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Voyage: The Age of Speed ​​begins with the robbery of Nami! — Chapter 054

after an hour.

The Money Pirates completely escaped the navy’s pursuit.

The tense minds of everyone in the Money Pirates finally relaxed.

Nami looked at the time and said: “It’s almost time for Liszt, isn’t it time to reveal the answer?”

“Then reveal it! “Liszt said without any psychological burden.

It would be best to intercept the Devil Fruit.

No, their Money Pirates only lost a few boxes of fruits.

No, it is not a loss.

Because, even if the bedding is more than the dead, the pirates The pirates in the group don’t care at all. If you give them, they dare to eat them.

As long as they can get into their stomachs, how can it be considered a loss?。

“Orchid, lift the canvas! “Nami said.。

“Hi! “After hearing this, Youlan walked over and lifted up the canvas covering the big bathtub.

The situation in the bathtub came into view for the first time.

They didn’t seem to find any special fruits.

For a moment, Nami had a little hope. .

However, I am not too disappointed.

After all, this is only the most superficial layer.

What is underneath, you have to look through it to find out.。

“You guys go and look through it. If there really is one, whoever finds it will belong to him! “Nami smiled.。

“okay! “When Chitong and others heard this, they immediately walked over and

started rummaging in the big bathtub.

They didn’t care at all that there was a dead person lying in the big bathtub.

The twelve girls rummaged for a long time.

Suddenly, in Chitong’s hand, One more special fruit。

“what fruit is this? Do you know anyone? ? “Chitong held up the strange fruit in his hand.

Liszt took a closer look, wasn’t it the Devil Fruit? He

actually intercepted Eric’s Devil Fruit?

You know, although Liszt did this, but in his heart In fact, there is not much certainty that the Devil Fruit can be intercepted.

So lucky!

Chitong is so lucky!

“Red Eye, this is the Devil Fruit, it is obvious that it has chosen you! “Liszt said with a faint smile.

The girls burst into an uproar.

They all looked at Chi Tong with envy!

“Chitong, you are so lucky!”

“If I had known earlier, I would have changed places with Chitong.。”

“so envious! !”

“hey-hey! ! ”

Facing the envious and jealous looks of his friends, Chitong giggled.

Then, he walked up to Liszt holding the Devil Fruit.

He said to Liszt: “Captain, here it is! !”

“Didn’t Nami just say that? Whoever finds it will get it. I’ve already eaten the Devil Fruit, and I can’t eat another one.

Moreover, this Devil Fruit chose you to find it. Obviously, it is the most suitable for you, and you are also the most suitable for it. You should eat it yourself. “Liszt did not accept the Devil Fruit offered by Chi Tong, but shook his head and smiled.

Hearing this, Chi Tong turned to look at Nami.。

“Since you found it, just eat it! “Nami said with a smile.

Although she felt a little heartbroken about eating the Devil Fruit directly. After all, a Devil Fruit is worth at least 100 million. If you take one bite,

100 million will be gone.

With her greed for money, and How could there be no reaction?

However, compared to selling it, she still thought it was more cost-effective to eat it.

After all, only when the strength of the pirate group grows, they will be safer, and they will be able to make more money in the future.

If you give up, you will get

something. Nami still understands this.

When Chitong heard Nami’s words, she was immediately sure that Liszt and Nami really had no other ideas about this devil fruit, and immediately showed a pure smile, looking at He glanced at the two of them and said, “Then I eat it? ! !”

“Eat it! “Liszt laughed.

After hearing what Liszt said, Chi Tong no longer hesitated and

(Read more novels by visiting our website: Knights Novel) took a bite directly on the Devil Fruit. When the Devil Fruit

entered his mouth, Chi Tong’s face instantly turned blue.

However, Chi Tong did not spit it out directly. After coming out, he even endured the disgusting taste and ate the entire Devil Fruit in a few mouthfuls.

Although many people said that Devil Fruit only requires one bite.

However, Liszt felt that eating it completely would be enough. There won’t be any accidents.

