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Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light — Chapter 153 Self-Righteous

Dante was instantly angry. He didn’t expect that this upstart would dare to treat the bloodline passed down from the ancient Terra period like a guinea pig!

“You give up! It is impossible for me to introduce those adults to you! Each of them has sacrificed every child for the emperor’s holy expedition.

We can sacrifice everything for the Imperial Truth, including our lives, but not for you, filthy rat!

Let me guess, does your so-called treatment have any strong side effects? As a follower who voluntarily participated in the experiment, you may not have polyps growing everywhere in your body to become the target of blight!

After those proliferative tissues that absorb nutrients from our bodies are consumed, the blight will only become more terrifying and devour everything we have!

You are just creating a more painful and lengthy torture for us! “

Dante was overcome with emotion because his uncle had been subjected to similar experiments.

In the end, they didn’t even receive the body. They just heard that the final product of the experiment was a disgusting ball of twisted flesh and bone that did not have a human shape. The whole body was filled with messy hair and organs such as proliferated eyes.

That is more terrifying than being tortured to death by the blight, because if you die from the blight, at least you will have a shriveled human form.

Accepting this kind of experiment, it’s really like the imperial version of small chaos eggs are being mass-produced!

The can, which accepted the purple liquid and obeyed Fabius, felt intensely uneasy because of Dante’s words.

“That’s because their experiments were conducted directly on people who had undergone transformation surgery.

My idea is to start with pure aristocratic bloodlines that have not yet been exposed to reconstructive surgery. “

Fabius couldn’t explain why he did this.

The existence of subspace has led to the existence of both science and idealism in the galaxy.

The noble blood of Holy Terra and the gene-seed of the Sons of the Phoenix were an unexpected match.

So much so that these noble blood began to have some special effects. Even if they had not yet undergone the Astartes transformation surgery, they had already formed some kind of special bond with the purple cans.

This bond is unclear, but now, the data obtained by Fabius is that the cleaner the blood of the nobles, the more effective it is in curing blight.

His drop of liquid came from a descendant of an old noble who died after only undergoing a few Astartes surgeries. The sample of the other person’s body was retained.

After a heated argument with the bishop, Fabius purified the drop of purple liquid from the body sample.

These liquids can still cause serious side effects, although they are not as terrible as Dante thought.

The momentum of the old nobles weakened as the Astartes who represented them were gradually killed in the Great Crusade.

Sons of the Phoenix who die fighting for the Empire can provide nothing to their family. The Empire will provide you with nothing but the honor of dying in battle.

Everything is only for the continuation of human civilization, and the empire only values ​​who can bring more benefits.

The reason why the emerging nobles are not yet completely in charge is because there are still 4,444 Sons of the Phoenix, many of whom are the last bloodline of their own families.

Of the old nobles who remained on Terra, only the old, weak, sick and disabled were left. They did not meet the requirements for the transformation surgery and therefore did not become Astartes.

“Dante, it is everyone’s honor to devote one’s life to the Empire. They must have been filled with regrets when they were unable to become Astartes. Now, they will be honored to finally be able to become part of the cornerstone of the Empire.”

Another follower of Fabius, a reserve can who was also an emerging aristocrat, stood up and began to morally kidnap Dante with the so-called “for the empire”.

This is a long-prepared conspiracy against Dante and the established nobles.

In Fabius’s plan, he never cared about the life and death of the established nobles, he only needed experimental materials.

Whether he can even repay his money is not within his scope of consideration. He just wants to realize his talent.

Even if it means killing 10,000 old Terran nobles and saving just one Blight, it is worth it in his opinion.

It’s like completing an achievement in a game.

Fabius’ purpose was just to conquer the blight and prove his talent, not to really bring honor to the established nobles.

Completely curing the blight was also on his list of achievements, but he was itching to endure it. He had to torture the family members of his predecessors who fought in the Great Crusade into drops of liquid, and then put them into experiments.

He doesn’t care about the pain of others, he only cares about the achievements and pleasure he achieved during his experiments.

Yes, his research must torture the experimental subjects. The stronger the emotion, the more certain characteristics of the experimental subjects’ bodies will become clearer, and the better they can suppress the blight.

As for why he knows this…

After a few followers of Fabius took the lead, all the nearby reserve cans who were afraid of the blight crowded forward.

Fabius used his superb acting skills to tell these people that those old nobles only need to provide a little blood to solve their genetic defects, which is completely harmless.

He was so good at this deception that he didn’t reveal any flaws.

Dante is still hesitating and struggling. He is too young to see through the conspiracy and does not know how to face this situation.

Until the two he was most familiar with and closest to among these people encouraged him.

“Dante, agree. Anyway, those adults you mentioned will not really lose anything. If they succeed, they will be recorded in history. Isn’t this a kind of glory…”

The chaotic and noisy voices tortured Dante in his ears.

“Okay, I promise you, but we can’t leave the recruit camp privately, you know it!”

Dante bit the bullet and finally agreed. He hid his strong hostility and looked at Fabius.

But Fabius was well prepared. He had already obtained the permission from the bishop to take a person out of the new camp through various means, even if it was only for three days.

“I can take you away, you just need to be my introducer and tell the adults you know about the great achievements we are about to complete!”

Dante lowered his head and frowned and hesitated for a long time. Finally, in order to prevent this guy who seemed to make him sick from doing anything extraordinary, he decided to introduce Fabius to a relatively important established nobleman.

He didn’t believe that the other party really dared to attack this person.

“I can introduce you to a couple from the Abraham family, they even have a little daughter.

You’d better know what you’re doing. Their eldest son is the deputy company commander of the third company of the third army that we are about to join! “

Fabius could no longer hear anything in his ears. His only focus was on the sister of the deputy commander of the third company of the third legion, the young owner of the old noble bloodline.

In his opinion, this is the best experimental material.

As for the other party’s settlement of accounts? He is not afraid at all. He has received news that his people are likely to form the fourth company of the third legion. With Fabius’s reputation for reducing the probability of blight, he will become the chief pharmacist of the fourth company, and can Let the company commander obey his orders.

If the original body has not returned, his status will be no lower than Abraham. If the other party does not obey the empire’s orders and insists on seeking revenge from him.

Instead, he had a reason to attack the opponent.

As for the axioms of empire? When did the Empire have such a thing? Whoever is more valuable will be valued!


Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Milky Way welcomes the sixth subspace evil god, Light Desire!


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