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Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light — Chapter 154 Boundless Evil

Fabius didn’t know that the Abraham family he was plotting was now welcoming the most distinguished guest in the galaxy.

“I think there is nothing wrong with my three views.”

In the residential area where the Abraham family is located, Alpharius said with great confidence.

“Yes, you seem to have no problem now, but people will change. This process does not need to be too long, and as the original body, you must know how long your life span is to ordinary people.

This change only accounts for an insignificant part of your life, but it can make a world of difference in your thoughts. “

Guangyu explained to the curious baby Alpharius.

Alpharius was still a little unable to understand, but he felt that there might be no other results if he asked, so he simply asked about something else.

“Then, what is the strawberry with leaves that you were mumbling to yourself just now? I know that this kind of fruit is extinct. Even if it is not extinct, the empire will not plant such a low-yielding thing.

The regent is not the kind of person who hides good things and eats them alone. Where did he hide those strawberries? “


Guang Yu glanced at Alpharius and determined that this child was really stupid.

The primarch’s ear allowed him to hear the murmurs of Lust, but his mind could not understand the meaning of the evil lord’s words.

“He…he shouldn’t be able to eat it, no, he won’t eat it at all…”

Rasta felt that this topic was too outrageous, and he was being controlled first.

“Then…does he plan to keep it for when my father comes back? I heard that they have a good relationship.”

Alpharius grabbed the steering wheel of the wicked Lord of Driving, and ran straight into the arms of Shalesh Slaanesh.


The Sixth Evil God was restrained by this terrifying guy on the spot, and the loser was immediately swallowed up in the dust.

He immediately corrected the incorrect statement.

“No, no, no, although I have no evidence, I think the emperor doesn’t like eating either, and their relationship isn’t that good!”


“Shut up! That’s not what you think. You may know it later, but you’d better not ask me now!

If you ask again, I won’t let you speak from now on! “

Guang Yu was extremely angry, which driving school did this Alpharius come from? Driving with a torn driver’s license?

Alpharius was even more angry. He just wanted to ask if Malcador and the Emperor didn’t like to eat, so he could eat it. He had done all his filial piety before asking himself. Why didn’t he let him finish his words?

This made him want to go to his mentor Macado and ask him what a strawberry with leaves was, but he was afraid of being beaten severely.

“Then you said that my original body brothers are stronger than me. How do you do it? Can I be as strong as them?”

Alpharius also cared about the Emperor’s attention. He felt that as long as he became stronger and valuable in the eyes of the Emperor, he would no longer be so easily ignored.

“It’s difficult. You don’t have enough congenital conditions. If you get the same help as them, you can only catch up with what they were like at the beginning.”

Just want to tell the truth.

“I can work several times or even dozens of times as long as I can catch up with them. I even want to surpass them!”

The poor Gemini Primarchs really didn’t want to admit defeat.

Rasta sighed and finally asked Alpharius the most fundamental question.

“Do you think your father doesn’t care about you too much?”

No answer means acquiescence.

Guangyu comforted him and said, “Your father and I may be a little similar in this regard.

The Emperor’s image in the eyes of the world was tall and majestic, so powerful that he hardly seemed like a human being.

But the real situation is that he is also very fragile, even weak.

People like us, when encountering difficulties, will also feel confused and find it difficult to move forward.

But after experiencing countless things, our spirit and will have to become slower.

We begin to neglect other things because we are burdened with heavier and heavier responsibilities that cannot be left behind.

In order to prevent ourselves from losing our goals, we will ignore everything except the goals. In the end, we only focus on what must be accomplished.

What he wants is for the human empire to stand on the Milky Way forever. For this reason, his feelings will be very vague, and he can forcibly suppress his own humanity.

In the process of seeing the goal, getting close to the goal, and completing the goal, he will deliberately ignore the people or things around him. This is why you feel that he doesn’t care about you. He just can’t spare any time to take care of you. “

The tired Lord of Lights soon received another request from the child.

“You can make me stronger than my brothers, right? Whether I want to help the emperor or for attention, I want to ask you to help me!”

“I’ve been waiting for you to say this for a long time!”

I’ve wanted to whip you ever since you called that thing food!

Alpharius just watched the majestic emperor’s glory pull out two inconspicuous twigs.

Ah! Is this what makes my primarch brothers powerful? Are you kidding me? The rewards my mentor Malcador gave me were more painful than this!

Half an hour later, Alpharius, who was holding back his incontinence, burst into tears and tremblingly knocked on the door of Abraham’s house.

Only then did he understand what the most extreme pain in the world is.

Those two twigs, if taken alone, can give him a ecstasy.

This wicked lord actually fired his bow from left to right, allowing him to experience three times the joy of Horus being filial to Loken for the first time.

The person responsible for opening the door was a little girl of thirteen or fourteen years old, with long brown shawl hair and a slightly alert and mature look in her eyes.

“Who are you?”

“We are your brother’s friends.”

Rasta kicked Alpharius, who was unable to stand, into the door. At the same time, he took out a box of souvenirs and gave it to the little girl.

The Abraham family owns a single-family two-story villa, which can be said to be very precious in Holy Terra.

The entire Abraham family now only has a family of four, one of whom is still serving abroad.

When Alpharius got up again, what he saw was an old couple standing up and saluting.

The sister of the deputy commander of the third company of the third army obediently ran to serve tea.

It’s said to be tea, but it’s actually just delicious dried vegetable leaves soaked in water.

Then, the little girl returned to her parents and continued to beat her shoulders and back.

Abraham’s parents were not in good health, which was one of the reasons why the Abraham family might not become extinct until his generation.

Physical impairments prevented them from being chosen to become an Astera.

“Hello, dear sir, my name is Tule Abraham and this is my wife, Keith Abraham, and our daughter, Meera Abraham.”

An old man wearing a pair of unilateral glasses and suffering from progeria introduced it this way.

The Abraham family has a tradition that family members who become purple cans will be named after their surnames. This is an honor they consider and the will of the ancestors to be with me.

Therefore, the surname and first name of the deputy commander of the third company are Abraham himself.

The reason why this family was willing to let Luo Lu and Alpharius come in was simple. Malcador had already informed them with his psychic powers in advance, so that they didn’t have to be nervous about the arrival.

Malcador didn’t want Baby Six’s day trip to Terra to be less than enjoyable.

Just as I was introducing myself, the clock on the wall rang.

Mira looked at her parents.

“May I?”


The enlightened parents nodded.

The little girl immediately ran happily to get the “leftover” food and put it in a basket.

She said apologetic goodbyes to the two guests in a ladylike manner and went out.

“She met some friends who were the same age or even several years younger than her who had just moved to Terra half a year ago.

Food and water were scarce in Terra, and the people never had enough to eat.

Our family is relatively rich in food, and she will distribute the excess to the children who are hungry. “

Abraham’s mother explained it this way.

“A very nice kid.”

Guangyu praised.

at the same time.

Outside the Abraham family.

The disgusting skinner looked at Mira’s retreating back, with only greed in his eyes.

Fabius looked at what he thought was the experimental material. He knew what the other party was doing with the food, but he didn’t care.

“Very nice kid!”

So innocent, so pure, with a pure mind, you can refine more materials! Suitable for squeezing every inch of flesh and blood!


Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Milky Way welcomes the sixth subspace evil god, Light Desire!


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