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Voyage: The Age of Speed ​​begins with the robbery of Nami! — Chapter 056

“Fortunately you mentioned it now, otherwise, we would be in trouble when we enter the Grand Line! “Nami said with a happy face.。

“Don’t be happy too soon! I still don’t know if there are pointers to the Grand Line for sale in Rogue Town. “Liszt said。

“There should be a place as big as Rogge Town! “Nami said expectantly。

“I think so too, no matter what, I have to look for it carefully. “Liszt said。

“right! ! ! “Nami nodded.

Then, everyone went to the shops in Rogge Town and asked if there were any pointers to the Grand Route for sale.

Unfortunately, they asked more than a dozen shops in a row, but none of them sold pointers to the Grand Route.

Just when Liszt and others were frustrated,

a store owner pointed out a way for them.

He asked them to go to an older store to see what they might gain.

For a moment, Liszt suddenly became enlightened.

He took Nami and the others to those stores that looked older and had less traffic and asked.

At the same time,

the navy in Gro Town seemed to have discovered the Money Pirates and entered Rogge Town.

Knock knock knock knock !!

At the naval base, Smoker’s office door was knocked.。

“Come in! ”

As soon as the navy who knocked on the door opened the door, a thick smoke suddenly poured out from the room, which made the navy choke and cough, and his eyes watered.。

“It’s just a little smoke, what do you think? If you have anything to say, hurry up and get out of here! “Smorg glanced at the navy and said with a bit of a grumpy temper.。

“Report to Colonel Smoker! We found traces of the Money Pirates in Rogge Town! ! ”

The navy quickly saluted and reported。

“Are these bastards finally here? “When Smoker heard this, he immediately became energetic.

After the combined navy fleet led by Commodore Bryn Bryn failed to encircle and suppress the Money Pirates,

the news quickly spread to all the bases in the East China Sea.

Even even Even Malinfando knows about this matter.

How could Smoker, who has high hopes for him, not know about this matter.

Therefore, he has paid special attention to the Money Pirates and Lister recently.

During this time, he has been sending more troops. Plainclothes, scattered throughout Rogge Town.

Now, he finally got the news he wanted to hear。

“Have you spotted Lister the Butcher? “Smorg asked again.。

“I noticed that he seemed to be shopping with a group of girls at this time! “The navy soldier said。

“Do you still have time to go shopping? ? That’s good enough. Smoker sneered.。

“Where’s that guy Dusky? ?”

“It seems that Sergeant Dasqi went out to repair his glasses. “The navy replied。

“Hum, at the critical moment, just drop the chain for me, forget it, don’t wait for her.

Gather all soldiers immediately! “Smorg stood up energetically and said。

“Hi! ! ! ”

The navy responded and

took action immediately .。


At this time, Liszt did not know that Smoker had taken action.

After browsing a few more old shops, they finally found a few pointers to the Grand Route.

Without being polite, Liszt bought them all.

The pointer of the Grand Line was finally purchased, and Nami’s heart was relieved.

The purpose of this trip has been achieved.

Liszt and others did not continue shopping and prepared to go home.

However, as they walked on the street, they gradually felt that something was wrong.

There were almost no people in the streets that were crowded just now.

Even if there are one or two, they are in a hurry.

After seeing Liszt and the others, they even showed nervous expressions and flashed from one side.。

“Liszt, something is wrong! “Nami’s heart sank, and she said to Liszt a little uneasily.。

“It see

(Read more novels by visiting our website: Knights Novel) ms that the navy has discovered us. At this time, they have probably set up a dragnet around us, waiting for us to dive in! Liszt said solemnly。

“so what should I do now? ? “Nami asked a little uneasily.。

“There is no other way but to use soldiers to block it and water to cover it up! “Liszt said in a deep voice.

In fact, he didn’t really have nothing to do.

As long as he got into the nearby residents’ houses and captured a few hostages.

With Smog’s character, he should let them go first and then pursue them.

However, even if Liszt was a pirate, he would not bother to use such a despicable method.。

“Okay, don’t think too much, let’s just move forward, no matter what happens, I will do everything! ! “Liszt comforted Nami and said.

Nami gradually felt relieved when she saw Liszt was so confident.

Liszt and his party crossed this street and just turned into the main street of Rogge Town.

They saw countless naval forces waiting there. After

seeing Liszt and others appear,

the navy raised their guns and aimed at Liszt and others.

As soon as Smoker gave the order,

they opened fire and killed Liszt and others indiscriminately.。

“Butcher Liszt, I finally caught you, just hang up and take it, you have no way to escape!”

“Once again, I don’t like the bandit name Butcher. You can call me Speedy Liszt, Fast Sword Liszt, or even Handsome Liszt, but you can’t call me Butcher Liszt! “Liszt said lightly.

There was no sense of urgency like facing an army.。

“In addition, let me explain one more thing, I was not trying to escape, otherwise, I would not have walked on this street!

This Rogge Town is connected in all directions, and you can actually avoid this place in any alley.。”

“Well, so to speak, you are very confident in your own strength! Do you think you can leave calmly while being surrounded by me and these thousand soldiers? Smoker smiled playfully.。

“You can say that! Liszt said lightly.。

“Okay, since you don’t want to be captured without mercy, then I will take action myself! “Smoger did not order the shooting.

After all, except for Liszt, the others on the other side were girls.

Maybe they were guilty, or they were forced.

But, no matter what, Smoker didn’t want them to be young. Died easily。

“White fist! ! ”

I saw Smoker’s arm turning into thick white smoke, condensing into a huge fist, and rushing towards Liszt’s location.。

“Crescent moon clashes in the sky! ”

Liszt suddenly swung his sword. A

huge slashing wave of several meters burst out. With

a pop,

Smog’s white fist was instantly broken.

It went straight towards Smog himself.

Bang! !

The moment Smoker’s body was hit by Crescent Sky, it exploded into a ball of white smoke.

The next moment, Smoker condensed his head and floated in the void, looking down at Liszt.。

“No wonder he was able to fight his way out of the encirclement of thirty-two warships. He was quite capable! Unfortunately, I am a user with the natural smoke fruit ability.

All your attacks are ineffective against me! “Smog said with a sneer.

The reason why he said this was not to show off his ability, but to hit Liszt from a spiritual level.

Make him feel scared and powerless.。

“how so! ! “Liszt was not frightened.

But Nami and other girls were frightened.

People were chopped and turned into smoke.

They couldn’t be killed at all.

What should I do!!

“Don’t listen to his nonsense! Elementalization is very powerful, but it is not truly invincible! Liszt said calmly。

“Next, let’s see how I defeat him!”


【Please collect it, please collect it, please collect it. If you think this book is worth reading, please collect it! ! ! 】


Voyage: The Age of Speed ​​begins with the robbery of Nami!

Voyage: The Age of Speed ​​begins with the robbery of Nami!

Status: Ongoing


Liszt traveled to the world of One Piece and accidentally got a superhuman devil fruit – the Kuai Kuai Fruit!

What can you do with Kuai Kuai Fruit?

Just to speed it up? ?

How can Devil Fruit be such an inconvenience?

The Kuaikuai Fruit was used to support movement, and the name of Godly Speed ​​was born.

By adding Kuai Kuai Fruit to your reaction, you can make 1,500 cuts in an instant.

The Kuai Kuai Fruit is used to support self-healing, and super-speed regeneration appears.

Bless the Kuai Kuai fruit to the brain and thinking, overclock the brain, and the full level of understanding will naturally be achieved. All kinds of magical powers can be understood at a glance…

Wealth, honor, rights, everything belongs to me! !

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