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Voyage: Brutal Kaido — Chapter 131

Charlotte Lingling’s face was not very good-looking at this time, but thinking that this was Kaido’s daughter, she also explained to her with a little patience: “Ma Don’t think of me so badly, everyone is a pirate, I naturally understand what freedom means to a pirate, I naturally will not restrict your personal freedom, thirty-four islands of all nations, you can go wherever you want. “

“And your father and I are also old friends, you are not a hostage, but a diplomatic ambassador who came to communicate with us on behalf of the Hundred Beast Pirates, and is a diplomatic ambassador for friendship and mutual assistance between the country of peace and all nations.” Charlotte Lingling also explained to Yamato very patiently: “Now the Hundred Beast Pirates and the BIGMOM Pirates are also allies, and we are all partners, so you don’t have to be so hostile to me.” “

Hearing the answer of “two two zero” BIGMOM, Yamato secretly said sure enough, although BIGMOM said so much, the result was still the same. In the Hundred Beast Pirate Group too, Kaido did not allow him to leave the ghost island, and now he went to all nations, the scope is also limited, he really jumped from one prison to another, but at least now this prison is much larger than the previous prison, he better go to all countries first to have a good look! Thirty-four islands, I’ve never been to so many places!

On the other side, here.

Charlotte Lingling also left Mondor, Bree and Breen behind, although the three are not strong fighters, but all three of them have special demon fruits, which is what makes Kaido value.

Mondol’s Book Fruit and Brie’s Mirror Mirror Fruit, these two devil fruits are both space system demon fruits, book fruits are another kind of castle fruit, which can lock people into books, and it is very convenient to carry troops. And Brie’s mirror mirror fruit is a bit against the sky, not only can achieve spatial leaps, but also has a separate mirror world.

As for the final Brynn’s memory fruit, it is also against the sky, which can completely tamper with a person’s memory, and he will definitely swim in the future.

And Kaido also directly handed over the three to Runmai, and asked Runmei to arrange accommodation for the three of them.

As for Kaido, he returned to his ghost island to train again, as for dealing with the red-haired pirate group with the BIGMOM pirate group, Kaido feels that it is not urgent at present, Kaido is ready to improve his strength first, at least after reaching the king level, he has the power to crush the redhead head-on, and then it is not too late to cook the red-haired pirate group.

At this time on the sea, the alliance of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group and the BIGMOM Pirate Group, the two Four Emperor Regiments, also spread throughout the sea at this time.

At this time, at the headquarters of the Navy, Marin Fandor.

A month ago, after a top war here, not only the Justice Building was destroyed, but the entire island was damaged a lot because of the earthquake fruit, and there were many people within the navy who proposed to move the naval headquarters to the new world, and the person who made this proposal was a hawkish general headed by Akainu, but now the marshal of the navy is still a warring state, so this proposal is still just a proposal.

At this time, at the naval meeting, Wang Branu as the host of this meeting: “This time, the alliance between the Hundred Beast Pirate Group and the BIGMOM Pirate Group is definitely unprecedented in the history of pirates, and it is a major crisis for the Navy. “

“Especially these two guys, who were once members of the Rocks Pirates.”

At this time, a naval lieutenant commander below raised his hand and asked, “Is the Rocks Pirate Regiment?” It was that legendary pirate group. “

Branu continued: “That’s right, here I will specifically talk about the Rocks Pirates! The captain of this pirate group is once the king of the sea, Rocks D Gibek. He was the strongest man on the sea at that time, and his terrifying power and ambition to rule the world made the entire new world fearful, but thirty-six years ago, a vice admiral named Monchi D Karp defeated Lokes in the Battle of God’s Valley and crushed Lokes’s ambition to dominate the world, and Vice Admiral Karp also began at that time and became a hero in the navy. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Hearing this, everyone looked at Karp and said with adoration: “Oh, it turns out that Lieutenant General Karp’s heroic name has existed since that time!” “That’s awesome! I thought Lieutenant General Karp’s heroic name came after the arrest of One Piece Roger! “

Karp was also a little unhappy: “At that time, defeating Rocks was not relying on the strength of the old man alone, that guy was a complete monster, under a one-on-one situation, I am afraid that no one could beat him, the old man was teamed up with Roger to defeat him 0….”

“What? Mr. Karp and One Piece Roger teamed up? All of a sudden, everyone was shocked.

Karp continued: “It’s not just me, Sengoku and Zefa and Azuru also participated in that battle, otherwise, I alone would not have been able to stop that monster pirate group. “

“Monster Pirates?” Hearing this, the navy was also a little surprised, even Karp said that the other party was a monster pirate group, how strong this Rocks pirate group was!

And the Warring States sitting next to Karp reminded at this time: “In that era, it was called Locks, in addition to Lockes himself having monster-like power, the sea under his command was also a monster. “

Many navies listened to some doubts, and Brannou also said at this time: “Now, let me introduce the crew of the Rocks Pirates, which are, the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, the white-bearded Edward Newgate, the captain of the BIGMOM Pirates, Charlotte Lingling 3.3, and the captain of the Hundred Beast Pirates, the Hundred Beast Kaido. “

Hearing this, many navies were shocked at once: “Are three of the four emperors crew members of the Rocks Pirates?” “

“That’s right, Whitebeard and BIGMOM used to be cadres of the Rocks Pirates, and Kaido was just an intern of the Rocks Pirates back then, in addition to the three of them, there was the Pirate Golden Lion Shiji, who once competed with Roger for hegemony, and now still occupies Beehive Island, second only to the Four Emperors of One Piece. There is also Captain John, who was once known as a treasure in the world, and the Pirate Silver Axe, who were once the crew of the Rocks Pirates. “

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Voyage: Brutal Kaido

Voyage: Brutal Kaido


The hemp rope will break at the thinnest part, and the bad luck will only seek out the misfortune.

A terminally ill boy saw an old woman falling down on the roadside and kindly called the police. However, the old woman blackmailed her and destroyed her family. In desperation, he killed the old woman and her family. But in the end, he couldn’t even do the extreme exchange. Instead, he was imprisoned. Among them, he passed away with endless anger and pain.

After death, his soul traveled to the world of One Piece and became Kaido, the strongest creature on land, sea, and air.


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