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Voyage: The Age of Speed ​​begins with the robbery of Nami! — Chapter 104

In an instant.

The sky and the earth change color.

Countless black and red lightnings burst out.

A circle of violent energy spread wildly.

Wherever you go.

The ice cracked inch by inch.

Flying like crazy.

Fortunately, the ice on which Qingzhi was frozen was thick enough.

Otherwise this moment.

Both have to fall into the sea. at the same time.

Under Qingzhi’s crotch was the women’s bicycle.

Being crushed into a pile by a powerful impact

“My bike!”

Qingzhi’s face changed slightly.

“Dance wildly!!”

Liszt did not replace the assassination tactic of missing a single hit and escaping thousands of miles away.

Instead, he directly swung Huazhou.

He dealt a crazy output to Qingzhi.

Ten swords, hundreds of thousands, thousands of swords!!

In just one second Inside.

Liszt slashed a total of 1,500 knives.

Although Qingzhi was domineering, he couldn’t keep up with Liszt’s speed. He was killed in countless pieces in an instant.

However, before Si could breathe a sigh of relief,.

God’s vision noticed that someone appeared behind him.

Without thinking, he swung the knife back.

Clang -!

A metal collision sound.

Liszt blocked Qingzhi’s attack.

Of course, it can also be said that it was Qingzhi’s attack. Zhi blocked Liszt’s attack

“The speed of swinging the knife is really fast, I was almost hacked to death by you! Qingzhi looked at Liszt and said with a calm expression.

“Your reaction was also very fast. Under my attack, you were able to quietly appear behind me in elemental form in an instant!”Liszt said calmly

“According to the intelligence, you have been at sea for less than three months? Why are you so skilled in Armed Color Haki? So powerful? Not like a newcomer at all? ? Qingzhi asked

“Because I am a 417 genius! Liszt said calmly.

Then he asked Qingzhi again;

“What about you, Admiral Aokiji, why are you here? ?”

“I said it happened by chance, do you believe it? ?” Qingzhi said

“Do you think I believe it or not? ?”Liszt said expressionlessly.

“Well, you probably don’t believe it. Qingzhi replied

“I really don’t believe it!” Liszt responded

“Okay, let me be honest with you.

It was Admiral Sengoku-san who asked me to come.

To find you.

I have been running on the sea for half a month.

First I went to Alabasta.

As a result, you left a few hours early.

I have to say, you are so lucky!” Qing Pheasant said

“Are you just here for me? There is no other reason!! Li Te said lightly.

“Of course there is another reason!

You should be very clear about Nico Robin’s identity. It was because of me that she escaped.

So, over the years, I have been tracking her.

Nico Robin is a dangerous figure in her own right.

Now I’m hanging out with people like you again.

The danger of your group has suddenly increased several levels.

Recently, I happened to be taking a break.

Marshal Warring States told me your situation.

I think your team is indeed dangerous.

So I came over to take a look!”Qingzhi said like a chatterbox.

“Talk about danger, in my opinion, you just couldn’t worry about Robin, that’s why you came here. After all (ahbf), you have been worrying and running around about her affairs. In a sense, you can be regarded as her old father..

Now as you can see, Bin is doing well.

Next, can you please relax the rules and let us leave? ?”Liszt made a particularly shameless request.

“How do you know this? ? Forget it, don’t talk about this!!

If your strength is mediocre, I can let you go. After all, things that cannot become a climate will not make people feel a sense of crisis!

But your talent is too strong and you are too dangerous!

So, I can’t let you go.

Be prepared to go to jail for the rest of your life!”Qingzhi glanced at Liszt in surprise, but did not deny his special feelings for Robin, and said slowly

“Sorry, I still have many places I want to go, and I don’t want to go to jail just yet! Liszt said calmly

“That’s not up to you!” Qingzhi said.

He slapped Liszt with a palm.

Liszt’s pupils shrank and he instantly stepped back hundreds of meters.

There was a bang.

The moment Qingzhi’s palm took the photo, an iceberg appeared in vain.

From this, you can imagine.

Liszt If he had been photographed by Qingzhi just now, his whole body would have been frozen in an instant.

“Two stabbing spears!”

The moment Liszt got out of the way, Qingzhi condensed another ice spear and shot it towards Liszt.

With a whoosh,

Liszt disappeared instantly.

Then, 0.12 seconds later, from the other direc

tion, a knife was struck. Slashing towards Qingzhi!

Qingzhi’s domineering power was quite powerful.

He caught Liszt’s trace in an instant.

The ice army in his hand once again blocked Liszt’s sharp blade.

He successfully blocked Liszt’s attack.

Attack After being blocked, Liszt did not fight with Qingzhi, but quickly pulled back to Huazhou. He used the mad dance again.

