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Voyage: The Age of Speed ​​begins with the robbery of Nami! — Chapter 166

“The captain is here??”

“And bring the girls with you!”

“The captain should be very happy to see that we have scavenged so many good things, I don’t know how the captain is going to treat us next!!”

“A banquet must not be escaped. “


Schindler walked over and shouted at the pirate with something in his hand, “Everybody put your stuff here.” Let me register and go to the meadow to assemble!!”

“Hey!!” everyone responded.

One by one, I put down the things in my hand.

Then, walk towards the meadow dozens of meters away from the stacked materials.

By this time, Youlan had already used the fluttering fruit to roll up a large amount of dirt and build a platform for Liszt.

Liszt stood on the platform.

Nami’s four daughters were behind Liszt.

And the twelve golden hairpins stood behind the four women.

Soon everyone was coming this way.

At this time, Liszt showed a smile and said loudly: “Brothers have worked hard!!

This time, we have gained a lot.

Food, weapons, gold, Guzhi, Bailey, and even Devil Fruits, you name it.

So, I’ve decided to reward you with 500 million Baileys.

Other than that.

I will not take this Devil Fruit that you have found, but will keep it for you. “

“Long live Captain!!” the more than 1,700 20 pirates roared excitedly when they heard Liszt’s words.

Come out and be a pirate.

For what.

Isn’t it just to get rich?

Isn’t it just for pleasure??

Now Liszt not only rewarded them with 500 million Baileys.

Moreover, he also left the Devil Fruit to them.

Although, there is only one Devil Fruit, and there is only one lucky one next.


There’s a chance for everyone, isn’t there?

Give money and power.

Such an arrogant boss.

Where can I find it?

It’s no wonder they’re not excited.

“It’s still the old rule!Lottery determines the ownership of the Devil Fruit!Do you have any opinions??”

“Captain, we have no opinion!!” everyone said in unison.

“Well, in that case. Let’s get started!!” Liszt said.

Just now, he had already asked Nami and the others to prepare for the lottery.

Although, there are more than 1,700 people in the Money Pirates.

However, it doesn’t take much time to make a lottery ticket.

All you need to do is cut out 1,700 sheets of white paper of the same size, then write the edge characters on one of them, put them in the box, and you’re done.

Liszt finished.

Shizuka walked over with a table.

Then, Youlan also came with a box in her hand and placed it on the table.

Because, Johnson and Rocky, when they fought against the demon Oz, were seriously injured.

He is still in a coma.

Therefore, checking the votes, the singing was carried out by the two sisters, Youlan and Shizuka.

Liszt stepped aside and sat down on the sofa that the maidens had brought to him.

Watch quietly.

Soon someone came forward to draw a lottery.

More than 1,700 people.

Compared with the lottery between the twelve golden hairpins, the hope is even slimmer.

Even more than 800 people did not win the fateful ticket.

Until, number 888 came into play.

He just pulled out the ticket with the word fate written on it from the box.

“I won, I’ve drawn!! haha, I’ve drawn!!”

The Pirates of No. 888 were the first members of the Money Pirates to follow Liszt when they were formed.

Now he is also a member of the Money Pirates

He usually likes to use bows and arrows.

His name is Barton.

The moment he saw the word fate written on the ticket in his hand, he couldn’t help but shout excitedly on the spot.

“Na??The Devil Fruit was drawn???”

“His name seems to be Patton, a squad leader of the first team!”

“He’s so lucky. “

“Damn, why didn’t I win the lottery. “

“I want to progress so much, how can I improve without Devil Fruits!!”

Some people rejoice, and naturally some people are worried.

The more than 800 people behind are all looking forward to winning this devil fruit.

As a result, before it was their turn, they were drawn halfway.

How could they not have reacted?

At this time, Youlan said to Barton gently, “Give me the ticket!”

“Okay!” Barton replied, and hurriedly handed the ticket in his hand to Youlan.

Youlan took the ticket handed by Barton, glanced at it, it was indeed a fateful ticket, and then turned around and walked towards Liszt’s place.

The ticket was handed to Liszt.

“Captain, this is the fate ticket that the big brother drawn. “

Liszt took the ticket handed by Youlan and looked at it.

He stood up and walked over to Barton.

“I think your name seems to be Patton, an old member of our Money Pirates!”

Liszt smiled faintly.

“Yes, Captain, I’m Patton, but one of the first members of our Money Pirates, and now I’m a small team leader of the first team. Barton said with some excitement.

“Not bad!” said Liszt, patting Barton on the shoulder, and laughed.

