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Voyage: Brutal Kaido — Chapter 98

If you don’t ship, it doesn’t mean you can’t talk about cooperation.

Everyone here knows that Li’er is such a Li’er,

But then again, the fortunes of the various families of the old Jiumen, which one did not rely on the business of robbing tombs?!

Right now, I heard that Song Mu doesn’t fight ~ calculate the shipment,

The interests of several homeowners,

All of a sudden, it has decreased a lot.

“I wonder what Mu Ye wants to buy?”

Zhang Qishan was still smiling and asked in a low voice, “Presumably Mu Ye also knows, our old Jiumen… The best thing to buy and sell is actually antique ware. “

Banji Li nodded and agreed: “Buddha Ye’s words are good. “

The same February red of the upper three doors,

Still calmly sipping tea, just listening, not speaking.

“If you have the opportunity, you can naturally cooperate with this piece, but right now, hehe, I haven’t been fighting much lately, so there are not too many antique artifacts in my hand.”

The meaning of Song Mu’s words is not difficult to understand.

And all those present were old foxes, and naturally they also understood.

If you first arrived in Changsha City,

Song Mu definitely wanted to take the large antique artifacts and rare treasures in his hand to Lao Jiumen to distribute and sell them in exchange for a large amount of liquid money.

But now…

After marrying his wife Huo Jinxi,

In the eyes of outsiders, it seems that the Song family is still the Song family, the Huo family is still the Huo family, and the two do not interfere with each other.

In fact, everyone inside knows it,

Song Mu and Huo Jinxi,

The Song family and the Huo family,

In fact, the two have already become one!

In this way,

Even if Song Mu has a large number of antique artifacts in his hand,

It will definitely not be cheap to the other people in the nine gates, and it must be prioritized to strike from the various lines in Huo Jinxi’s hands!

It’s just that these masters of the old Jiumen didn’t expect it,

Song Mu’s subordinates… But there are still three hundred dead soldiers!

There are Song one to Song ten,

With these ten all-round elite dead men of golden quality by his side, Song Mu didn’t need to bother himself at all to easily eat his own territory.

As for the various light and dark lines and channels for the distribution of antique bright ware,

How could it be less?!

“Without further ado, guys.”

“You have been operating in Changsha City for several years, and you have a lot of territory under your hands, and naturally you also control various purchase and sales channels in various fields, such as various ores, raw materials, heavenly materials and earth treasures, arms and so on.”

Song Mu smiled slightly and continued: “The cooperation I want to talk to you about is also very simple, that is, buy these channels in your hands!” “

Words are not surprising and death is endless.

Even Zhang Qishan,

When he heard Song Mu’s words, he was stunned on the spot!

February Hong gently put down the teacup, still smiling, but there was already a trace of doubt in the depths of her eyes.

“Yo, Patriarch Song’s appetite… Isn’t it small? “

Banjie Li’s face was gloomy, and he spoke: “If you want to say that you want to buy these channels in our hands, is this trying to eat the territory in our hands?” Patriarch Song? “

From the title of Mu Ye,

Transformed into the head of the Song family.

In this way, it can also be clearly heard, and Banji Li is very unhappy!

If it weren’t for Zhang Qishan also sitting at this table, Half Li would have already thrown his face and left, where would he be willing to stay until now, and still have to speak patiently?!

Nine gates of Changsha City,

The nine families of the old nine gates represent these nine city gates!

All goods entering and leaving Changsha City,

It all has to be controlled in the hands of Lao Jiumen!

Want to eat these channels in the hands of Lao Jiumen,

Doesn’t that mean that… Eat the territory in their hands?

Except for the half-cut plum,

Like the fourth of the nine doors, his face is also very ugly.

The rest of the people didn’t say much, their faces were expressionless, and it could be seen that they were somewhat curious about what Song Mu would say next.

“It’s that Patriarch Li is overhearted.”

“I don’t have the idea of eating your territory.”

