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Voyage: The Age of Speed ​​begins with the robbery of Nami! — Chapter 059

Smoker and Dusky stood there blankly, watching the Money Pirates’ fleet go away.

I haven’t come back to my senses for a long time!

At this time, several marines came over。

“Colonel Smoker, Sergeant Dasqi, are you okay?”

“Well, I can’t die yet! “Smoge came back to his senses and said with some depression.。

“Next, should we pursue the Money Pirates? “At this time, a lieutenant colonel said.

He is the second-in-command of the Rogue Town Naval Base and Smoker’s deputy.

He also knows the attitude of the Navy Headquarters towards Lister, so he asked such a question.。

“Are you good at fighting? ? Smoker glanced at the lieutenant colonel.。

“Thirty-two warships failed to keep him behind before. Now, I only fought with him for less than a minute and was defeated by him!

Now you are chasing me to find death!”

“Then how should we report to the Warring States Marshal and the others? “The naval lieutenant colonel said with a bitter face.。

“Don’t worry about this matter, I will handle it myself! “Smog said in a deep voice.。

“Hi! ”

The lieutenant colonel saluted Smoker and then stepped back.

After Smoker sighed, he glanced at Dasqi who had not yet come back to his senses. He patted her head and said:

“That’s almost it. Isn’t it just a famous sword? ?”

“When I’m free that day, I’ll get one back for you!”

“As for this?”

“But that was Saya Shigure, and it was different from other swords.

It followed me for ten years.

It has never left my side since I got it when I was eight years old. Now, it has become someone else’s. I feel sad when I think about it being used by others in the future! “It’s okay if Smoker doesn’t say it, but once he says it, Dasqi can’t help crying.。

“I don’t know if Chi Tong knows how to maintain the knife.

I don’t know if she will use it to kill good people after getting Xiaoye Shigure!

Xiaoyu Shiye fell on her hand, how pitiful it was! ”

Dasqi cried and said。

“”Smoker was speechless for a while.

If he and Dasqi hadn’t known each other since childhood.

If it weren’t for Dasqi being sad right now.

He really wanted to curse: “Women are just pretentious!”

After thinking about it, Smoker comforted Dasqi and said:

“Then practice hard and try to defeat Chitong as soon as possible. In this way, you can not only win back Xiaoye Shigure, but also win back the dignity you lost before.。”

“Hey, I get it. I will definitely work hard to practice and strive to defeat Chitong as soon as possible and win back Xiaoye Shigure from her! “After hearing what Smoker said, Dasqi quickly became full of energy again.。

“Let’s go back! ”

Smoger returned outside the office, picked up the phone, and reported to Warring States what had just happened.

The result was no surprise.

Smoker was scolded bloody by Warring States.

Two whole people After an hour passed,

Sengoku hung up the phone.

Smoker let out a long sigh of relief.

He leaned on the sofa, recalling today’s fiasco, and his eyes gradually became firmer.。

“The strength is still not enough, it’s time to pick up the practice that has been abandoned for a long time! ”


After Sengoku hung up the phone, he also fell into deep thought!

Although Smoker’s defeat in this battle was due to his personal reasons, the bigger reason was because of Liszt himself.。

“Speedy Lister? ? After all, I still underestimated him. I didn’t expect that he could defeat Smoker in less than two months after his debut!

If he is allowed to continue to grow, he might become another headache and troublesome figure for the Navy.

“Next, how to deal with him?”

Warring States thought for a long time in the office, but never thought of a suitable way to deal with Liszt.

Sending a general to attack would be like using cannons to kill mosquitoes and overkill.

Send a lieutenant general?

Although the lieutenant general of the Navy Headquarters is not There are few, but it seems that there are not many who are free, and they are probably not very willing to accept this kind of task.

As for major generals, colonels, etc.

“Forget it, let him enter the Grand Line first and let a few Shichibukai take care of him. If that doesn’t work, then we will think of other ways to deal with this guy. ”

Time flies.

A few more days have passed.

After coming out of Rogge Town, the Money Pirates set off directly to the Grand Route.

After several days of sailing,

at this time, the thirteen pirate ships of the Money Pirates had approached the Upside Down Mountain. .

Here, it is shrouded by dark clouds all year round.

The wind is strong, the rain is strong, and the waves are strong.

If you are not careful, you will end up with the ship destroyed and people killed.

At this time, everyone on the thirteen ships of the Money Pirates started fighting With great energy, he carefully maneuvered the boat and approached the entrance of Upside Down Mountain.。

“We’ve found it, the entrance to Upside Down Mountain is there!”

“Everyone, move the boat that way! !”

“The boat behind, follow me! ! ”

Under the command of Nami and the operation of a group of professional sailors, the New Money sailed into the entrance of the Upside Down Mountain without any danger. Then, riding the wind and waves, it rushed towards the sky with the soaring countercurrent. After that, a

ship Then one pirate ship followed and drove into the entrance of Upside Down Mountain.

However, faintly,

Liszt still heard bursts of screams.

Liszt knew that there were thirteen pirate ships, and it was impossible for all of them to sail smoothly. Entering the entrance to the Upside Down Mountain,

there will definitely be an accident in which the ship crashes and people are killed.

