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Voyage: Brutal Kaido — Chapter 105

Four Nine Cities,

Headquarters of the Fuso Chamber of Commerce.


“The strongholds we left behind in the area of the old mine were all uprooted by the Song family? That’s a few hundred Fuso elites! Only one person escaped back!! “

President Ichiro Inuyama was furious.

Several Fuso people around all bowed ninety degrees, trembling, and did not dare to put a single fart.

The contents of the telegram on the table,

Clearly recognizable.

A total of thirty-two strongholds deployed in the area of the old mine were all swept away by the Song family in Changsha City, and only one of the hundreds of elites managed to escape!

In the corner of the side,

A woman whose whole body was hidden in the darkness spoke softly: “President, the person who escaped by luck should have been deliberately let go to report the message.” “

“I know, Miss Hyako Ona!”

Ichiro Inuyama was a little irritable.

After pacing in place for a few laps,

Inuyama Ichiro, who was hesitant, finally made up his mind and said in a deep voice: “Now immediately notify the No. 1 special Shinobi, and the whole team will be mobilized to stand by!” “

“In addition…”

“Shout that ghost knife pill from our Inuyama family also 04!”

Hearing this,

The surrounding Fuso people were immediately taken aback.

It is necessary to dispatch Fusant Te Shinobu!

and a fast sword samurai who is famous in the territory of Fuso, Oni Dao Maru!

“President, how do you reply to the Beautiful Chamber of Commerce?”

Hona Hyakoko’s voice remained calm, and continued: “As far as I know, the Beautiful Chamber of Commerce seems to want to participate in our operation this time. “

Inuyama Ichiro sneered and scolded, “A bunch of damn wild dogs who smell meat!” Trying to seize the land of Changsha City? Not so easy! “

“All the Fuso elites who participated in this operation tonight, all set off!”

“Give priority to cleaning up the Song family in the area of the old mine, since they dare to kill our elite warriors, they will first take their Song family!!”

Everyone around them responded in unison: “Yes, President!” “

Inuyama Ichiro waved his hand and motioned for everyone to leave.

Bend down again,

Studying the map of Changsha Castle and its surroundings, Inuyama Ichiro studied very devotedly, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

For a long time,

Inuyama Ichiro then looked at the woman in the corner, Hyako Ohna.

“Miss Dana Hyakuko, I need you to lead a few people who are best at assassination to infiltrate the Song family’s mansion and kill Song Mu and all his family.”

“According to my guess…”

Inuyama Ichiro paused and said in a deep voice: “The person who killed the Changsha City Branch Chamber of Commerce at that time should be Song Mu!” “

“This operation will be dangerous, and I hope you will wait if necessary… Unlock the seal, don’t leave your hands behind, understand!! “

In the face of Inuyama’s undisguised ruthlessness,

Dana Hyako nodded lightly and responded in a calm tone: “I will come back to see you with Song Mu’s head, President Inuyama.” “

The voice gradually fell,

And the hot and vague figure of Dana Hyakoko,

It also gradually disappeared into the darkness in the corner, without a trace.



“Husband, is this Bai Qiaozhai?”

“It seems that they also seem to be the style of Miaozhai, but I don’t know how the people here are, and they are also xenophobic like the Miaozhai over there in Old Xiongling?”

Hua Ling looked around curiously.

Song Mu was also silently observing, nodding and said, “In fact, the Miao villages on either side are similar, and they are more wary of the Han people.” “

“But the Baiqiao Village over here is slightly better, and there are many Han people living in it.”

All the way from Changsha City to Baiqiao Village,

The Fusang people who died at the hands of Song Mu and their group,

That’s hundreds of numbers.

There are also thirty-two Fuso strongholds that have been uprooted!

This also made Song Mu very unhappy.

Although he had long known that the territory on this side of the old mine was very large, it was difficult to completely guard it, but Song Mu did not expect that the Fusang people had infiltrated so much!

If it weren’t for the fact that this land was in Song Mu’s hands,

If it weren’t for the three hundred elite dead soldiers,

Song Mu wanted to completely eat the old mine territory, it was very difficult!

