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Voyage: The Age of Speed ​​begins with the robbery of Nami! — Chapter 146

Everyone was startled and couldn’t help but look in the direction that Keya was pointing to.

Sure enough, I saw a very peculiar fruit.

It’s growing on a tree.

“What a devil fruit!” the girls immediately exclaimed.

The Devil Fruit is not a heaven and earth treasure like the Spirit Ginseng Zhu Guo.

There is no such thing as a beast guard.

The crowd immediately walked towards the Devil Fruit.

The crowd watched.

“Tut-tut, it’s the first time I’ve seen a Devil Fruit grow on a tree, could it be that this tree is a Devil Fruit Tree?”

“This is the durian tree!” Robin said, glancing at the tree.

“Durian??is the kind of durian that smells very bad and tastes very fragrant? It turns out that durian grows on trees, I thought it grew on vines!!” Hill suddenly realized.

“Vine Durian??Ciel, why are your thoughts so peculiar??” Youlan looked at Ciel in surprise.

“Because, my family used to grow watermelons, and I thought this durian was the same as watermelon!” Hill scratched his head and said embarrassedly.

The crowd was speechless.

“Anyway, this Devil Fruit was the first to be discovered by Keya, so is this Devil Fruit owned by Keya??” Xiaolian said.

“That’s right, this Devil Fruit belongs to Koya!16!” Liszt said.

When the girls heard this, they had no opinion.

After all, it was Keya who found out first, and even if she gave it to them, they would be embarrassed to take it!

“Everyone!!” Keya watched everyone default to this Devil Fruit being hers, and they didn’t fight or grab it, and she was a little moved in her heart.

“Go ahead, since you discovered it first, then it belongs to you, go pick it up and eat it!” Liszt smiled faintly.

This Devil Fruit is not animal-based.

It looks a bit like Superman, and it’s a bit like nature.

It doesn’t matter what department it is.

The most important thing is that this Devil Fruit has a relationship with Koxya.

After all, after so many people, this devil fruit was not found, but Keya found it.

It’s not what fate is.

It’s been a few days since Kaya’s arrival with the Money Pirates.

Look at Nami, Nokigao, Robin, Koi and others all have Devil Fruits.

can help Liszt.

She will inevitably have some envy in her heart.

Naturally, I also want to get a Devil Fruit of my own.

Now I finally got what I wanted.

Naturally, she would not give up on this Devil Fruit.


Keya answered.

So he stepped forward and plucked the devil fruit.

Then, take a big bite and eat the whole Devil Fruit.

“Oh, it’s so unpalatable!!” “Keya’s face turned blue with disgust.

Although, before, she had heard from her sisters that the Devil Fruit was very unpalatable, and she herself was prepared.

However, she feels that she has been drinking medicine since she was a child and has been drinking since she was a child.

No matter how unpalatable it is, you can bear it.

But I didn’t expect it.

It was far more unpalatable than she could have imagined.

If it weren’t for the comparability of those medicines.

However, she covered her mouth and tried not to throw herself up.

“I brought an orange here, you take it and take it!” Chi Hitomi hurriedly took out an orange from his pocket and handed it to Keya.

Red Hitomi is a greedy foodie, so she brought some food, like Hill, they didn’t bring anything at all.

“Thank you!!” Koya took the orange and took a bite of it, sucking the orange juice hard.

After a while.

Keya finally breathed a sigh of relief.

“It’s alive!”

“Feel the power in your body!!” said Liszt.

“Hey!” replied Keya.

Begin to sense the power from the Devil Fruit in your body.

It took a long time before I opened my eyes.

“Keya, what kind of fruit are you eating??” asked Youlan.

“It seems to be a false fruit!” said Keya after thinking about it.

“Void fruit???what’s the use of it??” The girls were confused when they heard this.

“Red Hitomi, attack me!!”

Keya thought about it and felt that compared to spending her mouth to explain, she felt that she could better understand what it meant to be virtual by letting others watch it through fighting.

“I??” the red pupil was slightly stunned.

“Keya, why don’t you change to someone else, I’m very staked!!” Red Hitomi said.

Keya’s weak appearance, she stabbed down, I’m afraid she will cry for a long time.

Akatomi has no interest in fighting Kraya at all.

“I know you’re at stake, that’s why I let you attack me!” said Keya with a smile.

“Then I don’t need a sword, just hit you with my fist!!” said Akatomi.