However, at this time, Liszt can’t care about that much.

He can only take care of the Money first.

Even other things can only be done after arriving at the Twin Capes smoothly

. It was taken care of slowly.

The Red Earth Continent was towering into the clouds, and the Money was soaring all the way to the top of the clouds. After reaching the highest peak, it followed the water flow and entered the downhill slope.

As the rolling torrent released into the ocean, it finally rushed into the Grand Line.

Liszt stood on the Money and looked around. He didn’t see Rabu, the whale that hit the wall, nor Kurokas, the ship’s doctor of One Piece. Looking at the past, the

sea was vast, except for the red earth continent, and the waves rushing from the peak. Except for the sea water under the water and the other ships of the Money Pirates, there

was nothing else.

Liszt didn’t care about this.

He had never made a pilgrimage to Roger’s execution platform before in Roger Town, and he has not made any friends now. The idea of the ship’s doctor in One Piece.

Without some scenes in the original work, he would not be disappointed.

Lister set his sights on the exit of Upside Down Mountain.

Watching the pirate ships rushing out with the torrent.

One ship, two Ships, three ships, seven ships, nine ships!!!

After the ninth ship rushed out, a long time passed, and no more pirate ships came out.

Liszt knew it clearly!

It seemed that there were three pirate ships. The pirate ship crashed。

“Report on the status of each team! “Liszt said to the captains of the four divisions.。

“Captain, the first squadron, lost a pirate ship and sixty-five people were killed! “Johnson said in a somewhat depressed mood.。

“The second division lost one ship and fifty-eight men were killed! “Rocky is similar to Johnson, a little depressed.。

“The third team and three ships all passed smoothly without any losses! “Zangao said。

“The fourth division lost one ship and sixty-seven people were killed! “Ajin said in a hoarse voice.

After everyone heard the report,

they couldn’t help but be silent for a while.


just through one entrance, three ships were damaged and 190 people were killed.

The pric

(Read more novels by visiting our website: Knights Novel) e was too high. a little!

“Okay, don’t look downcast. We have entered the Grand Route. We have accomplished what countless people in the East China Sea have failed to do. We should be happy. ”

Others can be depressed, but Liszt, as the captain, can’t.

He can only encourage everyone.

Find bright spots among the disadvantages and encourage everyone.

Sure enough, after everyone heard Liszt’s words, their mood quickly recovered.。

“Nami! Does the pointer react? ? ” Liszt asked。

“Got it! !”

“Then let’s go!”

“Heading towards the first island of the Grand Line! !”


Everyone roared together!

The Money Pirates set sail again with anticipation and excitement.

On the Red Earth Continent, on the lighthouse.

A gaze cast down.

Looking at the Money Pirates who were gradually going away, they murmured to themselves: ” Another pirate group has entered the Grand Line. It seems that they came from the East China Sea. They seem to be called the Money Pirates!”

“I hope you can create the next legendary story that belongs to you in this sea area.

The Money Pirates, after leaving Twin Capes,

were quickly taught a lesson by the weather of the Grand Line. (To read the cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The weather here is ever-changing. One moment there are dark clouds, wind and rain, and huge waves. Another

moment the temperature soars to 40 or 50 degrees.

Another moment there is hail and heavy snow.

In just two days For three hours, more than a dozen different climates took turns.

Everyone in the Money Pirates was tortured.。[]

Even Liszt felt a little overwhelmed.

At this time, the Money Pirates are continuing to move forward despite dark clouds, wind and rain, and huge waves.

With Nami’s command, although the fleet looked a little embarrassed, it was still safe and sound.

Suddenly, the hope hand on the hope stage shouted:

“Captain, there’s a situation ahead! There is a small boat coming towards us!”

“telescope! ”

Liszt’s expression changed, and he quickly asked Youlan to bring a telescope.

After taking the telescope from Youlan, Liszt immediately looked in the direction pointed by the lookout hand, and soon saw the situation on the opposite side. He saw only

one On a square boat that was not very big and resembled a coffin, a middle-aged man was rowing the boat desperately with a black samurai sword. Obviously,

facing this kind of weather, the middle-aged man on the boat The man could no longer maintain his elegant demeanor.

He could only row desperately to prevent the boat from being sunk by the huge waves.

When Liszt saw this scene, his heart couldn’t help but skip a beat.

Because he had already recognized the identity of the man in the boat.

No. Wrong, that person is none other than King Shichibukai, the world’s greatest swordsman, Hawkeye Mihawk!

In his previous life, he had seen such a joke���

The reason why Hawkeye chased the Klick Pirates all the way was because the people of the Klick Pirates saw the most embarrassing side of Hawkeye – the big sword and rowing boat, so they were chased all the way.

He didn’t know if the joke was true or not.

But, at this time, he really saw Hawkeye rowing a boat with a machete.


Will Hawkeye slash them with a machete? ?

Liszt was completely stunned for a moment!

“Am I a substitute? ? ”


In Liszt’s mind, the Money Pirates have become the substitutes of the Click Pirates. At this time



lookouts on several other pirate ships seemed to have spotted the Eagle. Eyes.

