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Voyage: Brutal Kaido — Chapter 117

Ember saw that Yamato did not fight against Brother Kaido like before, and he was also a little relieved in his heart, and spoke: “This is actually good, although the Hundred Beast Pirate Group has absolute dominance in the country of Wa, it is pointless to make the people blindly fearful, after all, under the reign of terror of the Black Carbon Great Serpent before, the untouchables of the country of Wano are basically desperate.” Now after Brother Kaido takes the throne, as long as he gives a small favor, he can make those untouchables grateful to Dade. “

When Runtian heard this, she also looked adored: “So it is!” It’s really worthy of Kaido-sama. “

Kaido said again: “Royalist, how many unemployed vagrants are there in the country of Wazhi!” “

When the emperor listened, he immediately reported: “Lord Kaido, the capital of flowers is basically rich people with jobs, and the poor people without money have already left the capital of flowers, so if you calculate it, it should take almost one and a half million jobs, but there are also some displaced people who have no jobs who have been wandering in the capital of flowers, often engaging in some begging and criminal activities, which is also a factor in the restlessness of the capital of flowers.” “

Kaido listened and looked at the cadres under his command, and said grimly: “I heard it all!” If you want to arrange work for these 1.5 million untouchables, so much labor must be fully utilized. “

Quinn said very simply and rudely: “This is simple! One factory can hold about 20,000 laborers, and we only need to build another seventy-five factories to get the work of these 1.5 million untouchables done, and then we can produce more weapons continuously. “

Yamato listened and scolded directly: “Quinn, why do you think about building a factory at every turn!” Who to sell so many weapons to! Now we still have a lot of weapons in stock on Ghost Island. “

“Whoops, Yamato, now you’re starting to care about the Hundred Beast Pirates!” The corners of Quinn’s mouth hooked a hint of teasing, but Quinn didn’t take much care of Yamato, and suggested: “Brother Kaido, I have a suggestion.” “

“Say it!” Kaido gestured.

Quinn listened and said what was in his heart: “Yamato just talked about planting, and I thought of a good way. We can carve out some land that has not been polluted by sewage, my proposal is still to focus on factories, the land on the Baiwu side is less polluted, we can let some untouchables go there to plant, but don’t grow food or something, that thing is not worth anything at all, just go overseas to buy it, I suggest directly planting drug raw materials, and then we make finished products, which is the same profiteering industry as arms, and can definitely make a lot of money. As for the remaining labor, we can continue to build factories, anyway, weapons are such a thing, even if they can’t be sold, we can use it to improve our strength. “

Yamato sounded a little angry, although Yamato has been on Ghost Island for many years, he has also heard what drugs are, it is said to be a drug that can make people addicted, and immediately scolded: “Quinn, now that Wano Country has become like this, how can you continue to open factories!” And you have to grow drugs, which should be banned by the world government! Do you grow those things to study your killing weapons? “

Quinn listened and grinned: “Yamato, Brother Kaido just said, let you think from the position of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, this is also the best way I came up with, after all, can land also be used rationally?” You can also give those untouchables a job, is there a better way for you? “

Yamato said firmly, “Of course, let them continue to cultivate!” Wano Country has always lived by cultivating the land. “

Quinn was a little speechless, and explained again: “Didn’t Brother Kaido already say it very clearly just now? Most of the land is now polluted, a lot of land can no longer grow food, and even if it can grow food, the yield is very low, and it is simply impossible to feed so many people in Wano Country, and our food has always been dependent on imports from overseas. “

Yamato also gave his opinion: “Then just add pipes to the factory and let the sewage produced by the factory be discharged into the sea!” In this way, the water of the rivers of Wano Country can be drunk normally. “

Quinn listened to the joke: “Yamato! These methods you mentioned are actually for one purpose, that is, to let the people of the country of Wano have a bite to eat, right? “

Yamato also said firmly: “That’s right. Many people in Wano Country can no longer afford to eat, because the sewage discharged from the factory has polluted the river water and cannot be used to irrigate the good fields. “

Quinn also rarely explained to Yamato very patiently: “Actually, the construction of the factory I said can also give those untouchables in the country of Wano a bite to eat, as long as they go to work, I will give them food, instead of letting them work in the field every day, it is better to work in the factory, anyway, they all have to work, it’s the same everywhere, as long as they can have food, isn’t it?” “

“Moreover, the sale value of weapons is very high, not only can it enhance the strength of our Hundred Beast Pirate Group, but also exchange 300 for us to get a lot of money, so that we can buy food from overseas.”

Yamato listened and retorted loudly, “Can that be the same?” That factory of yours, after entering it, has no human rights, and is a slave at all. “

Hearing this, the Hundred Beast Pirates all looked at Yamato with the appearance of fools, and Ember coldly informed: “Yamato, this is the law of the world!” “

Yamato looked at Ember and retorted, “Is this the law of the world?” It is clearly your law. “

Quinn also looked like an elder, pointing at Yamato and saying seriously: “Yamato! Listen up. The strong live, the weak die. Even the former generals of the country of Wano are just untouchables who treat the people of the country of Wano as untouchables who pay taxes to them, your idea is really too idealistic, what are human rights, only when we are all on an equal footing, we are qualified to talk about human rights, what human rights do those untouchables have! Their lives are as cheap as ants, even if they are not oppressed by us, there will be others to oppress. “

Yamato retorted loudly: “Quinn, no one in this world is born willing to be oppressed, everyone is equal, and we should respect every life.” “

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Voyage: Brutal Kaido

Voyage: Brutal Kaido


The hemp rope will break at the thinnest part, and the bad luck will only seek out the misfortune.

A terminally ill boy saw an old woman falling down on the roadside and kindly called the police. However, the old woman blackmailed her and destroyed her family. In desperation, he killed the old woman and her family. But in the end, he couldn’t even do the extreme exchange. Instead, he was imprisoned. Among them, he passed away with endless anger and pain.

After death, his soul traveled to the world of One Piece and became Kaido, the strongest creature on land, sea, and air.


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