“Anything!” Koya nodded.

“I’m coming!!” Red Hitomi solemnly reminded Keya before attacking.

“Come on!!” Khaya nodded.

Akatomi also doesn’t use silent momentary steps.

He just quickened his pace and rushed towards Keya.


At the moment when the red pupil punched, Keya’s body instantly became transparent.


Red Pupil punches through Koyana’s illusory body.

But he couldn’t hurt half of Keya’s cold hair. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“This is the Void Fruit??can make people’s bodies virtual??” Red Hitopil looked at Keya in shock.

The girls next to him also looked at Keya in surprise.

“What a magical Devil Fruit!!”

“Yes!” replied Keya.

Straight through the body of the red pupil.

Then, he pushed the red pupil with a backhand palm.

The result failed to advance.


Keya was a little embarrassed.

As Liszt looked at this scene, he couldn’t help but think of himself when he had just crossed over.

The same hands have no power to catch chickens.

I couldn’t help but smile.

“Keya, it seems that you need to exercise your body a little more! No, you don’t even have the strength to hit people!!!” Red Hitomi smiled.

Subsequently, the shot was like lightning to catch Keya.

Keya panicked in her heart and hurriedly used the void ability. []

However, Hitomi’s speed was even faster than her reaction.

Before she blurred.

Grabbed one of her arms directly.

“Oh, I can’t blur it!” Keya couldn’t help but be surprised.

“It seems that the void can only be carried out before others attack you, and when others catch you, you can’t do the blur!” Red Hitomi said lightly.

“I suddenly have an idea, I want to test it, red pupils, let go of Koya first!” Liszt said, walking towards Koya.

“Hey!” Red Hitomi replied.

Let go of Keya’s hand and step aside.

“Keya, let’s evolve and void directly!” Liszt said to Keya.

“Liszt, what do you want to do??” Keya looked at Liszt curiously.

At the same time, the body enters a state of blurring.

“I want to see if you can catch you in a virtual state, armed with a domineering color!” Liszt said.

He wrapped the armed domineering qi around his right hand and grabbed it towards Keya.


The moment Liszt’s touch touches Kagea.

The palm of his hand actually pierced directly through Keya’s body.

At all, 390 can’t catch Keya’s body.


The girls watched the scene.

I couldn’t help but be in an uproar.

“Even the armed domineering can’t catch Keya, doesn’t that mean that as long as Keya enters the state of void before others catch her, then no one can beat her??

In this way, isn’t Keya inherently invincible??”

“Yes, that’s it. Liszt smiled and withdrew his palm.

“However, in this way, Keya can’t beat others, right, Keya!”

“Yes, as long as I enter the void state, I can’t touch anyone else’s!!” Kaya nodded.

“Keya, I have an idea!” said Mayne.

“What do you think??” said Keya, a little dazed.

“Keya, learn sniping with me and Sister Nuoqi!

When you blur, your clothes fade with you.

In other words, what you are holding in your hands can also be blurred with you.

Just imagine, if you hold a gun, pull the trigger, the bullet is discharged, and after leaving you, is it virtual or solid?

If it’s a physical one!

can damage enemies.

If you come, you will be able to attack others in an ethereal state. “

Ma Yin said excitedly.

When Keya heard this, she was also excited!

Liszt also thought that Ma Yin’s proposal was good.

So he said: “Keya, try first to see if it works!”


Ask for evaluation, ask for evaluation, ask for evaluation!!

Thank you 158** for the reward from the father-in-law, thank you very much!。


Voyage: The Age of Speed ​​begins with the robbery of Nami!

Voyage: The Age of Speed ​​begins with the robbery of Nami!

Status: Ongoing


Liszt traveled to the world of One Piece and accidentally got a superhuman devil fruit – the Kuai Kuai Fruit!

What can you do with Kuai Kuai Fruit?

Just to speed it up? ?

How can Devil Fruit be such an inconvenience?

The Kuaikuai Fruit was used to support movement, and the name of Godly Speed ​​was born.

By adding Kuai Kuai Fruit to your reaction, you can make 1,500 cuts in an instant.

The Kuai Kuai Fruit is used to support self-healing, and super-speed regeneration appears.

Bless the Kuai Kuai fruit to the brain and thinking, overclock the brain, and the full level of understanding will naturally be achieved. All kinds of magical powers can be understood at a glance…

Wealth, honor, rights, everything belongs to me! !

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