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Voyage: Brutal Kaido — Chapter 082

Probably looked at the combat effectiveness of dozens of major navies, the combat effectiveness of the vice admiral is somewhat uneven, the strength is strong with the imperial deputy level, the weak strength is the flying sextuplet level, and the giant race basically has the combat power of the flying sextuplets, the weakness of the giant race is also obvious, that is, the size is huge, easy to become a live target.

This is also why Kaido will reduce the strength and increase the speed of the form after the awakening of the Green Dragon Fruit, more to reduce the body size. With the same strength, the smaller the size, the greater the advantage.

However, after reading the combat effectiveness assessments of dozens of navies, Kaido found that the probability of wanting to appear overlord-colored domineering in the navy is very low, and the entire navy seems to be only Marshal Warring States alone with overlord-colored domineering, and even Hero Karp and the three major admirals do not have overlord-colored domineering.

On the other hand, in the Seven Martial Seas under the King, three out of five people have overlord-colored domineering.

Kaido can also roughly understand why, after all, soldiers take obeying orders as their duty, and pay attention to the difference between rules and tops and bottoms, even if some navies have overlord-colored domineering when they first join, but the long-term mechanical version of obeying orders and the rules of the navy 21 will also wear out the kingly spirit on their bodies.

On the other hand, on the pirate’s side, there are a group of lawless people, completely disregarding the law, self-centered, and naturally having more overlord-colored domineering.

However, even if there are almost no overlord-colored domineering owners in the navy, the systematic training of the navy is not comparable to pirates, and their training will generally be harder than that of pirates, which is why the three generals can have combat power that is not lost to the four emperors even if they do not have overlord-colored domineering.

Why Karp does not have a devil fruit, just cultivation and domineering, and when he was young, he also had the combat effectiveness of a strong general and a royal level, because the training of the navy is more scientific than that of pirates.

Moreover, Kaido just took a look at the combat effectiveness of ordinary soldiers, even ordinary soldiers are cannon fodder-level combat power, and there is no such combat power floor as ant-level combat power.

Like the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, most of the waiters are ant-level combat power, and there is still a bit of a gap compared with the navy.

“Kaido, are you really here to put out Fire Fist Ace?” Sengoku asked, looking at Kaido in the sky.

Although Kaido’s daughter may have come to save Ace, is Kaido really for this purpose? Will come to the headquarters of the Navy in order to save people.

After coming back to his senses, Kaido looked at the Warring States and them, Kaido is flying high enough now that he is basically not threatened by the navy, and ridiculed: “Oh, isn’t this the Marshal of the Warring States?” Didn’t I hear that you were going to execute Fire Fist Ace, so I came to watch the execution? ”

“It’s just that the Whitebeard Pirates have never come!”

Sengoku looked at Kaido and asked loudly, “Kaido, is there any agreement between you and Whitebeard?” Or Whitebeard let you come. ”

“Less, Whitebeard doesn’t have that qualification.” Kaido listened contemptuously: “I’m just too idle, that’s why I came over, if I have to say what the purpose is, I don’t want to miss such a big war, come and hold a personal scene, as for whether Fire Fist Ace is dead or alive, I’m not interested!” ”

Yamato listened and suddenly became angry and said, “Hey, didn’t you say that you would help me save Ace?” ”

Kaido listened to the cold voice and said: “Can you rescue Ace and only watch you and the Whitebeard Pirates, okay, wait for Whitebeard to come!” ”

Hearing Kaido’s words, the green pheasant said with some seriousness: “It seems that it is somewhat troublesome to want to execute Fire Fist Ace this time!” There is an extra four emperors to face, but fortunately Kaido is only alone. ”

Chi Dog said very unceremoniously: “Hmph, it’s just one more four emperors, and when the time comes, it will be solved together.” ”

The yellow ape still looked light: “I’m afraid it won’t be that simple, the four emperors are not so easy to deal with, Sakaski.” ”

“Borusalino, why don’t you go and beat Kaido down first!” Chi Inu looked at the yellow ape next to him and spoke.

The yellow ape was also a little helpless: “I’m afraid this is a bit difficult!” After all, the opponent is Kaido, he can fly in the sky, I can’t stay in the air for a long time! ”

Suddenly, the Navy headquarters sounded the alarm, and immediately a navy informed through the telephone worm: “Alarm, alarm, twenty miles away from the naval headquarters, a large number of pirate groups under the white-bearded pirate group are found approaching, please prepare for battle immediately, again, please be ready for battle immediately.” ”

All of a sudden, the navy in the square was ready for the battle, the Warring States listened and frowned, it was time to come, and now the situation is worse than originally expected, not only to deal with the white-bearded pirate group, but also to deal with the hundred beasts Kaido, you must know that Kaido is also the monster with the strongest name.

“Did you see the Moby Dick of the Whitebeard Pirates?” Sengoku asked to the signal soldier below the execution table.

“I haven’t found it yet.”

And Yamato, who was standing on Kaido’s head, was also standing tall and looking far away at this time, and she also found a pirate ship coming over early, and said excitedly: “Is that 327, the Whitebeard Pirates?” They have finally arrived. ”

In the inland sea of the Crescent Bay of Marin Fandor, bubbles bubbles appeared one after another underwater, which attracted the attention of the navy, and when the Warring States saw this, the corners of their eyes twitched a little, such a huge blister, I’m afraid there is something underneath.

Not only the Warring States, but also the senior admirals of the rest of the navy also thought of it, sure enough, there were more and more blisters in the inland sea of Crescent Bay, and a black shadow could gradually be seen on the sea surface about to surface, and the next moment, three huge pirate ships emerged from the bottom of the sea and appeared in front of everyone’s eyes.

“Damn it! It was entered directly from the bottom of the sea. “Warring States said with an ugly face, these four emperors are really unusual! Kaido’s coming to Marin Fando was beyond his expectations, and Whitebeard would enter the inland sea of Crescent Bay directly from the bottom of the sea was also something he did not expect, so the defenses he arranged in the outer waters of Crescent Bay were meaningless, and he could only deal with those pirate groups under his command.

“It’s the Whitebeard Pirates.” “That’s the captains.” “But where is Whitebeard!” The navy also became nervous when they saw the appearance of the Whitebeard Pirates.

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Voyage: Brutal Kaido

Voyage: Brutal Kaido


The hemp rope will break at the thinnest part, and the bad luck will only seek out the misfortune.

A terminally ill boy saw an old woman falling down on the roadside and kindly called the police. However, the old woman blackmailed her and destroyed her family. In desperation, he killed the old woman and her family. But in the end, he couldn’t even do the extreme exchange. Instead, he was imprisoned. Among them, he passed away with endless anger and pain.

After death, his soul traveled to the world of One Piece and became Kaido, the strongest creature on land, sea, and air.


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