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Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light — Chapter 16 He has hair

The Emperor’s Dream is a battleship of special significance during the Great Crusade. Many humans are proud to be aboard this Emperor’s aircraft carrier.

The Emperor’s Dream is the vehicle of the Lord of Mankind, and carries the Emperor’s vision of unifying the galaxy and driving out Chaos.

Now, this huge aircraft carrier battleship is staying outside a planet called Corsonia.

The huge mass of the Emperor’s Dream can even affect the gravity of celestial bodies, causing huge tidal reactions in worlds with oceans.

It’s just that there are experienced helmsmen on board the Fantasy, who control the Emperor’s Dream to keep a safe distance from the planet. Even so, the entire Corsonia sun is blocked to a large extent by this battleship.

When they looked up, they could only see golden battleships spraying cool blue tail flames. Battleships from various companies of the Luna Wolves were coming across the subspace and began to dock at the Emperor’s Dream.

This golden colossus, which even carries many cities, is enjoying a carnival at the moment.

On the abandoned industrial world of Corsonia, ruled by anarchy and gangs, they discover Horus, the Emperor’s son!

The Emperor’s affection for him was evident to all, and after the discovery of Horus, the Emperor was not even separated from Mankind’s most charismatic Primarch for long.

The Lord of Mankind has been teaching his son how to become a commander in charge of the imperial army, and corrected some of the erroneous common sense and knowledge that Horus learned from Corsonia.

Finally, he mentioned an ally.

“Rastraite, also known as Lust of Light, is the Supreme Being of Liting. He is currently on our side. When you have any difficulties, you may be able to seek his help. I cannot guarantee that he will definitely help you, but There’s a lot of hope.”

The Emperor introduced the guy who had formed a childish army with him without authorization.

Horus could not imagine how powerful a being that could be praised by the Emperor was. When he was brought aboard the Emperor’s Dream by the Tech-Priests of the Martian Mechanicus from Corsonia, he had already been attracted by this ship that seemed to be a world. Deeply shocked.

Before coming here, he was just a gangster in Corsonia.

His culture chamber was in a cave-in somewhere in Corsonia. He crawled out on his own and was discovered by a local gang leader named Cagden and named Naguy.

Relying on the primarch’s rapid growth rate, he quickly passed through his short childhood, and then relied on the primarch’s strength and charisma to gain the admiration of his fellow gang members in the gang war.

It is worth mentioning that the Corsonia gang is not a small organization. Their purpose has always been to unify the world.

Before the Emperor’s Dream arrived, the Adeptus Mechanicus pioneer exploration ship discovered the planet and detected the signal from the training chamber. The excited members of the Mechanicus found Horus’s training chamber and began to dig out the “Primarch” .

Horus also came here by accident at this time, and saw these members of the Mechanicus who made him feel terrified.

He, Horus, is just a child. When you look back with your skinless steel skulls, have you ever considered the child’s feelings?

Horus killed a member of the Mechanicum.

His well-informed adoptive father, Cagden, was well aware of the origins of these Mechanicus members, and as they landed, another, larger gang knelt to greet the arrival of the Harbinger explorer.

Horus’s attacks on the Mechanicus soon led to retaliation, and the Mechanicum’s combat members and heavy firepower began to attack his gang. All of Horus’s gang brothers began to lose their numbers one by one.

At this time, Cagden gave everything he had to Horus. He asked Horus to cut off his own head and take it to the Mechanicus to plead guilty and surrender, saying that the attack was all Cagden’s idea.

A lot of time was wasted in prevarication and entanglement, and finally Cagden revealed the news that he would not live long. Horus did not know that this was a white lie.

Then, Horus took Cagden’s head painfully and bloodyly.

The strong stimulation of patricide shocked Horus’s brain, and then he remembered everything.

He is a primarch, and members of the Adeptus Mechanicus dig his cultivation chamber. His mission is to help the Emperor unify the galaxy, not to play a house game of unifying a planet here.

