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Voyage: Brutal Kaido — Chapter 107

When I arrived at the bag to inquire about the accommodation prepared in advance,

Song Er and Song San completely controlled the surroundings, and it was not difficult for the sixty people to control these private houses.

“Fu-kun~! Drink tea. “

Su Jiuling’s cup for Song Mu was filled with hot tea.

Hua Ling was pressing Song Mu’s shoulder while feeling the electric current of numbness spread throughout her body, and she was adapting to the new special training content in advance.

“Husband, this Bai Qiao Zhai’s big toast Shi Huaichan…”

“I guess it’s boring now, right?”

The red girl held her cheeks, looked at Song Mu and said: “Not only do you have to control the entire Baiqiao Village, but you also have to beware of the Great Protector against the water, heck.” “

“It’s a bit like Huo Jinxi was the head of the Huo family before.”

In this regard,

Song Mu nodded slightly, and spoke: “This is indeed the case, although Baiqiaozhai is only a Miao village, the scale is not small. “

“Calculated carefully, it is actually more difficult than Huo Jinxi controlling a family.”

Mention this stubble,

Song Mu recalled the scene on the high platform at that time, and couldn’t help but sigh and said, “Shi Huaichan’s current situation is quite difficult. “

“And that Great Protector has confidence in his hands and backers behind him, so naturally he has to press step by step.”

Su Jiu Lingwu played with his foxtail chatteringly, and chuckled: “Then just kill the Great Protector?” Once and for all~! “

The red girl nodded in agreement, but shook her head again.

“It’s not that simple.”

“It’s very simple to kill the Great Protector, you can kill it by finding a random head, but unfortunately, Shi Huaichan’s hands seem to have no one available.”


Song Mu sneered and said in a low voice: “Someone is supporting the Great Protector, maybe it is the Fusang people or someone else.” “

For cases where this is not accurate,

However, Song Mu had already arranged for someone to investigate.

Message from probing to callback,

It will take a little more time.

“Understood, husband-kun.”

“Not only to ensure that you can kill this Great Protector, but also to ensure that Bai Qiaozhai will not have that weird insect disease again, so that it can be justified, right?”

The red girl reacted quite quickly.

Song Mu nodded with a smile,

pinched the flower spirit beside him.

“Hmm… What’s wrong husband-kun? “

The two sides of the flower spirit were rosy, and there was a fine sweat on her forehead, obviously still immersed in some kind of afterglow and had not recovered.

Song Mu smiled and pulled Hua Ling into his arms, and said in a low voice: “I have seen so many corpses of Fusang people along the way, and I have also seen that kind of insect disease, do you have a countermeasure?” “

Hua Ling snorted, very proud: “There is a countermeasure for a long time, husband!” Just a pair of broken insects with white flowers and grass, just take it! “

“Awesome.” Song Mu nodded in satisfaction.

To talk about the aspect of medical pharmacology,

Hua Ling is indeed extremely talented and knows this well!

All the way from the old mine area to Baiqiao Village,

Just by observing, Hua Ling had already understood what was the situation of those Fuso people infected with insect disease, and thought of countermeasures early!


Hua Ling can imagine,

But it doesn’t mean that others can think of it.

Talent this thing,

There is still a gap between the master and the master!

“Isn’t this a safe hold?”

Su Jiuling rubbed Song Mu’s earlobe and said in a low voice: “If there is really someone who can assist Shi Huaichan and firmly sit in the position of the Great Tusi, then only the husband can do it~~!” “

Without waiting for Song Mu to speak,

Song Er’s voice came from outside the door: “Report the master!” Bai Qiao Zhai big toast arrived! “

“Let her in.”

Song Mu sighed.

This really means that Cao Cao arrived, and it was a coincidence!

The three ladies around them were also with each other, quickly sorting out their clothes, which was obviously the competitive spirit between women.


The door opens.

