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Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light — Chapter 141 I am Tiga

The Sons of the Phoenix have a common idea that is very heretical for the Empire.

That is – whether it is the Emperor or the four false gods of Chaos who want us, they all regard us as pawns.

But lust treats us like children.

This leads to the fact that all childish and irrational lustful behaviors can be explained by them and they are happy with them.

“Let’s go eat over there. It’s bigger over there. Where’s the deputy company commander? Come here and close the curtain!”

Raste asked the Sons of the Phoenix who were carrying the dinner plates to take out the curtains and sit up in rows.

There was still a bit of breeze in the early morning, but it couldn’t disperse the mist.

The weather was slightly cold, but the climate was pleasant for an Astartes.

Deputy Captain Abraham, a guy who didn’t look stable, quickly went to the battleship and called all the Astartes.

What? You say someone must stay on board the battleship?

Their lust for divine light is here, tell me, our warships need to stay behind?

Nine-Headed Insect asked Ben Boer Ba to conquer the Western Heaven Tathagata alone, plus Taishang Laojun and Bodhi Patriarch to unify the three realms, right?

One thousand one hundred and eleven Sons of the Phoenix took out their own small benches of the Light Desire Card – of course, it was quite big for a mortal.

They sat in rows one by one, pulled out the small tables, put them away, and waited for the meal to begin.

After setting up the curtain, Deputy Company Commander Abraham looked at his own plate with some confusion, and then looked at others’.

Does it mean that those with the position of company commander should have one less potato than others?

Confused, he went to see Captain Anduin.

Anduin was not originally named this, he was the last of his noble family.

His family is a pastor’s family.

After the unification war of Holy Terra ended, his family confirmed that those legendary figures were all emperors based on various historical records.

They take it for granted that the Emperor is a god!

But the Emperor ruthlessly rejected them and personally set fire to the church built for the Emperor by Anduin’s grandparents.

Anduin’s grandparents desperately tried to get into the church to save him.

They didn’t know what they were trying to save, because everything in the church seemed to be valuable.

In the end, they knew that what they were saving was faith.

The ruthless emperor made this family bear unnecessary guilt.

In Anduin’s generation, Anduin’s father asked him to give up his surname and become an Astartes before he died. The reason why he gave up his surname and first name was to prevent him from being recognized by other nobles. Tate excludes.

After all, it has the reputation of “making the Emperor displeased with the family bloodline”.

Before the coming of Light, all kinds of bullying and humiliation were common within the Legions Astartes, whether they were different Legions or the same Legion.

Anduin has no surname or first name, and has been carrying his Astartes warrior number all the way to the position of company commander.

Later, he met Luang Lu and worshiped him as a god.

This is what He said.

“I just remembered the name of a priest. His name is Anduin. I wonder if you are willing to accept this name and become my priest.”

Each company commander of the Sons of the Phoenix is ​​a priest of the god Lord of Lights, and they are the most loyal light chasers.

Abraham looked at it several times and finally confirmed that Anduin’s number of potatoes was also normal, and it was only his fault that was wrong.

“Lord…Master, why am I missing a potato?”

“Because twenty-five years and nine months ago, you ate my potatoes secretly!”

Rasta pointed at his nose and cursed.

When they first joined the Phoenix Sons Legion, these Space Marines did not fully trust Rasta, the quartermaster.

I always feel like he keeps the good stuff for himself.

Even though Rasta’s food was exactly the same as theirs, they still had this suspicion.

So a whole company of fools tricked Abraham into stealing the quartermaster’s food to see if there was any difference.

This evil master will remember this hatred for the rest of his life!

“I…I did that too…”

Abraham sat back amid the jeers of a group of Phoenix Sons.

“Which movie is better to show today?”

Rasta took out a pile of CDs and a projector.

Whenever there is an opportunity, His incarnation will bring His demon army to watch various ancient Terra works.

“I want to see Gauss!”

The keen-eyed Astartes raised his hands on the spot when he saw a pile of Big Brother of Light videos in Rasta’s hand.

“Fart! You should be watching Nexus!”

Abraham was louder than anyone else.