Song Mu waved his hand with a smile and added, “The various channels that the masters have in their hands are naturally only more. “

“If possible, you might as well divide a few less important channels to sell to me, the price will be opened by you, if you succeed in the future, it can be regarded as the favor that I owe you by Song Mu!”

Hearing this,

Half Li’s face was slightly better.

Zhang Qishan laughed and said apologetically: “Mu Ye’s consideration is also in line with the development of the family, but unfortunately, most of the channels on my side are related to the upper peak, and it is really inconvenient to make a move.” (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

tactfully refused,

It happened to be expected by Song Mu.

And like Wu Laodog, Qi Zhuzui and Xie Jiu, the owners of the middle three doors and the lower three doors are already thinking about feasibility!

In terms of family size and revenue alone,

Naturally, the upper three doors occupy the absolute majority.

For example, it controls the best territory, the best ancient tomb resources, and controls a large number of high-quality sales channels, and so on.

In contrast,

The middle three doors and the lower three doors do not have so many advantages.

A glance swept over everyone’s expressions,

Song Mu was already clear in his heart,

And his purpose has been achieved.

This move can be regarded as provoking the relationship between the nine doors,

It can also be regarded as testing the attitude between the nine doors!

Of course, more importantly,

Song Mu directly showed his attitude and appetite to the Nine Gates, which in a sense… It is also partly in line with Mr. Lu Shuren’s theory of roof demolition.

“It seems that everyone is not very convenient?”


Song Mu shook his head with a smile, pretending to be helpless: “Then it’s better like this, how about buying a lot of materials from your hands?” “

Hearing this,

A trace of surprise flashed in the depths of Xie Jiu’s eyes,

I couldn’t help but look a lot more solemn.

In the crowd,

It can be said that only Xie Jiu vaguely guessed some of Song Mu’s thoughts, but he didn’t dare to be completely sure of his guess, and he was still a little uncertain.

“It’s okay on my side.”

Zhang Qishan took the lead in expressing his position and said with a smile: “All the materials that Mu Ye wants, I think I can provide some of them here.” “

Banjie Li followed closely and nodded, “If I just buy these materials, I can also provide some to Mu Ye.” “

February Hong nodded with a smile and said softly, “I am willing to cooperate with Mu Ye.” “

The three masters of the upper three gates,

Say your ground together!

In this way,

In fact, it is equivalent to setting the tone.

The remaining six family masters, not counting the black-backed old six, the lone ranger, and none of the other five family masters had any opinions, and they all nodded their heads in agreement.

In fact, for them,

Whether it is Song Mu spending a lot of money to buy channels,

Or spend money to buy all kinds of supplies from them,

You have to earn it all!

It’s just a matter of earning more and earning less.

“Then here, thank you in advance.”

Song Mu hugged his fist calmly and spoke: “Later, I will let people send the list of materials that our Song family needs to your hands, and the price is good!” “

The crowd responded,

It’s fun!

At first glance, it seems to be a scene of joy between guests and hosts,

In fact, there are many murderous intentions and temptations hidden, and everyone present knows it in their hearts, but everyone is just tacit.

Until the end of the feast,

Everyone from the old nine gates left one after another.

The smile on Song Mu’s face also gradually faded, and he muttered, “Nine Gates… Hehe, each for the benefit of each other, a plate of scattered sand. “

“Today is just an appetizer, it depends on who has more vision to see death.”


Voyage: Brutal Kaido

Voyage: Brutal Kaido


The hemp rope will break at the thinnest part, and the bad luck will only seek out the misfortune.

A terminally ill boy saw an old woman falling down on the roadside and kindly called the police. However, the old woman blackmailed her and destroyed her family. In desperation, he killed the old woman and her family. But in the end, he couldn’t even do the extreme exchange. Instead, he was imprisoned. Among them, he passed away with endless anger and pain.

After death, his soul traveled to the world of One Piece and became Kaido, the strongest creature on land, sea, and air.


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