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Voyage: The Age of Speed ​​begins with the robbery of Nami! — Chapter 161

Money number.

“Is this Moonlight Moria? so high!!”

“We can’t put it in our tub. “

“What can I do now??”

After Liszt brought back Moonlight Moria.

The girls had a problem.

Moonlight Moriah is nearly seven meters tall in stature.

The tub on their boat simply didn’t fit.

The girls were all scratching their heads in a hurry.

“Since there is no suitable bathtub, let’s just take the planks and make a circle on the deck and bury them!” said Liszt.

“Hey!!” the girl’s eyes lit up and she answered in unison.

I went back to the warehouse and found a wooden plank to push.

In one corner of the deck, a large circle is formed.

However, spread a piece of firmer fruit underneath.

Because of the tonnage of Moonshine Moria.

The spread is juicy and fluffy, and it is easy to crush.

After Liszt placed Moonlight Moria in that circle, he killed him directly.

After that, the girls spread layers of fruit on it and completely submerged it.

“Lord Moria!!” Perona was very sad to see Moonlight Moria completely dead.

Although she didn’t have the courage to die for Moria, and she didn’t have the idea of being buried for him, she was really sad.

The girls gave Moonlight Moria a fruit burial with their front feet.

Nami came back with Perona’s body on her hind feet!

Liszt released Perona’s soul body out of the glass bottle.

19 Rona’s soul body hurriedly returned to her body.

“Finally out of that damn bottle!” Perona moved her body and couldn’t help but vomit.

However, at this very moment.

The three daughters of Red Hitomi, Hill, and Shizuka surrounded them with bad intentions.

“What do you want to do??”

Perona instantly remembered what had happened before.

Suddenly frightened, the flowers were discolored, and they retreated again and again!!

“What are you doing??, of course, beating you!” Red Hitomi laughed.

A punch slammed into Perona’s eye socket.

directly blackened Perona’s eye sockets.

Subsequently, Hill and Shizuka also took action!!


“Captain Liszt, save me!!I’m going to be killed!!” Perona screamed and called for help from Liszt.

If Liszt turned a deaf ear, he drank the tea brewed by Koya.

While chatting with Koya, Nami, Nokigao, and Robin.

The three of them, Chitomi, Ciel, and Shizuka, were beaten for almost twenty minutes, and after the evil breath in their hearts.

He stopped.

After all, from this moment on.

Perona is also a member of their Money Pirates.

They couldn’t have just beaten Perona to death.

It is also impossible to beat Perona to the point that she cannot take care of herself.

They are still very measured.

Don’t look at Perona has been beaten into a pig’s head by the third daughter.

But in fact, it is just skin trauma.

There were no injuries to the bones and internal organs at all.

The whole situation, rest for two or three days, and you will recover.

Liszt didn’t let Perona hold this pig’s head and dangle it in front of his eyes for two or three days, which affected his appetite too much, and immediately said to Xiao Lian beside him: “Xiao Lian, go treat her.” “


Xiao Lian responded.

Walked up to Perona and began to care for her.


Two minutes later.

The bruises on Perona’s face and body dissipated.

Everything is back to normal.

But she is still immersed in Xiaolian’s massage treatment.

“Alright!!” Xiao Lian stopped what she was doing, stood up and said to Perona.

“Uh??okay??so quickly??I don’t feel like I’m completely well, why don’t you give me another button!!” Perona didn’t want to stop so soon, and wanted to enjoy it a little longer, so she pretended to be pitiful and said to Xiao Lian.

“I’m a doctor, I know your situation clearly, I said okay, you’ll be fine!That’s it!!” Xiao Lian glanced at Perona and turned away directly.

Manipulation like Perona, she doesn’t encounter too much.

If you don’t just refuse it neatly.

She’ll be so busy that she’s exhausted.

Perona spat out her little tongue at Xiao Lian’s back.


“Perona, from today onwards, you will be a member of my Money Pirates!” Liszt said to Perona.

“Hey, hey!!” Perona replied in a perfunctory tone.

She didn’t have much identification with Liszt and the money number.

It’s just that now people are swordsmen, and I am fish and meat.

She can only be committed to the Money Pirates for now.

Take it one step at a time.

Liszt didn’t care about this either.

Anyway, it’s time for him to train this little Lori.

Wait a while.

She will integrate into this pirate group and obediently obey.

“Youlan, during this time, it’s up to you to take Perona!!” Liszt said to Youlan.

“Hey, Captain!!” Yulan replied.

Then he smiled at Perona in a friendly way: “My name is Youlan, please give me more advice in the future.” “

“Hello!!” Perona replied politely without being overbearing.

“You’re not familiar with our Money Pirates, so why don’t I introduce you first!!” Youlan smiled.


Perona nodded.

