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Voyage: Brutal Kaido — Chapter 143

Saying that, Charlotte Lingling slashed over, the green pheasant already had no physical strength at this time, when facing the red dog, he has been squeezing his physical strength, in the face of the same bloody red dog, he can barely cope with one or two, but in the face of the BIGMOM in its heyday, he can’t even use the power of the devil fruit now.

The body has no strength to escape at all, the original defense of the hands, who knows that Charlotte Lingling’s knife will directly cut off the pheasant’s arms, seeing this, Charlotte Lingling is even more arrogant and hideous.

At this time, the three generals also used their own tricks to attack the green pheasant.

Kaido used the power of the flame cloud at this time, and pulled up the red dog corpse that had just been beaten into the underground crack by his own stick, Kaido frowned slightly, looking at the headless corpse in front of him, his head was gone, and the bones of his body were all broken, but Kaido’s domineering spirit could still feel a residual breath, and the muscles on his body were still trembling slightly, but because of the loss of his head, the vitality was also rapidly dissipating.

The former admiral, the future marshal Akainu, died in his own hands in this way, so that his enemy was one less.

Yamato looked at it and shouted, “Father-sama, didn’t you say that I personally avenge Ace?” Why did you beat him to death all of a sudden! “

“If you don’t get angry, you can whip the corpse.” With that, Kaido threw the body at Yamato’s feet.

Yamato listened and was silent, she did not have a habit of corpse abuse, originally said that she would kill the general Akainu together, but after getting married, Kaido knocked Akainu to death with a stick.

Kaido said coldly: “Ember, burn him.” “

“Yes.” Ember listened to it, but also a flame appeared in his hand fell on the red dog’s body and began to burn, even if it was powerful when it was alive, but it was just a corpse when it died, and the flame suddenly began to burn rapidly.

Kaido looked at the pheasant and found that the three generals were actually attacking the pheasant in turn, and Charlotte Lingling also looked at this scene with a look of enjoyment, Kaido said loudly: “Lingling, you quickly cut off his head, the vitality of the admiral is extremely tenacious, only by cutting off their heads can you be 100% sure to kill them ~’.” “

Charlotte Lingling was also a little unhappy, looking at Kuzan, who fell to the ground, his hands and left feet were gone, and his body was still glued to the ground by Katakuri with glutinous fruit, and now he only had his last breath left, and said coldly: “Really, then die!” Pheasant. Saying that, Charlotte Lingling raised her long knife and prepared to cut it down.

Just as Charlotte Lingling was about to cut down with a knife, she suddenly burst out and shouted, “Stop me.” “

After Charlotte Lingling heard this someone tell her to stop, she also instinctively stopped her hand, and the blade was only a few inches away from the pheasant’s neck.

Kaido is also speechless when he sees this, is this the common problem of anime? As long as others call to stop, stop, and then the villain will really stop, and then wait for the other party to come to the rescue? What the hell is this setting!

“Karp, Zefa, did the Navy come so fast?.” Charlotte looked at Kapuzefa in the distance and the Navy Road following behind them.

Kaido shouted loudly: “Don’t care about any Karp, hurry up and chop!” Kill him. “

Charlotte Lingling also reacted at this time, and raised Napoleon again and cut down on the head of the pheasant.

“Stop!” Karp shouted again.

However, this time it was completely useless, and Charlotte Lingling’s huge blade fell with a sword, decapitating the green pheasant on the ground.

Seeing this scene, the killing intent in Karp and Zefa’s eyes doubled.

“Oh, the Navy is coming quite quickly!” Kaido looked at the navy coming from afar and spoke, “Lingling, let’s go!” “

Charlotte Lingling was also a little surprised: “Oh, don’t you fight them?” If it was you before, you would probably have fought them, right? “

“There will be a chance to fight them in the future, let’s go!” Saying that, Kaido also ignored Charlotte Lingling, grabbed Yamato and flew directly towards the sky, and Ember immediately followed.

“Wait for me, Kaido.” Charlotte Lingling looked at it and immediately chased after him, Kaido was gone, he did not dare to face the naval hero Karp and the former general Zefa and many vice admirals.

“DON’T TRY TO RUN AWAY, KAIDO, BIGMOM.” At this time, Karp, Zefa, and many vice admirals also chased after them with moon steps.

Kaido and BIGMOM killed Admiral Akainu and Admiral Pheasant this time, killing their future Admiral Marshal, can this not make the Navy angry? Whatever is said today will leave them here.

Kaido was also a little surprised when he looked at it, it seems that this time the other party is really angry! AFTER ALL, KAIDO AND BIGMOM TOOK OUT TWO ADMIRALS THIS TIME.

Looking at the admirals who chased over, Kaido also looked at their combat effectiveness by the way: Zefa, armed color domineering (top), seeing and smelling color domineering (top), comprehensive strength estimation: weak general royal level (peak is general royal level).

Yuan, armed color domineering (top), seeing and smelling color domineering (top), comprehensive strength estimation: weak general royal level.

Extra count, armed color domineering (top), see and smell color domineering (top), comprehensive strength estimation: weak general royal level. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Kaido was also a little surprised, only Yuan and Jiaji, these two guys are Peach Rabbit and Tea Dolphin, and they are also one of the general’s substitutes, if there is no Green Bull and Fuji Tiger in the original work, then it is the two of them who become admirals, and the strength is really good!

Kaido threw Yamato to (okay, okay) Ember and said, “‘Ember, you take them first. “

Then, Kaido looked at Charlotte Lingling and said, “Lingling, let them go first, let’s use the combination technique to leave them a memorial!” “

Charlotte Lingling also grinned when she listened: “Oh, what’s the combination?” What a nostalgia! Then come on! “

And Ember grabbed Yamato with his left hand at this time, and Katakuri with his right hand, and Katakuri used the ability of sticky fruit to catch Smoogie and Kriji, and the matter of killing the admiral today made them all feel unexpectedly smooth, but think about it, in order to kill the admiral, but they were well prepared, they have been waiting for nine days and nine nights to catch the admiral’s weakest time and kill him with one blow.

“Mr. Kaido, let’s go first.” With that, Ember turned around and left.

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Voyage: Brutal Kaido

Voyage: Brutal Kaido


The hemp rope will break at the thinnest part, and the bad luck will only seek out the misfortune.

A terminally ill boy saw an old woman falling down on the roadside and kindly called the police. However, the old woman blackmailed her and destroyed her family. In desperation, he killed the old woman and her family. But in the end, he couldn’t even do the extreme exchange. Instead, he was imprisoned. Among them, he passed away with endless anger and pain.

After death, his soul traveled to the world of One Piece and became Kaido, the strongest creature on land, sea, and air.


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