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Voyage: Brutal Kaido — Chapter 92

This voice suddenly sounded in the backyard,

It immediately interrupted Xiaoqing’s unbrewed emotions, and even the tears of Hua Ling and Red Girl who were about to break the embankment were also interrupted.

“Su Jiuling?”

Song Mu frowned slightly, a little puzzled.

From this voice, it sounds,

It seems that Su Jiuling’s current mental state is not stable??

And Song Mu also inexplicably felt that the voice that Su Jiuling had just shouted out was a little familiar?

“It should be fine, right? Su Jiuling. “

Hua Ling recalled for a moment and spoke: “I remember that the pills I gave her were very mild, and there should be no problems with eating them.” “

Xiaoqing nodded and echoed, “The elixir configured by Sister Hua Ling must be fine, my sister and I have eaten it very well!” “

“By the way, husband-kun, sister, she should not be too far away from full recovery.”

While talking,

A gust of fragrant wind also flew in,

Su Jiuling, mixed with a body full of natural fox fragrance, jumped into Song Mu’s arms lightly and precisely, and rubbed Song Mu’s chin hard.

“Yo, our little fox, what’s wrong with this?”

Song Mu smiled and stretched out his hand to stop it,

Then he was keenly aware of the aura on Su Jiuling’s body, which seemed to be quite different from before!

“Husband, look~~!”

“Did you notice my fox tail, what’s different?”

Su Jiuling proudly raised his fox tail 607,

Snow-white fluffy,

It feels very good in the hand.

“It’s no different, Sister Su, isn’t it still nine foxtails? I thought you had cultivated the tenth foxtail!” “

Xiaoqing was puzzled and added, “But Sister Su, the fox fragrance smell on your body… It seems to be a little more intense. “

Hua Ling and the red girl also looked at it for a long time,

But he didn’t find any difference between Su Jiuling’s nine fox tails.

As for Huo Jinxi…

Her eyes were now full of amazement.

Although Huo Jinxi also knew that there was a nine-tailed fox demon in form beside Song Mu, this was the first time she had met Su Jiuling.

Don’t be surprised,

That’s simply impossible.


“Is there something hidden in your nine fox tails?”

Song Mu actually didn’t see any clues.

What do you think of this thing?

There is only a fox demon like Su Jiuling in the family, and no one else is it, so I want to tell the difference between the nine fox tails… It’s so hard!

“Hee-hee, this is a life-saving stunt~~!” Husband! “

“Wasn’t I trapped in the Dragon Pavilion before? In those years, thanks to my life-saving stunt of the fox demon clan, otherwise I would have died a long time ago. “

While saying,

Su Jiuling changed his comfortable posture, snuggled into (aebe) Song Mu’s arms, and continued: “Although I have resumed my cultivation, I have also returned to my human form. “

“But the consumed Honmei foxtail… I didn’t add it all to this day! “

Hearing this,

Song Mu immediately understood, and nodded slightly: “This is a good happy event, as a celebration, I will give you a make-up wedding in four days, how?” “

Su Jiuling was stunned for a moment,

On that beautiful and enchanting face,

Immediately the excitement after the surprise appeared!

“I know that my husband spoils me the most~~!”

“Hey? Is this the fifth lady who married her husband yesterday night? The name is Huo Jinxi, right, gee, this figure is really good…”

was looked up and down by Su Jiuling’s foxy eyes,

Huo Jinxi was also a little nervous.

Although Song Mu is not big or small in this harem,

But inevitably there is a first-come, first-served order.

And the woman’s intuition also told Huo Jinxi that this Su Jiuling in front of him… But no one else is like Hua Ling and Red Girl, who are so easy to talk to.

“Su Jiuling.”

With Song Mu’s voice, calm sounded.

Su Jiuling was immediately honest, silent, and meekly lowered his head, like a child waiting to be disciplined after making a mistake.


Song Mu sighed, there was nothing he could do.

The fox demon is jealous by nature, this is the nature engraved in the bones.

In the future, when they are all familiar with each other, it will be fine.