Then, go to the very front of the platform.

Loudly announced: “The lottery results have come out, and Barton has won the fateful ticket.”

Now I declare that the Devil Fruit belongs to Barton!!”


“What a lucky guy. “

“Although the Devil Fruit was taken away by others, fortunately, it was not the new friend who drew the Devil Fruit, and I couldn’t help it, my mentality exploded!”


Red Hitomi walked over with a box in her hand.

Liszt took the Devil Fruit out of the box and handed it to Barton!

“Thank you, Captain!” (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

After thanking Liszt, Barton ate the Devil Fruit in front of everyone.

Soon, Barton developed animal features.

Feathers, wings, sharp eyes, a hooked nose.

Hands and feet also turned into claws in an instant.

“It turned out to be in the form of a bird, a bird, a fruit, an owl!!” said Liszt.

“This fruit and this name are a bit of a match. “

Liszt couldn’t help but think of the Women’s Union’s Barton who used a bow and arrow.

“Patton, you go down first!” said Liszt.

“Hey, Captain!” Barton replied.

Spread out your wings and fly towards the multitude.

As a result, because he is not yet proficient in flying skills.

Barton flew only a dozen meters before falling out of mid-air.

Slammed to the ground.

In front of everyone, I lost my old face!


Everyone couldn’t help laughing out loud when they watched this scene.

The mood of those who didn’t win the lottery just now has also improved a little.

Barton quickly got up and slipped into the crowd.

“Don’t be too disappointed that you didn’t win the Devil Fruit just now, because there’s still a fortune waiting for you next. Liszt exclaimed.

“Thank you, Captain!!”

When everyone heard Liszt’s words, their depressed mood completely improved.

“Schindler, come on, and then the stage will be handed over to your logistics department!” Liszt said to Schindler.

“Hi, Captain!!”

Soon, Schindler walked up with dozens of people, carrying chairs and tables, and carrying 500 million Bailey.

Dozens of people took up positions on the platform.

“Start with the first team, come up and get the money!”


When the crowd heard this, there was another howl.

Dozens of people work in the office.

500 million Baileys, less than two 130 hours.

All of them have been sent.

The captain of the 12th team each received a million-dollar prize.

Small cadres, 300,000 to 500,000.

And the average number of members is 200,000.

It’s a joy for all.

Johnny and Sejof, who were not included in the 12th team, also received 500,000 Pele.

It can excite them.

But Sauron didn’t receive a penny.

Because, he has never been short of money.

Each time, when he was short of money, he asked Liszt for it.

Liszt has always given millions of dollars.

I can’t spend it at all.

So, he’s not unfamiliar with this bonus at all.

“Alright, now that everyone has received the bonus, then, it’s time for us to get out of this hellish place and move everything back to the ship!”

Liszt said in a deep voice.

“Hi !!”

Although everyone was a little surprised, Liszt did not hold a banquet directly, and it was completely different from before, after winning the battle, they did not dare to ask anything, and immediately began to carry materials after answering.

This time, the Money Pirates scavenged a lot of supplies from the castle.

However, more than 1,700 people went into battle at the same time.

Move everything in one round.

Liszt walked behind the group with Nami and the others.

“Liszt, why did you go so fast this time? Didn’t you always leave after the banquet before?” asked Nami, a little puzzled.

“I don’t know why! A sense of crisis suddenly surged in my heart, it is not appropriate to stay here for a long time!” Liszt said in a deep voice.

Nami’s pupils shrank suddenly.

It made Liszt have a sense of crisis.

How horrible this must be.

Nami didn’t dare to think about it.

With Liszt walked out of the three-masted galleon.

Ask for reviews, ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for support!!。


Voyage: The Age of Speed ​​begins with the robbery of Nami!

Voyage: The Age of Speed ​​begins with the robbery of Nami!

Status: Ongoing


Liszt traveled to the world of One Piece and accidentally got a superhuman devil fruit – the Kuai Kuai Fruit!

What can you do with Kuai Kuai Fruit?

Just to speed it up? ?

How can Devil Fruit be such an inconvenience?

The Kuaikuai Fruit was used to support movement, and the name of Godly Speed ​​was born.

By adding Kuai Kuai Fruit to your reaction, you can make 1,500 cuts in an instant.

The Kuai Kuai Fruit is used to support self-healing, and super-speed regeneration appears.

Bless the Kuai Kuai fruit to the brain and thinking, overclock the brain, and the full level of understanding will naturally be achieved. All kinds of magical powers can be understood at a glance…

Wealth, honor, rights, everything belongs to me! !

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