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Voyage: Brutal Kaido — Chapter 100

Su Jiuling took two steps back, and was tied up by Song Mu with the golden light of the protective body, and dragged to the front.

And the red girl, Xiaoqing, also arrived one after another, giving Song Mu another opportunity to tyrannize the whole audience in 1V5, killing and killing, which was extremely exciting.

Afterwards, through a group interview,

Song Mu finally understood.

Idle on weekdays with nothing to do,

Su Jiuling was either rubbing mahjong with several other ladies, or reading various novels with Hua Ling, or going to the theater with the red girl and so on.

A few days after coming to Changsha City,

Too many new things, it really allowed Su Jiuling, the fox demon, to open up a lot of insight, and even learned a lot of strange things.

For this,

Song Mu just cried and laughed, but he didn’t think it was a bad thing.

As for cultivation or something…

Doesn’t matter!

Now he has the body of [Liuku Immortal Thief],

And Song Mu provides a large amount of vitality essence every day, even if Su Jiuling does not take the initiative to cultivate, the speed of strength improvement is definitely not slow!

The next morning.

Several elite dead men stood in front of Song Mu,

Be ready to take all orders!

“Report to the master!”

“There is a little about partridge, 04 has not detected the corresponding results for the time being, but we have found some clues and are investigating urgently.”

“In addition, this family development plan, please take a look!”

While saying,

Song Yi took out a plan and handed it to Song Mu.

“It’s quite efficient.”

Song Mu nodded in satisfaction.

After casually flipping through the plan,

Song Mu knew in his heart that he would hand over the development of the entire family to Song Yi and these people… Definitely a smart move!


Nominally belongs to Song Mu’s territory,

In fact, there is only the area of the old mine,

This land is certainly very large, but it is not easy to completely control it, if it cannot be controlled, air leakage on all sides is the norm!

“Is the first goal to expel the Fuso people from the old mine area?”

“Change the target.”

Song Mu glanced at Song Yi and said lightly: “Don’t expel, kill directly on the spot, now that this land has been transferred from the Huo family to my hands, then the previous mining contracts are all nullified!” “

Between words,

The puppet, Su Er, appeared in front of everyone.

“The clean-up operation in the area of the old mine, Su Er will follow you.”

Double order, give!

The reason why the puppet-Su Er is coordinated is also because among the current first and second generation puppets, only Su Er has the magic skill of [Spirit Dispatch General]!


The puppet-Su Er is also able to store a large number of spirit bodies.


It is also convenient for Song Mu to devour and absorb these spirit bodies in the future and strengthen himself.

After carefully looking at the schedule,

Song Mu nodded slightly, very satisfied: “There is nothing wrong with the other plans, all of them are key measures, not bad!” “

“That’s right.”

While saying,

Song Mu put down the schedule and spoke: “There are two things that you need to do today, I will hand over the task to you first, and who will come to the door, you will discuss it yourself.” “

The ten squad leaders nodded respectfully and answered: “Yes, family master!” “

“First, Hi Post.”

“Today is the day I put a wedding banquet for Madame Hong, and I still use the same way as yesterday, so I must give all the notices in place.”

“Second, negotiate contracts and buy supplies.”

Song Mu pointed to several lists of materials on the table and added, “Since you have already investigated the composition of Changsha City’s forces, you must have also found out the various channels that Lao Jiumen possessed. “

“Raw materials such as ore and copper and iron.”

“All kinds of heavenly materials and earth treasures, medicinal herbs.”

“There are also supplies such as arms, which I need recently, and I will change the list of materials as appropriate after the first purchase.”

After listening to Song Mu’s order,

Song Yidang nodded first, and said in a deep voice: “Please rest assured that we will handle matters such as procurement properly!” “

“Okay, let’s go.”

Song Mu waved his hand and didn’t say more.

The ten squad leaders bowed respectfully and retreated.

“It’s really good…” (Read the violent novel, just go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

“There is such a vote of elite dead soldiers under my command, which saves me an unknown amount of mental effort.”

Song Mu couldn’t help but sigh.

He had already read the family development plan,

I have to say that every stage and every plan in it can be said to perfectly fit Song Mu’s ideas!

Expand territory,

develop strength,

Swallow the market!

And these things don’t need Song Mu to bother at all, or do it himself, and every plan has a squad leader to deal with and solve.

“I forgot to let Song Yi go to find out about Chang Shengshan.”

“After careful calculation, it has been a few days since I settled in Changsha City, and I don’t know that Chen Yulou brought this force of Chang Shengshan… How is it going now? “

Song Mu pondered for a while, but did not think much about it.

To say that Chen Yulou is not a fuel-saving lamp,

The reason why it was attributed to Song Mu in Bottle Mountain was also because the boundary of Bottle Mountain, including the Yuan Dynasty tomb, gave Chen Yulou too much shock and directly erased his pride!

Because of this,

Song Mucai was willing to take Chang Shengshan’s force into his own hands, and he was also willing to let Chen Yulou take care of it and carry out his more far-reaching plans!

Purchasing a large number of ores, natural materials and earth treasures and munitions and other materials,

It’s not just Song Mu who uses it for cultivation,

There is also the purpose of arming the forces of Chang Shengshan!


It will take some time.

Big waves,

You have to wash off a batch of floating dust first,

Only those who remain after that can be exercised into real money.

Turning his gaze,

Song Mu picked up the second document on the table, only a few pages, and the personal information recorded on it was all from the Huo family.

433 “Hmm… Huo Xiangu, is she only seventeen years old at the moment? But the age is almost the same, you can consider being included in the harem. “

“The relationship with Huo Jinxi as an aunt and nephew is good.”

A simple glance,

Song Mu was going to find a time to go to the Huo family, and he could see this fairy of the Huo family with his own eyes, what kind of appearance was it?!

When you turn to the next two pages,

But it made Song Mu also stunned, and his eyes froze: “Huo Ling? Huo Xiuxiu? “

“It’s really wonderful, Huo Ling and Huo Xiuxiu in this world are not from the same bloodline as Huo Xiangu, but cousins?”

“It’s a pity that these two are still young, and the gap is a little big.”

To say or not to say,

This information of the clansmen from the Huo family,

It really surprised Song Mu, but according to his guess, this should also be because of his appearance that changed the trajectory of Huo Jinxi’s fate!

If it develops according to the original book,

Then the later Huo Xiangu will replace Huo Jinxi and become the head of the Huo family, and later give birth to Huo Ling’s daughter.

As for Huo Xiuxiu,

I don’t know when it will appear!

And right now…

“This is quite good news, but it’s a pity that Huo Ling is only ten years old, and Huo Xiuxiu is still in her infancy.”


With this in mind,

Song Mu couldn’t help but think more, and secretly pondered: “Since Huo Ling has appeared in this era in advance, then as her friend… Chen Wenjin, has he also appeared in advance?! “。


Voyage: Brutal Kaido

Voyage: Brutal Kaido


The hemp rope will break at the thinnest part, and the bad luck will only seek out the misfortune.

A terminally ill boy saw an old woman falling down on the roadside and kindly called the police. However, the old woman blackmailed her and destroyed her family. In desperation, he killed the old woman and her family. But in the end, he couldn’t even do the extreme exchange. Instead, he was imprisoned. Among them, he passed away with endless anger and pain.

After death, his soul traveled to the world of One Piece and became Kaido, the strongest creature on land, sea, and air.


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