“It’s okay, Huo Jinxi.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Song Mu pinched Su Jiuling’s foxtail and said with a smile: “Our little fox is like this, you just get used to it, she has no malice.” “

Huo Jinxi quickly nodded: “It’s okay, it’s okay.” “


Song Mu pointed to the almighty transmission jade Jian on the table, looked at Su Jiuling and Xiaoqing, and spoke, “Are you ready to practice exercises and magic skills, two ladies?” “

Bringing this stubble up,

Xiaoqing also reacted, a little curious.

After a quick explanation,

Even Su Jiuling in Song Mu’s arms was deeply interested.


Su Jiuling and Xiaoqing,

He has touched the Universal Transmission Jade Jane one after another, and quickly entered the state of cultivation comprehension.

“I don’t know what exercises and magic skills Su Jiuling and Xiaoqing will successfully cultivate?”

Hua Ling was a little curious, and turned to look at Song Mu: “Husband, are their physique meridians the same as us?” “

Song Mu was slightly startled and shook his head: “I really don’t know about this.” “

“However, since ancient times, demon beasts have worked hard to cultivate into human form in order to better cultivate, so… Probably there will be some discrepancies in the meridians, but not much. “

Something to Song Mu’s surprise was,

For a long time,

Su Jiuling and Xiaoqing’s side did not react.

This also made Song Mu a little uncertain.

But the utility of this universal transmission jade Jane before,

It had already been confirmed through those three hundred dead soldiers, as well as Hua Ling, Red Girl, and Huo Jinxi.

Practical and effective,

And extremely convenient!


“Is it really because… Su Jiuling and Xiaoqing’s body are because of the demon beast, so it is more difficult to comprehend? “

“It shouldn’t be.”

Song Mu scratched his head, clueless.

To say that this universal transmission of jade Jane, it is definitely a first-class good thing.

But if you compare it to the perfect self-cultivation furnace…

It has to be a perfect self-cultivation furnace even more awesome!!

After all

The universal transmission of the skill jade Jane needs to depend on the user’s own understanding, but also from the physical constitution and the corresponding exercises, strange skills, in line with each other.

But the perfect slimming furnace is different,

This is more inclined to…

Directly transform the human body and forcibly give the user one or more exercises and magical skills!

“It’s a pity that the requirements for refining the perfect body cultivation furnace are too high, not only the [Divine Machine Hundred Refinement], but also the [Double Full Hand], which requires these two strange skills to reach the LV9 realm level.”

“But for now…”

Song Mu thought for a while, but he was also satisfied: “With the assistance of the Universal Transmission Jade Jian, I think that these exercises and strange skills that I have cultivated will also be significantly faster.” “

You can’t become a fat person in one bite,

It is easier to have problems overnight, and Song Mu knows it in his heart.

“Huh? Su Jiuling’s successful cultivation of this strange skill… I haven’t seen it before! “

The flower spirit on the side suddenly spoke, a little surprised.

Surprise is inevitable,

Su Jiuling at this time,

The whole body was shrouded in a black mist, unstable and elusive, which was exactly the sign after the [Spirit Dispatch General] cultivation was successful!

“Hmm… This spirit dispatch is indeed in line with Su Jiuling. “

“Fortunately, both of them have successfully cultivated the Six Ku Immortal Thief, which also shows that their current internal organs are no different from ours.”

Song Mu nodded in satisfaction.

The five ladies in his family now have all comprehended the cultivation of [Liuku Immortal Thief], which can be regarded as solving one of Song Mu’s worries!

With the magic skill of the Six Ku Immortal Thief,

Live forever……

It is no longer a luxury!。


Voyage: Brutal Kaido

Voyage: Brutal Kaido


The hemp rope will break at the thinnest part, and the bad luck will only seek out the misfortune.

A terminally ill boy saw an old woman falling down on the roadside and kindly called the police. However, the old woman blackmailed her and destroyed her family. In desperation, he killed the old woman and her family. But in the end, he couldn’t even do the extreme exchange. Instead, he was imprisoned. Among them, he passed away with endless anger and pain.

After death, his soul traveled to the world of One Piece and became Kaido, the strongest creature on land, sea, and air.


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