroyed by Kaido, is this the strength of the four emperors?

After Kaido left, dozens of bounty hunters also appeared, looking at the headless corpse on the ground and saying in fear: “This is also too cruel!” Is this the Four Emperors Kaido? “Originally, these people were bounty hunters who wanted to take Kaido’s head, and after seeing the tragic death of the Kidd Pirates, they were all daunted, watching the back of Kaido leaving one by one.

Captain Kidd, but currently on the Chambord Islands, the bounty payer with the highest bounty, even a strong man like him, facing Kaido is a tragic death, how can they have the courage to hunt Kaido

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Voyage: Brutal Kaido

Voyage: Brutal Kaido


The hemp rope will break at the thinnest part, and the bad luck will only seek out the misfortune.

A terminally ill boy saw an old woman falling down on the roadside and kindly called the police. However, the old woman blackmailed her and destroyed her family. In desperation, he killed the old woman and her family. But in the end, he couldn’t even do the extreme exchange. Instead, he was imprisoned. Among them, he passed away with endless anger and pain.

After death, his soul traveled to the world of One Piece and became Kaido, the strongest creature on land, sea, and air.


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