Shi Huaichan walked into the room,

Suddenly his eyes were stunned.

The three ladies sitting next to Song Mu,

Whether it is a pure and lovely flower spirit,

Or a mature and stable red girl,

Or Su Jiuling, who is enchanting to the bone,

All of them brought Shi Huaichan a very big visual shock (afff)!! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Such three beauties, searching the world is also the level of one in a million, and all of them are close to this Song family master?”

“Huh… This Song family master is also good-looking, with a good temperament…”

Just this first glance,

Shi Huaichan’s heart swelled with a small mutter.

As everyone knows,

In just a few seconds,

From Song Mu to Hua Ling, and then from the red girl to Su Jiuling, Shi Huaichan, who was dressed in casual clothes at the moment, looked at seven seven eight eight!

Dressed in crisp civilian clothes,

Just right to reveal Shi Huaichan’s white skin and beauty, and also shows her extraordinary waist and body, absolutely excellent!


The divine temperament cultivated by the position of the great toast for a long time,

But because Shi Huaichan changed into civilian clothes, he eliminated even half a point, which is a lot of points in Song Mu’s eyes!

“Welcome the Song family master to come from afar as a guest.”

“Just don’t know… The head of the Song family came to my Baiqiao Village this time, what is the pointer? “

In the end, it is also the big toast of Baiqiao Zhai,

Shi Huaichan was not a vase, and when she adjusted her demeanor, she smiled and asked, “Wouldn’t it be that you came to embarrass me on purpose, Master Song?” “

The courtesy of meeting does not seem distant,

Open but unconcealed temptation,

The distinction between politeness and temptation is extremely uncomfortable, but these words came out of Shi Huaichan’s mouth, but it made Song Mu feel good.

At the very least,

Without the slightest hostility.

Song Mu raised his eyebrows slightly, and said with a smile: “Pointers, it’s not a matter of talking.” “

“But right now that time is urgent, I will directly open the skylight with you and say bright words, what does the big toast mean?”

Hearing this,

Shi Huaichan nodded and sat down, looking at Song Mu with a calm face: “I don’t know what the Song family master means?” Want to help me solve the trouble of Bai Qiaozhai right now? “

“I believe that what happened in the village today, the Song family master has already seen it.”

“With your strength, it is not difficult to see that my current situation is a little embarrassing, if the Song family master can help me solve these troubles…”

With that said,

Shi Huaichan’s mind can be described as keen!

After all, this Bai Qiaozhai up and down,

are in Shi Huaichan’s eyes and ears,

Song Mu, these more than sixty people came to Bai Qiaozhai, how could she not know when she was Huaichan?!


Shi Huaichan didn’t know,

What is Song Mu’s scheme!

“It’s easy to solve these troubles of yours.”

“It’s nothing more than to justifiably do the Great Protector, and to ensure that that the weird insect disease will not affect Bai Qiaozhai, right?”

Hearing Song Mu’s sharp opening,

Shi Huaichan’s heart sank.

Being able to point out the problem so concisely means that Song Mu has a solution long ago, which also means… Song Mu’s plan may be even bigger!

“Why, until now, you are afraid of Shi Huaichan?”

“Don’t worry.”

Song Mu looked at Shi Huaichan with a calm face, and said lightly: “There are not many plots I have plotted, one is you, and the other is the thousand-year-old sacred tree of your Baiqiao Village!” “。


Voyage: Brutal Kaido

Voyage: Brutal Kaido


The hemp rope will break at the thinnest part, and the bad luck will only seek out the misfortune.

A terminally ill boy saw an old woman falling down on the roadside and kindly called the police. However, the old woman blackmailed her and destroyed her family. In desperation, he killed the old woman and her family. But in the end, he couldn’t even do the extreme exchange. Instead, he was imprisoned. Among them, he passed away with endless anger and pain.

After death, his soul traveled to the world of One Piece and became Kaido, the strongest creature on land, sea, and air.


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