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Voyage: Brutal Kaido — Chapter 136

And Charlotte Lingling greeted: “Kaido, sit down and taste my dim sum here!” “

Saying that, Charlotte Lingling sat on the throne, eating the snacks on the table, while Kaido was sitting on the sofa opposite her, and the teapots on the table were all Homiz, and introduced with a happy face: “Do you want to be with black tea or green tea.” “

“Whatever.” Kaido said grimly, and at the same time was a little shocked by the popularity of Cake Island Homiz, and even the teapot was really injected with life! Just pick up a cake and throw it in your mouth, it tastes quite good.

In addition to Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, there are only four stars and embers left, and Charlotte Lingling spoke: “Kaido, now you can say!” What the hell is going on?”

Kaido also said directly: “The two of the two of the two of the two of the generals Red Dog and the senior general Qingji are now vying for the position of marshal of the navy, and tomorrow they will have a life-and-death battle in Punk Hasad, the winner will take the throne, and the defeated will shut up.” “

“What?” Charlotte Lingling was shocked when she heard it, and the rest of the four generals were also shocked, and then Charlotte Lingling said seriously: “Kaido, where did you know this news!” “

Kaido also looked at Charlotte Lingling seriously, and said word by word: “I installed an undercover agent in the navy, the relationship between the red dog and the green pheasant is usually not good, and now in order to compete for the position of the navy, it will definitely fight, this is a rare opportunity.” “

The reason why Kaido said that he installed an undercover agent in the navy is to make Charlotte Lingling believe in him more, only then will Charlotte Lingling cooperate with him.

Charlotte Lingling was not stupid, she immediately understood, and said solemnly: “Kaido, you are planning to strike at the admiral.” “

The corners of Kaido’s mouth hooked a fierceness, and he said firmly: “That’s right, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, I want to kill the green pheasant and the red dog at once.” “

Listening to Kaido’s plan, Charlotte Lingling was once again shocked by Kaido’s boldness, and said solemnly: “Kaido, this is not a trivial matter!” The assassination of a senior admiral will definitely lead to retaliation from the navy and even the world government. “

“Why, are you afraid?” Kaido said with some mockery.

“Afraid? The old lady will be afraid? Charlotte Lingling was immediately upset when she listened.

And the four generals below are a little cold sweat when they listen to it, this Kaido is too crazy! How is this possible to think of killing the general! I’m afraid that when you get close to Punk Hassad, you will be discovered!

Then, Charlotte Lingling said coldly: “Even if Admiral Qinghen and Red Dog want to duel, the Navy and the World Government can’t let anyone get close to Punk Hassad, there will definitely be heavy troops around Punk Hassad, even if we want to take the opportunity to assassinate them, we can’t succeed.” “

“No, as long as you have the two abilities of Mirror Fruit and Gaze Fruit, there is no problem.” Kaido immediately said: “Among my subordinates is a person named Violet, who is the ability to gaze at fruits, she has clairvoyance and can see things within four thousand kilometers, as long as we have this ability, even if we are not close to Punk Hassad, we can know the battle situation of the pheasant and the red dog and the arrangement of the navy around Punk Hassad.” “

“The ability to stare at the fruit? You still have that kind of person under you. Charlotte Lingling was surprised again.

Kaido ignored Charlotte’s surprise and explained his plan: “The battle of the admiral does not have a few days and nights, and it is impossible to distinguish between victory and defeat. As long as we pass Violet’s ability, we can monitor the situation of the battle between the red dog and the green pheasant in real time, and when the two of them are exhausted, when the ability to directly appear in Punk Hassad through the mirror fruit and kill the two admirals in one fell swoop, we can retreat directly. “

“This plan doesn’t need too many people, just enough high-end combat power, so it will be easy for us to retreat.”

After listening to Kaido’s plan, the four generals and Charlotte Lingling were shocked, if they really followed Kaido’s plan, maybe there was really a chance to kill the general! Charlotte Lingling was also looking at Kaido at this time, and she was also a little moved by this plan, and asked: “Kaido, how sure are you of this plan!” “

“As long as the pheasant and the red dog are exhausted, we can kill the two in a short time and retreat…”” Kaido said here, with a little fierceness in his eyes: “What’s more, the navy is originally our enemy.” If you think about it, when we kill the red-haired pirate group and the white-bearded pirate group, the four-emperor pattern becomes the two-emperor pattern, and then we will definitely be hunted down by the navy. “

“Even, when we want to eliminate the red-haired pirate group and the white-bearded pirate group, the navy will find the opportunity to reap the profits, and then we will lose a lot.”

“Even if we finally succeed in taking out the Whitebeard Pirates and the Red-Haired Pirates, we will face a navy that is waiting for us. Therefore, it is better to inflict heavy damage on the navy now, so that after we kill the red-haired pirate group and the white-bearded pirate group, the navy we face will be much weaker. “

Hearing Kaido’s words, Charlotte Lingling and the four generals trembled in their hearts, and at the beginning, the BIGMOM Pirates just wanted to fight with the other four emperors well water without violating the river water, and then go to compete for the red historical inscription.

After forming an alliance with Kaido, he was pulled by Kaido to turn the four emperors into two emperors, but because the BIGMOM Pirates are also beneficiaries, the BIGMOM Pirates are also interested.

But I didn’t expect that Kaido was playing real, he not only had to kill the other four emperors, but also kill the navy, which made Charlotte Lingling think of his former captain Lo 1.3 ks, such a crazy person, and Kaido’s current strength is not at all below Rocks, and it is even possible that the pirate Rocks is above.

After a moment of contemplation, Charlotte Lingling looked at Kaido and asked; “Kaido, you must have planned to attack the admiral for a long time!”

“That’s right, I already planned this when I was in the top war.” Kaido did not hide it at all, grinning viciously: “Originally, according to my plan, I was to kill the red dog, and if I was lucky, I might be able to kill two generals at once, but now that I have you, then killing the green pheasant and the red dog together is basically a sure thing.” “

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Voyage: Brutal Kaido

Voyage: Brutal Kaido


The hemp rope will break at the thinnest part, and the bad luck will only seek out the misfortune.

A terminally ill boy saw an old woman falling down on the roadside and kindly called the police. However, the old woman blackmailed her and destroyed her family. In desperation, he killed the old woman and her family. But in the end, he couldn’t even do the extreme exchange. Instead, he was imprisoned. Among them, he passed away with endless anger and pain.

After death, his soul traveled to the world of One Piece and became Kaido, the strongest creature on land, sea, and air.


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