“Captain, you don’t need me to introduce you!!”

“No, no, how could I not know Captain Liszt. Perona said quickly.

Yulan smiled lightly and began to introduce Perona to the others on the boat.

“This is Nami-sama, the eldest sister of our Money Pirates!!”

“Hello, Nami-san!” Perona knew that she might be on the Money for a long time in the future.

So, take the initiative to build a good relationship with everyone.


“This is Sister Robin!” (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

“This is Sister Nuoqi. “

“This is Sister Keya. “

“This is my sister, Shizuka!”

“Huh!!” Shizuka glanced at Perona angrily.

“Hmph!” Perona didn’t bother with Shizuka, who had just beaten her.

“This is Red Hitomi!!”

“Hmph. “

“This is Hill!”


“This is a little love !!”

“Little Sister Lian, please take care of me in the future!!”

“This is Xiaofu, this is Xiaoxun, this is Xiaotao, this is Mayin, this is Xiaohui”

Under the introduction of Youlan.

Perrault soon got to know the girls on the boat.

“It’s almost time!, see if you have cut off the transparent fruit!,” Liszt began. []

“Hey!!” the girl replied excitedly.

“Youlan, it’s better for you to lift the cloth, your luck is better!”

“Okay!” Youlan saw that everyone agreed that she would lift the cloth.

She had no choice but to obey everyone’s opinions!

Yulan quickly lifted the canvas covering the bathtub!!

The girls looked at each other.

It’s a pity they didn’t see the Devil Fruit!!

“Let’s look for it together!!” Shizuka hurriedly shouted.


The girls who hadn’t eaten the Devil Fruit yet answered.

He walked over to the tub.

Started rummaging in the tub.

After a while.

You haven’t found it yet.

Just when everyone thought that this time it might be the bamboo basket looking for water.

Xiaohui, a girl who usually doesn’t have much sense of existence, suddenly caught a special fruit.

“I found !!”

Megumi raised the Devil Fruit in her hand with a look of surprise!

“It turned out to be real!!”

“Xiaohui, you’re so lucky!!”

The rest of the girls looked at the Devil Fruit in Megumi’s hand.

They all showed envious expressions!!

“It’s a little better than before, 993 points!!” Xiaohui smiled happily.

Then, Xiao Hui walked up to Liszt and the others with the transparent devil fruit in his hand.

“Captain, I’ve found the Devil Fruit!!” Megumi looked at Liszt expectantly.

“Since you found it, it’s yours!!” Liszt smiled as he glanced at Xiaohui.

The presence of this girl in front of her among the twelve girls is not very high.

However, he was very impressed by this girl.

The night when the bayonet saw blood.

The impression she gave him was very moist and wild!

He really didn’t see it.

She is calm and has no sense of existence, but when there are only two people, she is so seductive.

“Hey, thank you, Captain!”

Xiaohui happily answered.

Eat the transparent fruit directly.

Then, like everyone else, take a few delicious fruits and pass them over your mouth.

After diluting the smell of the Devil Fruit.

He closes his eyes and senses the presence of the transparent fruit.

After a while.

Just opened your eyes!

“Xiaohui, how do you feel?” asked Youlan with a smile.

“It feels good!!” Megumi laughed.

“How about showing everyone that??”


The moment when Xiaohui’s words fell.

The whole person quickly became transparent, and finally disappeared in front of everyone’s eyes.

“Wow, it’s really gone!”

“Xiaohui, where are you??”

“Guess what!!” the words fell, and Xiaohui shifted his position.

“Red Hitomi, can you sense Megumi’s existence??”

“I’ll try!!” the red pupil opened to see and hear the domineering look.

The first time, I didn’t find it, and the second time, I still didn’t find it.

It wasn’t until the fifth time that she faintly sensed Xiaohui’s location.


Ask for evaluation, ask for evaluation, ask for evaluation!!

The picture above shows Xiaohui!.


Voyage: The Age of Speed ​​begins with the robbery of Nami!

Voyage: The Age of Speed ​​begins with the robbery of Nami!

Status: Ongoing


Liszt traveled to the world of One Piece and accidentally got a superhuman devil fruit – the Kuai Kuai Fruit!

What can you do with Kuai Kuai Fruit?

Just to speed it up? ?

How can Devil Fruit be such an inconvenience?

The Kuaikuai Fruit was used to support movement, and the name of Godly Speed ​​was born.

By adding Kuai Kuai Fruit to your reaction, you can make 1,500 cuts in an instant.

The Kuai Kuai Fruit is used to support self-healing, and super-speed regeneration appears.

Bless the Kuai Kuai fruit to the brain and thinking, overclock the brain, and the full level of understanding will naturally be achieved. All kinds of magical powers can be understood at a glance…

Wealth, honor, rights, everything belongs to me! !

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