In an instant, he swung one thousand five hundred knives towards Qingzhi.

Facing Liszt’s kind Attack. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Qingzhi couldn’t take it.

So he simply stopped taking it. He directly transformed into elements.

Then, he sneaked behind Liszt from the frozen sea.

“Freezing time!”

Qingzhi stood directly behind Liszt and gave him a slap. With a whoosh sound,

Liszt immediately distanced himself from Qingzhi. Qingzhi slapped him in the air with his palm.

“Frozen time capsule!”

This is a set of combos.

At the moment when Liszt was not hit by his freezing moment,

Qingzhi used the power of knowledge to lock Liszt’s figure.

At the same time, he released a long-range attack.

Bang! []

In the frozen time capsule When the attack came,

Liszt jumped up and dodged Qingzhi’s attack.

At the same time, he held the knife in both hands and struck Qingzhi quickly!

“Crescent moon clashes in the sky!!”

I saw a black and red slashing wave bursting out.

It was like a falling meteor.

“Have you even controlled the deployment of armed forces? ?”

Qingzhi’s face changed slightly.

At the same time, he quickly mixed the elementalization and armed domineering of the entire arm into one, and finally formed a huge ice fist. He blasted it fiercely at the crescent moon sky.

“Gloves of Ice!”


In an instant.

Countless streaks of black and red lightning shot out and spread rapidly toward the void.

It is not only the overlord-colored domineering spirit that has such an abnormality when it comes to fighting against strong men.

Armed and domineering strong men can do the same.

Those black and red lightnings were mostly caused by Liszt’s Crescent Moon Clash and Qingzhi’s Ice Fist.

It was caused by the leakage of Liuying’s domineering energy inside Yueya Tianchong.

At the same time, a violent energy spread out.

The ice surface with a radius of tens of meters cracked inch by inch.

Pieces of broken ice shot up.

Qingzhi blocked Liszt’s Crescent Sky Rush for three seconds.

Finally, it was completely blown to pieces.

Liszt had no representative expression on this.


He quickly rushed towards Qingzhi again.

The knife was swung towards Qingzhi quickly and urgently.

Qingzhi had just smashed Liszt’s Crescent Moon Chong.

The old strength is gone, but the new strength is not born.

Faced with Liszt’s super speed attack.

You can only defend passively for a while.

In the end, Liszt slashed him back dozens of meters.

“Exploding pheasant mouth!” Qingzhi threw out an attack while retreating. The attack flew towards Liszt like an ice bird. Liszt’s figure flashed and disappeared. Qingzhi’s attack was instantly missed and fell to the ground. A strange iceberg quickly formed on the frozen sea

“Crescent Cross Slash!”

After Liszt dodged, he swung a fierce attack towards Qingzhi again.

I saw a huge black and red slashing wave several meters fiercely slashing towards Qingzhi. Qingzhi once again used the frozen glove to smash Liszt to pieces.

Liszt was about to repeat the attack.


Qingzhi launched the attack first.

A two-thorn spear was quickly thrown out from Qingzhi’s other hand.

It quickly shot towards Liszt.

Liszt could only stop. He stopped the attack and turned to dodge.

However, at this time, Qingzhi was also using his knowledge and knowledge to lock Liszt’s figure.

The moment Liszt moved, he kicked out quickly


Qingzhi’s attack is the same as Liszt’s Crescent Moon Chong, both of which are armed and powerful.

Moreover, it seems to have predicted Liszt’s movement trajectory.

It is blasting towards the high-speed moving Liszt.

Liszt’s expression did not change. When Lan’s kick came, he calmly dodged it with flexible steps.

“Not only does this guy move ridiculously fast, but his nerve reactions are also second to none!”

Qingzhi’s eyes narrowed slightly.

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Voyage: The Age of Speed ​​begins with the robbery of Nami!

Voyage: The Age of Speed ​​begins with the robbery of Nami!

Status: Ongoing


Liszt traveled to the world of One Piece and accidentally got a superhuman devil fruit – the Kuai Kuai Fruit!

What can you do with Kuai Kuai Fruit?

Just to speed it up? ?

How can Devil Fruit be such an inconvenience?

The Kuaikuai Fruit was used to support movement, and the name of Godly Speed ​​was born.

By adding Kuai Kuai Fruit to your reaction, you can make 1,500 cuts in an instant.

The Kuai Kuai Fruit is used to support self-healing, and super-speed regeneration appears.

Bless the Kuai Kuai fruit to the brain and thinking, overclock the brain, and the full level of understanding will naturally be achieved. All kinds of magical powers can be understood at a glance…

Wealth, honor, rights, everything belongs to me! !

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