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Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light — Chapter 152 Ugly Deception

Three thousand teenagers who met the criteria were selected, and more than a thousand were qualified to receive Astartes surgery, but in the end only 666 survived.

Such is the success rate of Astartes transformation surgery.

No, it should be said that it is a very ideal success rate.

These Sons of the Phoenix, who had just completed surgery and replenished their blood, were still unable to adapt to their powerful bodies and reaction speeds. They were often so sensitive that they would fight each other over the smallest things.

In later generations, the Astartes who had just emerged from the transformation surgery also developed a special fighting culture.

This culture is easily suspected to be the result of Khorne’s corruption.

This kind of fighting is called first blood, two blood and absolute blood.

The most cruel one is the death penalty, which means that in the fighting pit, only one person can come out alive.

Is this any different from the ceremony to please the Lord of the Skull?

The cans don’t know, they don’t have common sense in this area.

Even their ceramic power armor has not yet begun to be forged.

Because there is still a period of observation after the Asterta transformation surgery to prevent sudden physical deformation or mutation development.

Their instructors are Lucifer’s Black Guards, and occasionally the Imperial Guards will come to practice in person.

“You mean, you can solve our genetic defect problem?”

It’s not like there were no Astartes who were bitten by the blight right after the transformation surgery.

Although others did not become ill, they were prepared for this situation in advance because of fear.

“Yes, so I said, I need your help, I must become a pharmacist, but the higher-ups rejected me by saying that my ideas are dangerous.”

The current Fabius is still far from the image of a bald middle-aged man, but the disgusting smile on his face has not diminished.

“What do you need us to do?”

The reserve space warrior who didn’t know that he was about to become a guinea pig was a little excited.

“Of course I need you, Dante. Among us, you are the only one who is a real old noble.”

Fabius looked at the tall white-haired boy in front of him as if he were looking at a piece of dried ham that had been stored for many years. Even though the other person had the height and fighting power of an Astartes of two meters, he could not hide the youthful temperament revealed in him. .

In this batch of cans, they are basically the Holy Terran nobles who were re-canonized after the Great Crusade when 90% of the old nobles died and new blood could not be replaced.

There are not many old nobles left in Holy Terra, and only the older generation is left. Their heirs are either dead, or they are still serving in the Third Legion as the Emperor’s angels. Each one of them is not afraid of death and charges forward. The forefront of the battlefield.

This Dante is obviously not the dark side regent in later generations, but just a guy with the same name.

He was born into a long-established Terran noble, and his bloodline was much purer than other Terran native aliens in Iron Man’s eyes. Tracing back to his roots, his ancestors could be traced back to the royal family of a certain European kingdom in the first millennium.

Fabius grabbed the hand of a can next to him. This guy already had symptoms of blight, and the organs inside his body began to degenerate and shrink, which caused lesions to appear on the other person’s skin.

Canned people need weight-bearing training before they get their own real power armor. Even if the weight is not 5,000 kilograms of power armor, it is still 2,500 kilograms.

They must bear the weight and make these weights a normal part of their daily lives. This will help them maximize the effectiveness of their power armor after they join the Great Crusade.

With a violent and flexible attitude, he plays every role as a war weapon as a space warrior.

Of course there is another reason too – to stimulate the body and see if there is an outbreak of blight.

Bearing weight will stimulate various organs of the purple reserve cans to eliminate the hidden dangers of blight. It is not possible to screen them all, but the most obvious ones can be picked out.

“Symptoms of blight? Shouldn’t he be transferred?” Dante’s hair stood on end.

Because after an outbreak of blight, the consequences other than death will be endless torture – the empire will try every means to extend your lifespan until the gene seeds in your body are re-formed.

Or, you could be a guinea pig, testing whether the blight can be cured.

However, this kind of experiment has failed too many times. Basically, the only option is to raise you in a culture chamber and use it as gene seed to harvest trees, if you can persist for that long.

“Keep your voice down! The bishop in charge of the reconstructive surgery admires me very much. Although he cannot accept me as a student, he used his power to give me a small privilege.

This allowed me to keep some of my battle brothers with less obvious symptoms and treat them aggressively.

Not only that, I even had access to one of the Bishop’s many laboratories.

He has been conducting in-depth research on this malignant disease born from the shadow of the Lunar Gene Sect.

I worked as his assistant for a while and helped him achieve some results.


Fabius took a small dropper out of his subcutaneous tissue, apparently modifying himself a little to bring out a little something from his skin.

Dante stared closely at the dropper in his hand. For some reason, this new blood of the old aristocracy that was the only remaining one felt his heart twitching.

Fabius dropped the purple liquid in the dropper onto the back of the can’s hand, which had symptoms of blight and obeyed his instructions. The liquid easily penetrated into the pores of the other person, but it also evaporated some, causing sulfuric acid to rise and splash. Earth-like smelly smoke.

But the change after it affected the person was not that fast. The canned expression twisted, and it was obvious that some kind of pain was tormenting him.

After more than a minute passed, Dante saw the lesions on the other party’s body fading away at an extremely slow speed.

“His organs are now full of activity again!”

Fabius let go of his hand with great confidence, as if this problem that had stumped so many masters was nothing to him.

“Is it that simple? Then why did you come to me?”

Dante was sure that this was a cover-up trick by the other party, and he didn’t believe that the matter was solved like this.

“Of course not! This can only last for a short time because I don’t have enough materials on hand.”

Fabius has already thrown out the bait, and of course he will not let the other party leave.

“Material? What does that have to do with me? You are the one who has a close relationship with the bishop.” Dante felt that Fabius was a little confused.

“I don’t intend to deceive you, Dante. The material I’m talking about is the body tissue or blood of old nobles. The fresher the better, the purer the better, preferably…

He has not undergone Astartes transformation surgery, because that means he has not been contaminated and cursed by the Lunar Gene Sect! “

Fabius finally showed his fangs.


Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Milky Way welcomes the sixth subspace evil god, Light Desire!


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