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Voyage: The Age of Speed ​​begins with the robbery of Nami! — Chapter 041

“Don’t run! ! !”

“fire! ! ! ”


One shell after another fell around the warship.

Water jets exploded.

The navy on the warship turned blue with fright.

Colonel Mouse was jumping up and down.

Keep shouting: “Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up!!”

A warship is a warship after all.

The manufacturing level is much higher than the three pirate ships of the Money Pirates that were all stolen.

Sailing speed is also much faster.

The warship wanted to run away, but the three pirate ships of the Money Pirates were unable to catch up. As time went by, they were pushed further and further away.

However, Liszt did not give up the pursuit and hung far behind the warship all the way.

Followed them all the way to the 16th Naval Branch Base。

“Colonel Mouse, that pirate group followed us to the base! What should I do now? “A navy man said with weak legs.

When Colonel Mouse heard this, his expression suddenly changed.

He gritted his teeth and said, “It’s too embarrassing to bully others. It’s simply too embarrassing to bully others. Rabbits will bite people when they are anxious, let alone humans.

These mere pirates dare to force us, as navy, like this, I will fight them! ”

Colonel Mouse said, and he quickly jumped off the warship and walked towards the naval base.

Then, he ordered people to sound the alarm and summon all the navies in the base.。

“Colonel Mouse, why did you sound the alarm suddenly? ? “A naval lieutenant colonel came over and asked puzzledly.。

“The pirates are about to attack, and you’re still asking me why I sounded the alarm? You stupid pig, what else can you do besides eating? Get out of the way. “The mouse yelled at the lieutenant colonel.。

“Everyone, pull out all the coastal defense cannons. I’m going to blow up all these damn pirates.。”

“Hi! ! ”

All the navies on the 16th branch naval base responded in unison.

Then, they methodically pulled out four cannons several meters high.

Aimed in the direction of the Money Pirates and

started filling ammunition.。

“Colonel Mouse, everything is ready! ! “A navy man walked up to Captain Mouse and saluted.

Mouse glanced at the four cannons.

A hint of regret flashed through his heart.

The 16th branch naval base originally had sixteen coastal defense cannons.

Unfortunately, he secretly sold them over the years. There were twelve cannons, and only these four were left.

In the past, when nothing happened, he felt that these four cannons were enough as a deterrent.

Now that something happened, he felt that there were only four cannons, which seemed a bit ineffective. .

However, at this time, it was useless for him to regret it, so he could only bite the bullet and go ahead.。

“Shoot me! ! ! ”

Colonel Mouse screamed and waved his big hand.

Bang bang bang!!!

Four shells quickly came out of the barrel and shot towards the Money Pirates who were still six or seven kilometers away.

At this moment, Liszt and Sauron moved. Liszt

knocked down two cannonballs in an instant.

Sauron knocked down one on the Black Gold.

The other one deflected and hit the sea next to the Black Cat.

It exploded into a water column more than ten meters high.。

“Aim better, bastard! Keep firing at me! ”

Colonel Mouse kept looking at the situation at sea with his telescope.

Seeing that the attack failed, he was panicked and frantic and issued the order again.


Ten rounds were played in a row.

Dozens of cannonballs hit the Money Pirates one after another.

However, those cannonballs were either shot down by Liszt and Sauron or shot into the sea.

The Money Pirate

(Read more novels by visiting our website: Knights Novel) s unknowingly approached the coast and landed at the 16th branch naval base.。

“You guys, kill me! ! ”

Liszt pointed his sword at the naval base and shouted an order.。

“kill! ! ! ”

The pirates of the Money Pirates, who had been preparing for a long time, immediately flew off the ship after hearing Liszt’s order and rushed towards the interior of the naval base. The

Catman brothers, Johnson and Rocky were the fastest runners. .Running

at the front.

In just a few breaths, he rushed into the base.

Before the marines could fire, two round escapes flew over quickly, directly smashing a sea of marines away.

The navy of the 16th branch had long been corrupted by rats.

Normally, It’s okay to bully the common people.

Fighting with real pirates.

He has lost his bloody spirit a long time ago.

For a moment, the pirates of the Money Pirates were beaten so hard that they jumped up and were defeated.

Liszt, Zoro, and Nami When others walked into the base,

the navy was dead and the captured ones were captured.

The battle was coming to an end.

At this time, Johnson ran over and reported to Lister:

“Captain, we have everyone at the 16th branch naval base under control. What do we do next? ?”

“Our little mouse colonel likes to collude with pirates and rob people of their wealth.

After so many years, I think I have saved a lot of money.

Go search it. Liszt

said with a faint smile.。

“Hi! ! ”

Johnson responded, and then led dozens of people to search the naval base.

Almost half an hour later,

Johnson brought the people back.。

“Captain, we found a total of 50 million beli in the naval base, as well as food, guns, and some shells! “Reported by Johnson Exchange。

“Fifty million beli? ? “Liszt raised his eyebrows.。

“In addition to the money taken away by the Navy, this money also belongs to other people. Fifty million miles, not much of it really belongs to Colonel Mouse.

With his ability to make money, he only has this little money. If he told me, I wouldn’t believe him.

Bring Colonel Mouse over here! “Liszt said。

“Hi! ”

Soon, Colonel Mouse was carried over by Johnson.

He threw it away.

Colonel Mouse quickly knelt down and begged Liszt for mercy: “Spare my life, Grandpa Pirate, please spare my life!” No matter what you want, as long as I have it, I’ll give it to you。”

“Okay, give me all your money first! “Liszt plays with taste。

“money? ? ? money······Haven’t they all been raided by you? ? ”

Colonel Mouse looked confused.。

“Stop pretending, Colonel Mouse, I have plundered 230 million from Aaron, and you are colluding with him to plunder people’s wealth and wealth, will you have no money? ?

He is a thief and you are an official. When the spoils are divided, you will definitely take the lion’s share.

He has 230 million, and you must have at least 300 million.

Tell me, where did you hide that money? ? ” Liszt asked。

“Damn Aaron, he still has so much money hidden away, if he had known·······Pirate Master, I really don’t have much money left. After all, the amount of money I received actually needs to be paid.

Excluding the portion that I had to pay as a tribute, I also had to distribute some to other colleagues and subordinates in the 16th branch. There was not much left that really made me stay.

All the money is placed in the commander’s room of my base. It must have been looted by your subordinates!

What I said is real.

Grandpa Pirate, please spare my life. ” Colonel Mouse begged sincerely.。


【Asking for collections, asking for flowers, asking for comments, asking for everything! ! ! 】


Voyage: The Age of Speed ​​begins with the robbery of Nami!

Voyage: The Age of Speed ​​begins with the robbery of Nami!

Status: Ongoing


Liszt traveled to the world of One Piece and accidentally got a superhuman devil fruit – the Kuai Kuai Fruit!

What can you do with Kuai Kuai Fruit?

Just to speed it up? ?

How can Devil Fruit be such an inconvenience?

The Kuaikuai Fruit was used to support movement, and the name of Godly Speed ​​was born.

By adding Kuai Kuai Fruit to your reaction, you can make 1,500 cuts in an instant.

The Kuai Kuai Fruit is used to support self-healing, and super-speed regeneration appears.

Bless the Kuai Kuai fruit to the brain and thinking, overclock the brain, and the full level of understanding will naturally be achieved. All kinds of magical powers can be understood at a glance…

Wealth, honor, rights, everything belongs to me! !

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