Therefore, Liszt didn’t tell Chi Tong that he could just take one bite.

Looking at Chi Tong’s twisted little face,

Liszt couldn’t help but recall the situation when he ate the Kuai Kuai fruit. A knowing smile。

“Unknowingly, it has been almost two months since I came to this world. I have completely integrated into this world! ”

Liszt sighed.

Chi Tong’s little sisters looked at Chi Tong’s twisted little face and couldn’t help but curiously asked: “Chi Tong, is this devil fruit hard to eat?”

“It’s not that bad! It’s really unpalatable! In all my life, I have never eaten anything so disgusting! ! ”

After Chi Tong swallowed the devil completely, he couldn’t help but vomited。

“Ah, from now on, if we encounter a devil fruit, will we still eat it? Looking at Chitong’s twisted little face, I feel a little scared! “A girl said innocently. She

immediately caused other girls to roll their eyes.。

“Huh, you think Devil Fruits are just cabbage, you can eat them if you want. You don’t even know if you can get one in the future, but you start to dislike them!”

“Huh, I’m just talking!”

“Tell me, it will show you are capable········”

“That’s almost it. Shut up! “At this time, Liszt interrupted the quarrel of several girls.

He looked at Chi Tong and said: “Try your ability. Let me see the power of this sickle fruit! ! !”

“Hi! ! “Chitong responded.

He picked up his samurai sword and walked towards the side of the ship.

Everyone on the New Money looked at Chitong expectantly.

Even Sauron.

He also wanted to see a person who was just practicing The girl who had lived for a month wondered how her strength became after eating a devil fruit.

Chitong walked to the side of the boat, slowly closed her eyes, and silently felt the power of the sickle fruit.

Then she began to try to mobilize this power.

I don’t know how long it took, Chitong opened his eyes suddenly.

At the same time, he quickly pulled out the katana in his hand.

In an instant, a wind blade of several meters shot out.

Riding the wind and waves,

it slashed all the way towards the sea.

Twenty Meters, thirty meters, forty meters!!

It wasn’t until more than forty meters later that they quickly dispersed!

“Good stake! Is this an attack from me? ? ”

Chitong murmured to herself, looked back at everyone, and found that everyone was staring at her in shock.。

“What’s going on everyone? ?”

“Chitong, you are so powerful! ! ”

All the girls came back to their senses and rushed towards Chi Tong.

Chi Tong was not prepared for a moment and was thrown to the deck by the girl.。

“Is this the sickle fruit? ? It was indeed very powerful, but it was a complete waste if it fell into Eric’s hands! “Liszt muttered to himself.

I have to say that he was also stunned by Chi Tong’s blow.。

“Is this the power of Devil Fruit? ? I have been practicing for ten years and still can’t perform such an attack.

Chitong, on the other hand, only practiced for a month and only ate one Devil Fruit to gain such strength.

Ten years of practice is not as good as one fruit.

So what is the meaning of my ten years of practice? ? “For a moment, Sauron fell into confusion.。


【Asking for collections, asking for flowers, asking for comments, asking for everything! ! ! 】


Voyage: The Age of Speed ​​begins with the robbery of Nami!

Voyage: The Age of Speed ​​begins with the robbery of Nami!

Status: Ongoing


Liszt traveled to the world of One Piece and accidentally got a superhuman devil fruit – the Kuai Kuai Fruit!

What can you do with Kuai Kuai Fruit?

Just to speed it up? ?

How can Devil Fruit be such an inconvenience?

The Kuaikuai Fruit was used to support movement, and the name of Godly Speed ​​was born.

By adding Kuai Kuai Fruit to your reaction, you can make 1,500 cuts in an instant.

The Kuai Kuai Fruit is used to support self-healing, and super-speed regeneration appears.

Bless the Kuai Kuai fruit to the brain and thinking, overclock the brain, and the full level of understanding will naturally be achieved. All kinds of magical powers can be understood at a glance…

Wealth, honor, rights, everything belongs to me! !

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