Everyone screamed in shock。

“Look, there’s a boat ahead!”

“There was a guy in the boat, and he was rowing with a knife!”

“Such a small boat did not sink under his control. This guy is so good at rowing!”

“But how could he row a boat with a machete! ! Don’t you even have an oar? !”

“Can’t afford it? ? Or…”

Liszt’s face turned completely dark when he heard these people’s words.

It’s over.

It’s completely irreversible!!

“Goldfinger! ”

At this time, Liszt could only summon his golden finger to check his attributes.

Because he knew clearly that there might be a tough battle to fight next!

【Funder: Liszt】

【Physique: 20】

【Spirit: 20】

【Midas index: 5】

“Goldfinger, add five points to my spirit!”

【Adding points is complete!】

【Funder: Liszt】

【Physique: 20】

【Spirit: 25】

【Midas Index: 0]

Although there are only five points left, at this time, if you can make yourself stronger, you will be strengthened by one point.

As for why he added it to the spirit.

Because, in his opinion, a strong spirit allows him to seize every opportunity more accurately.

Liszt came back from the enhancement before he could check Hawkeye’s condition.

Then he heard Zoro shouting excitedly: “Pull the boat closer to me!!”

Apparently, the shouts of everyone also attracted his attention.

when he recognized the man in the boat as Hawkeye.

The whole person was so excited that it was hard to suppress.

When Liszt heard Sauron’s words, his face turned darker for a moment.


The entire Money Ship Pirates group all have a right to die.

He is a captain.

It cannot be saved.

at the same time.

Hawkeye also noticed the fleet heading this way, and faintly heard the discussion coming from the Money Pirates.

Suddenly, the boat stopped rowing.

Holding the black knife, he walked to the front of the boat.

Say nothing.

With a direct strike, he struck at a large ship next to the Qianqian, the Old Qianqian!


In an instant, a cyan slashing wave suddenly appeared.

Just cut the old money number in two!

This sudden change shocked everyone in the Money Pirates.

Hawkeye didn’t stop there. Before everyone in the Money Pirates could react, he swung another knife towards the Black Gold next to the Money.。

“Overclocking mode! ”

Liszt had already reacted (hao Zhaohao) at this time.

Even if he knew that he might not be Hawkeye’s opponent, he did not choose to watch the Black Gold being destroyed by Hawkeye.

After entering the overclocking mode .

Liszt directly stretched his speed to the limit.

With a whoosh,

Liszt flew towards the boat where Hawkeye was like a sharp arrow.

He appeared on Hawkeye’s boat in an instant.

The katana in his hand was as fast as lightning and headed towards Hawkeye. Eyes sliced off!

Hawkeye’s eyes moved slightly, changing from chopping to blocking.

There was a clang.

An invisible air flow centered on the two people and quickly swayed away.

Hawkeye’s black knife steadily blocked the fatal blow from Liszt. one strike。

“Hawkeye Mihawk! You shouldn’t cut my boat! “Liszt said coldly.

Hawkeye is very powerful.

However, he did not choose to be polite to Hawkeye because of his power.。

“Lister the Butcher? ? ”

Liszt’s reward order has become quite popular around the world recently. Of

course, Hawkeye has also seen his reward order.

At this time, he recognized Liszt at a glance。

“Please call me Speedy Lister! ”

Now that the situation is like this, Liszt is still correcting Hawkeye’s name.

The advantages and disadvantages are only temporary, and whether he is handsome or not is a lifelong matter. If they let them characterize the bandit name “Butcher”,

then Li Si I feel like my life is ruined。

“Speedy Lister? Are you a Kuai Kuai fruit capable person? ? ”

Eagle Eye looked at Liszt with interest.。

“That’s right, I am the Kuai Kuai person who ate the Kuai Kuai fruit. Speed is my characteristic! “Liszt stopped pretending and admitted directly.。

“You are an interesting opponent who can help me pass some boring time. “Hawkeye laughed loudly.

He withdrew the black knife and took the initiative to attack Liszt.

Liszt did not choose to fight with Hawkeye head-on.

Even though his current physique has reached 20, compared with Hawkeye, It’s still far away.

Moreover, Hawkeye is still domineering.

If he fights head-on with him, he has no chance of winning.


Voyage: The Age of Speed ​​begins with the robbery of Nami!

Voyage: The Age of Speed ​​begins with the robbery of Nami!

Status: Ongoing


Liszt traveled to the world of One Piece and accidentally got a superhuman devil fruit – the Kuai Kuai Fruit!

What can you do with Kuai Kuai Fruit?

Just to speed it up? ?

How can Devil Fruit be such an inconvenience?

The Kuaikuai Fruit was used to support movement, and the name of Godly Speed ​​was born.

By adding Kuai Kuai Fruit to your reaction, you can make 1,500 cuts in an instant.

The Kuai Kuai Fruit is used to support self-healing, and super-speed regeneration appears.

Bless the Kuai Kuai fruit to the brain and thinking, overclock the brain, and the full level of understanding will naturally be achieved. All kinds of magical powers can be understood at a glance…

Wealth, honor, rights, everything belongs to me! !

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