But it’s fine,

Thirty-two strongholds, hundreds of Fuso.

After the real knife and real gun were fought, their combat effectiveness was too poor, and they were not interested in letting Song Mu take a look at it at all!

Because, of course… (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The sixty dead soldiers who traveled with Song Mu were too strong in battle!

Almost everyone has a protective golden body,

They have all taken body refining potions, comprehended ancient martial arts killing techniques and other means, even if it is a head-on collision, sixty people are not worth hundreds at all!

The kung fu of speaking,

Song Er came to the front with a person from Bai Qiaozhai.

“This must be Mu Ye, right?”

“Hello Mu Ye! Introduce yourself, people send nickname bags to inquire, with half Han and half Bai Qiao’s bloodline! If you have anything to know, I must know everything! “

This person, named Bao Dai, spoke unrestrained and very generous.

Capable people in this business,

All of them are full of vision,

And the best at seeing people and talking about people, the main thing is a smooth way to deal with people!

“Okay, there’s nothing wrong with taking us into the village, right?”

Song Mu asked lightly.

Bao immediately patted his chest and nodded: “Don’t worry, Mu Ye, the relationship we have operated over the years is not simple, and if you want to enter the village, it is a nodding effort!” “

Seeing this,

Song Mu didn’t say much.

The group rode their horses separately and entered Baiqiao Village.

Of course, it is also because,

If you drive a spaceship and sixty jet motorcycles directly into it, it is too high-profile, and it is easy to attract attention, but it is not beautiful.

Before the situation is clearly explored,

Song Mu is not very convenient to directly lead people to do it.

All the way into Baiqiao Village,

But Song Mu also had to admire,

The relationship in this bag inquiring about the hand is indeed very good, and these more than sixty people came in, but they did not encounter a single obstruction!

Walk to the central area of Baiqiao Village, 270

You can see that there are quite a few Baiqiaozhai people gathered there.

Sensing Song Mu’s line of sight,

Bao inquired and hurriedly said: “You also saw, Mu Ye, the group of people standing on the stage are the porters who were selected this time to go to the holy land to worship the holy tree!” “

“Originally, the candidates for these porters should be Bai Qiaozhai’s people.”

“But somehow, all of these people were replaced by the Great Protector for foreigners.”

Hearing this,

Song Mu nodded slightly, a little puzzled: “Worship the sacred tree? As far as I know, if nothing major happened in your Baiqiao Village, you wouldn’t usually go to worship the Holy Tree, right? “

Bao was stunned when he inquired.

But he didn’t expect it,

Song Mu also knew their custom of worshiping the sacred tree in Baiqiao Village?

“Mu Ye is really knowledgeable!”

Bao inquired and patted a, and said in a low voice; “This is also because recently, many Baiqiaozhai people have died of a very evil insect disease… That’s why we worship the sacred tree to eliminate the heavenly punishment! “

Song Mu couldn’t help but smile.

Worship the sacred tree,

Eliminate the scourge of God?

“It’s really ignorant.”

Song Mu sighed lightly in his heart and shook his head slightly: “But it’s normal, in this era, uncivilized people account for the vast majority.” “

The words did not fall,

Su Jiuling on the side gently pulled Song Mu’s sleeves and said softly: “Husband, look at it quickly~!” A very temperamental woman came out over there~! “

“Gee, look at this white skin and beautiful appearance… Husband, are you moved~~? “。


Voyage: Brutal Kaido

Voyage: Brutal Kaido


The hemp rope will break at the thinnest part, and the bad luck will only seek out the misfortune.

A terminally ill boy saw an old woman falling down on the roadside and kindly called the police. However, the old woman blackmailed her and destroyed her family. In desperation, he killed the old woman and her family. But in the end, he couldn’t even do the extreme exchange. Instead, he was imprisoned. Among them, he passed away with endless anger and pain.

After death, his soul traveled to the world of One Piece and became Kaido, the strongest creature on land, sea, and air.


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