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Voyage: Brutal Kaido — Chapter 110

“Found a hundred beasts Kaido, it’s a pirate, attack.” The three pacifists also noticed Kaido at this time, and the laser began to condense in his mouth, and the BIU shot over.

“Father, be careful.” Yamato looked at it and reminded.

And Kaido did not dodge, stretched out his palm to quickly block, and directly fanned out the three laser rays, and the three places that fell behind Kaido exploded, which shocked the pirates under the surrounding white-bearded pirate group.

Then Kaido moved, rushed towards the pacifist, and three consecutive sticks fell on the pacifist, and the three pacifists exploded in response.

Kaido was holding a pacifist in one hand, and Dragon Tail was rolling up a pacifist, looking at a pirate ship in the distance, and said to Yamato: “Yamato, keep up.” -“

“Oh.” When Yamato heard this, he immediately followed, and now that Ace is dead, she is also very injured now, and she can’t think about the rest except to escape.

The first time she set sail, she had the first person she wanted to save, but in the end, she could only see Ace die in front of her, which made Yamato’s heart very uncomfortable.

And at this time, the whole Marin Fando suddenly shook the mountain, Yamato looked back, the scene in front of her shocked her, heaven and earth were like a mirror, a large area of cracks appeared, the entire ground began to tilt thirty degrees, and the sea in the distance could be seen began to tilt, even reaching forty-five degrees.

“Is this the power of Uncle Whitebeard?” Yamato looked over and found that the whitebeard at this time was missing half of his head, and at the same time, the whitebeard’s shocking fist also hit the body of the general Akainu, apparently just this shot fell on the body of the red dog.

Half a minute later, the red dog’s body fell from mid-air, the ground was completely shattered, and the red dog was seriously injured by Whitebeard again after being injured by Kai, and his body slipped into the crack weakly.

“Cough cough…” Whitebeard coughed again, just half of his head was punched off by the red dog with a punch, Whitebeard knew that he had not lasted long, Ace was dead, and if they stayed in Marin Fandor, they would only die more, shouting: “All the Whitebeard Pirates obey the order, everyone will return immediately, and all of you will return to the New World alive.” “

“Daddy…” “Daddy, what should you do!” “yes! Daddy, if we want to go, we have to go together. The members of the Whitebeard Pirates were also in tears at this time.

Whitebeard raised his fist again, and the shock wave appeared on his fist, and roared angrily: “I am the remnant of the era, the new era, and there is no ship that can carry me.” “

“Let’s go! Little ones…” Whitebeard roared, and swung his punch again, the powerful vibration wave once again made the entire Marin Fando begin to vibrate, and the ground began to break constantly because of Whitebeard’s attack, and there were more and more cracks, if it were not for the fact that there were now green pheasants freezing the sea near Marin Fandor with ice, maybe there would be seawater pouring in.

Sengoku looked at Whitebeard’s crazy destruction, and cursed: “Abominable! Whitebeard, this guy, wants to sink the whole Marin Fandor into the sea. “

And on the periphery of Marin Fandor, at this time, Kaido had already taken Yamato to a ship of the pirate group under the whitebeard pirate group, and on this pirate ship, there were already dozens of pirates, and after seeing Kaido’s arrival, he was immediately surprised: “Hundred Beast Kaido, why are you here!” “

“This is, those human weapons.” Watching Kaido throw three pacifists on the ship, this surprised these pirates, how strong these human weapons are, these pirate groups under them are clear that even if they add up to a boat, they may not be able to defeat a pacifist, and Kaido killed three at once.

“Hurry up and leave Marin Fandor.” Kaido looked at the pirate group under the white-bearded pirate group and ordered.

“But our people haven’t come up yet!” At this time, a pirate on the ship who seemed to be a cadre boldly spoke.

“Well, now we requisitioned this ship.” The mace in Kaido’s hand was on the deck, and he said coldly: “Whitebeard has already held the will to die today, it is absolutely impossible for him to leave Marin Fando alive, give you two choices, the first, join my command, and then sail away, the second, I will kill you all, I will sail away myself.” “

Hearing Kaido’s words, these pirates swallowed their spit, and they had no doubt about the authenticity of Kaido’s words.

And Yamato was silent when she heard Kaido’s words, through this trip to the sea, she also saw the cruelty of the sea, but she still plucked up the courage to ask: “Father, let’s go like this, what will happen to the Whitebeard Pirates!” “

“God knows, it’s none of our business, and besides, you can’t manage it, if you want to save them, you’d better give up!” You can’t save it. Kaido said lightly.

Yamato was silent again when he listened, Kaido ignored Yamato, looked at the pirates on the ship again, and said, “Okay, have you made a decision?” If you don’t leave, you won’t be able to leave if you want to wait for the navy to come over. “

“Lord Kaido, I am willing to join the Hundred Beast Pirate Group instead.” Soon, one of the pirates stood up and said.

“Hey, Ratchee, what are you doing!” The other pirate immediately said angrily.

The pirate named Razi immediately exclaimed, “Can’t you see this situation now? The Whitebeard Pirates have been completely defeated, and if we don’t escape, we will all die, and I don’t want to die. “

Hearing his words, the rest of the pirates were also silent, and Kaido said coldly: “Well, it has already been decided, then hurry up and sail!” “

The pirates tangled for a moment, feeling that their own little life was more important, and replied: “Yes.” (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

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Voyage: Brutal Kaido

Voyage: Brutal Kaido


The hemp rope will break at the thinnest part, and the bad luck will only seek out the misfortune.

A terminally ill boy saw an old woman falling down on the roadside and kindly called the police. However, the old woman blackmailed her and destroyed her family. In desperation, he killed the old woman and her family. But in the end, he couldn’t even do the extreme exchange. Instead, he was imprisoned. Among them, he passed away with endless anger and pain.

After death, his soul traveled to the world of One Piece and became Kaido, the strongest creature on land, sea, and air.


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