“No, I want to see Ace. Killing aliens should be as simple as that!”

At this time, everyone is equal, who cares whether you are the company commander or not.

“No, I want to see Hanuman!”

One person didn’t actually want to see this thing, but just wanted Guang Yu to notice his conspicuous bag and shouted loudly.

The scene was quiet for a while. Everyone looked at the guy and he shrank in fear.

“Hit him! Beat him! Come together!”

The Astartes nearby were all brainless.

“Kick me!”

Guangyu cursed and then let Tiga go.

Don’t ask, even the Emperor has seen it, and shouted “I am Tiga” in the finale when Malcador looked disgusted!

There is this article in the complete collection of Rasta’s The Dark History of the Emperor: At 12:09 pm on September 27, 2001, the Emperor turned into light and helped Tiga defeat Gatanjie, and Makadora couldn’t hold him back. !

The next day, the emperor was complained about disturbing the people, and it was Ma Xiang who dealt with it again.

That’s right, with tens of thousands of years of experience in wiping the emperor’s butt, it makes perfect sense for Malcador to be the regent!

It just changed from the Emperor’s personal little butt to the Empire’s super big butt.

“Like sunshine, passing through the night…”

After the theme song started playing, the children of the Demon Army of Light and Desire began to eat while looking at Diga.

But for some reason, as they ate, they always felt that the meal tasted different.

how to say……

“I taste like my mother!”

Abraham explained everyone’s common thoughts as soon as he opened his mouth.

“I ate it too…”

A Phoenix Son next to him also looked down at the food, lost in memories.

“Me too…wait! Our three sons have the same mother?”

Anduin gasped.

As nobles, they are proficient in art, so they understand the bloody plots in many books. Just when they were about to start thinking about it, other Sons of the Phoenix responded that they had also experienced this taste.

Fulgrim’s subspace nature will make the food she makes, infused with maternal love, really make the children of the Phoenix taste like the food cooked by their mothers in their memories.

“That’s right! It was made by my mother. How can she, a dead noble, know how to cook? It really tastes so bad. I will never forget it in my life!”

The conspicuous man who wanted to see Hanuman burst into tears because his biological mother’s cooking skills were comparable to those of two top chefs, Hain and Luojia.

“Then let me eat it!”

Abraham tried to steal the food.


Conspicuous package protects food.

Anduin looked thoughtfully at the Lord of Lights.

“Yes, I have found your genetic wife.”

One sentence overshadowed the food program “Da Gu Cheng Tang” on the screen and attracted the attention of all the Phoenix children.

In the other three worlds, the other three incarnations of light desire are probably saying the same thing at this moment.

“Her name is Fulgrim, the purple phoenix. Like you, she has the genetic defect of perfect obsessive-compulsive disorder, but I have effectively treated her.”

Guangyu’s words were very convincing. The Third Legion almost asked to apply with them because their own legion was not the Fourth Legion, and they had to change their order with the Fourth Legion.

Rasta stopped them, which was part of the perfect cure for obsessive-compulsive disorder.

“She knows there are four thousand, four hundred and forty-four of you, and she cares about every one of you.

She is still hospitalized because she has a genetic defect.

But when she thought that today was the day of your rebirth, she felt that she had to do something for you.

So she cooked for you, and it took her all night, without any help. “

Guang Yu told his demon army a little white lie.

snort! You are an evil god, lying is the sign of professionalism! What happened to Jing Jingye?

This group of Phoenix Sons looked at the food on the plates and suddenly had many thoughts.

Take a big mouthful of rice, savor it carefully, and observe the beauty of the dish.

Each Astartes felt the love of the Genetic Wife in his own way.

Anduin asked a lot while eating.

“So, how is our Primarch doing lately?”


“What are you doing?”

“Be a princess!”

“oh oh……”

Suddenly all the Astartes eating stopped.

ha? My Lord Guang Yutian, can you repeat what you just said so that I can hear clearly again what you are saying?

What you said seems to be…

“My dad is being a princess?!”


Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Milky Way welcomes the sixth subspace evil god, Light Desire!


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