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Voyage: The Age of Speed ​​begins with the robbery of Nami! — Chapter 162

The red pupil directly used silent instantaneous steps to pounce towards Xiao Hui.

hugged Xiaohui!

“Oh, I’ve been discovered!!” After Xiaohui was hugged, she immediately revealed her true body, scratched her head and smiled.

“Red Hitomi, you’re so stake!!

When I used the transparent fruit, I also used the breath condensation technique, and the combination of the two was so good that I thought I was hiding it well.

It turned out to be discovered by you. “

Xiao Hui was still a little surprised that the red pupil found herself so quickly.

“Xiaohui, you are at stake, but I have released my domineering scan several times before I faintly perceive your existence.

Although you have just eaten the transparent fruit, you are much stronger than that Abu!!” Red Hitomi couldn’t help but praise Xiaohui.

“Xiaohui, tell me how you plan to develop the transparent fruit next??” at this time, Liszt asked with a smile.

“Captain, although the transparent fruit is good, it has a weakness, which is restrained by the domineering nature of seeing and hearing.

It’s okay for people who haven’t seen and heard domineering, and they can be unprofitable.

But after facing someone who has seen and heard domineering, it seems a little stretched.

So, next, I’m going to develop the Transparent Fruit together with the Breath Gathering Secret Technique.

Try to do it, come without a shadow, go without a sound.

Don’t show the slightest murderous intent.

Bring your presence to a minimum.

So that the enemy’s sight and sight are domineering, and they can’t perceive my existence. Xiaohui said.

“You’re a good thinker, but it’s not that easy to do!!” Liszt laughed.

“Where there’s a will, there’s a way!!, Captain, I believe I can succeed!!” Xiaohui said firmly and confidently.

“I believe you can do it too!” said Liszt with a faint smile.

Xiaohui usually doesn’t have much sense of existence.

Moreover, she also practiced breathing.

After Liszt took possession of her completely, he created a breathing technique specifically for her.

She learned quickly.

With her talent, she will develop the transparent fruit to the point where she can’t feel her existence even when she sees and hears it.

It’s not just an empty word.

Among the twelve girls, except for Xiao Ai, it is estimated that only Xiao Hui has the ability to do this.

Moreover, Xiaohui has no sense of existence compared to Xiaoai.

Maybe that’s because of that.

That’s why the transparent fruit chose Xiaohui’s!

The crowd chatted for a while.

It’s time for the draw again.

“It’s time. Let’s see if I have intercepted Moria’s Shadow Fruit!~.!” Liszt said.


“Youlan, your luck is good, it’s up to you to lift the canvas next!”

The girls unanimously recommended Youlan to kick off the prelude.

“No problem!” Youlan smiled gently.

Without refusing, he walked directly to the edge of the deck and lifted the canvas that covered Moonlight Moria.

“Wow!!Here it is!!Devil Fruit is here again!!”

“Youlan, you are really the lucky one favored by God!!”

The moment when Youlan lifted the canvas.

For the first time, the girls saw a special-looking fruit in the most eye-catching place among the fruits that covered Moria.

That’s the Devil Fruit.

Moonlight Moria’s Shadow Fruit!

Red Hitomi walked over.

Take down the Shadow Fruit.

Walk up to Liszt.

“Captain, we’ve found another Devil Fruit!” Red Hitomi laughed.

“Yes, yes, you are very lucky, and you have a lot of fate with these Devil Fruits, and these Devil Fruits are left for you one after another. Liszt was numb to this kind of luck.

The lottery was drawn that day, and there were no Devil Fruits, or he would be surprised.

“In that case, it’s still the old rules!”

Liszt smiled faintly.

Take out a bamboo tube again.

Place it on the table.

At this time.

Among the twelve maidens.

There are only five people left who don’t have Devil Fruits.

Ma Yin, Little Peach, Little Kaoru, Little Love, Mei Pulu!

At this time.

All five of them became nervous.

At this time, they were all very eager to get this Devil Fruit.

After all, don’t eat another Devil Fruit.

They became the tail of the crane among the twelve girls.

“Let’s get started!!”


The girls answered.

Ma Yin was the first to step forward.

If you die early, you have to die at night.

It’s your own, it’s your own.

It’s not your own, and no matter how much you struggle, it won’t help anything.

Moreover, there is an example of Youlan.

The first draw is not necessarily undrawn.

“I’ll come first!!”

While Ma Yin cheered herself up, she came to Liszt.

The girls didn’t rob her either. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Silently looked at Main.

Soon, Ma Yin pulled a lot out of the holder.

Flip it open and take a look.

The result is a blank stick.

“Again!” Ma Yin’s face darkened, and he threw the empty slip directly to the ground.

He turned away in a huff.

Seeing this, Liszt smiled dumbly.

Do Shadow Fruits and Snipers match??

It really doesn’t seem to be a good match.

However, the transparent fruit and the sniper are very compatible.

It’s a pity that Xiaohui and Xiaoai are actually more suitable than Mayin.

It’s not her turn either, it’s a pity!!

The girls watched this scene and breathed a sigh of relief.

“Next, it’s my turn!” Kaoru stepped up.

I also pulled out a lottery from the bamboo tube, turned it over and looked at it, but the result was still empty. []

Kaoru turned away with a stinky face.

“It’s my turn!!” said Momo, who also walked up and drew a lot!!

I turned it over and looked at it, but it turned out to be empty.

“Hey, what a pity!!” Xiao Tao sighed and turned to leave.

“Now there are only two sticks left, and the two of us each have a fifty percent chance of getting the Shadow Fruit, so nervous, Xiao Ai, are you on it, or am I on it??”

“You go on!!” Xiao Ai responded.

“Okay, I’ll get on, I’ll get on!” Meplu replied, and stepped forward, but stood in front of the sticker.

She didn’t know which one to draw.

One will catch this stick, and one will catch that stick.

Back and forth several times.

Liszt was a little overwhelmed.

Speechless: “It’s almost done, there is a time in life, there will be in the end, there is no time in life, don’t force it!”

“Hey!” said Maplew, after hearing Liszt’s words.

No longer hesitated, and directly drew a lottery from it.

As a result, when I turned it over, it was still a blank stick.


“In this way, wouldn’t Xiao Ai lie down and win!!”

“That’s a lot of luck. “

The girls exclaimed again.

“Xiao Ai, the Shadow Fruit is already in your pocket, but the lottery ceremony still has to be completed! Come and draw your lot!” Liszt smiled.

“Hey, Captain!!” Xiao Ai responded, stepped forward, and drew the last one from the bamboo tube.

When I turned it over, it was written with a fateful word.

Subsequently, Xiao Ai handed the sign to Liszt (Zhao’s).

After Liszt took it, he glanced at it and said with a faint smile:

“Now I announce that the Shadow Fruit belongs to Xiao Ai!!”

The red pupil then handed the Shadow Fruit to Xiao Ai.

“Thank you, Captain, thank you Red Pupil!!” Although Xiao Ai usually doesn’t like to talk or laugh much, at this moment, a flash of joy flashed in her eyes.

After taking the Devil Fruit.

Xiao Ai is also like everyone else, and eats the shadow fruit in a few bites.

Then, he hurriedly ate a few delicious fruits to dilute the smell of the devil fruit.

Then, I closed my eyes again.

It’s the same as Xiaohui just now.

Begin to perceive the presence of Devil Fruits.

Bang ————

Judgment in an instant.

The round shadow of a dark shadow, centered on Xiao Ai, expands rapidly.

In an instant, the red pupils, Liszt and others were enveloped in it.

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The picture above shows Xiao Ai.


Voyage: The Age of Speed ​​begins with the robbery of Nami!

Voyage: The Age of Speed ​​begins with the robbery of Nami!

Status: Ongoing


Liszt traveled to the world of One Piece and accidentally got a superhuman devil fruit – the Kuai Kuai Fruit!

What can you do with Kuai Kuai Fruit?

Just to speed it up? ?

How can Devil Fruit be such an inconvenience?

The Kuaikuai Fruit was used to support movement, and the name of Godly Speed ​​was born.

By adding Kuai Kuai Fruit to your reaction, you can make 1,500 cuts in an instant.

The Kuai Kuai Fruit is used to support self-healing, and super-speed regeneration appears.

Bless the Kuai Kuai fruit to the brain and thinking, overclock the brain, and the full level of understanding will naturally be achieved. All kinds of magical powers can be understood at a glance…

Wealth, honor, rights, everything belongs to me! !

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