He abandoned all thoughts of apologizing, buried his adoptive father, and boarded the Pioneer Exploration Ship. The Mechanicus Technical Priest met him for the first time and heard his self-introduction.

“I am the Emperor’s son, the Primarch. The Emperor once gave me a name, Horus Luperkar!”

Horus gave up the name Nagui given to him by his adoptive father and picked up his mission.

The Emperor’s Dream then arrived beyond the planet.

The Harbinger Exploration Ships of the Adeptus Mechanicus have become feared and invincible to the gangs of Corthonia.

And when the Pioneer Exploration Ship fell on the Emperor’s Dream as a dime, Horus finally understood what the Emperor and the glory of the Empire meant.

He saw the Lord of Humanity in front of the throne. This being wearing golden power armor and being guarded by many golden guards and a pink guard perfectly fit Horus’s imagination of the leader of the empire.

It’s just that when he knelt down before the emperor willingly, he also had a little doubt.

Why is there a Custodian in pink?

In the days that followed, the two of them, a loving father and a filial son, began family education here while waiting for the arrival of the Moon Wolves.

“How do I contact him?”

Horus’ worship of the Emperor gave him no reason to believe his father’s words.

“He will find you on his own, or when you are alone and helpless.”

“That one over there…”

While chatting, Horus couldn’t help but mentioned the more conspicuous Imperial Guard.

“Yes, it was Him who did it. He even planned to paint your genetic descendants this color, but I refused. As compensation…you know, I promised him that he would never change his color.”

The Emperor, the Lord of Humanity, seems to be able to do anything with ease, but when facing the sixth evil god, he always feels that his life time is not that long.

The Emperor’s attitude towards each Primarch varied. He was ruthless towards some, wary of others, and affectionate towards others.

Horus, as the Primarch with the most human characteristics, was favored by him…

At least for now, it is the highest.

When talking about this, the Emperor raised his head. As the most powerful psyker among humans, he easily sensed that his express delivery was coming.

“Light Desire brought me something, entrusted to one of your sons, Loken, the commander of the 10th Company of the Luna Wolves. In order for me to receive it as soon as possible, he even made the entire subspace open for Loken. Green light, the storm blocking navigation has subsided.”

Horus was very curious about the being who could conspire with the great Emperor, and he wanted to see the package.

However, he is also very concerned about the fact that Light Desire can control subspace storms.

“Father, you can ask him to help you complete the Great Crusade! That ability can allow any warship to travel quickly and safely through subspace…”

“It can’t be done. Even He can’t control the entire subspace at the same time. There will be a lot of interference. Not only that, He won’t do it. He is different from me. He doesn’t love this empire.”

What the emperor meant was that it was okay for Rasta to occasionally control one or two warships to sail quickly in the subspace. Once there were too many, the other evil gods would definitely not be happy. So, five evil gods controlling this kind of navigation flow in the subspace would create a chaotic situation. It’s even worse than sailing in the subspace storm like now.

“He doesn’t love the Empire?!”

Horus had been moved by the Emperor’s lofty ideals for a long time. He yearned for the glorious idea of ​​the unification of mankind and the Empire standing on the galaxy for eternity. He wanted to sacrifice everything for this. He secretly vowed to crush all block the enemies in front of him.

But now, the Emperor’s allies say they don’t love the Empire.

“Yes, for some special reasons, He does not love the human race, nor does He love the empire. He loves people with certain special qualities. He spared no effort and paid a huge price for this. Therefore, Many within the Empire acknowledged His existence.

Even I condone some of His actions. “

The Emperor asked Horus to be less hostile to Lust.

“Is there anyone among my descendants who knows light and desire?”

Horus was very concerned about the courier named Loken.

“Yes, and most of your descendants look like you, but Loken is an exception.”


“He has hair!”

The emperor’s comment made Horus raise his head, then lower his head, then raise his head, then lower his head again. Okay, the young Wolf Shepherd was silenced by the four words “Lord of Mankind”.

“Okay, you go first to see how your power armor is being completed. I want to see what Guangyu has sent me.”

The Emperor did not give Horus a chance to see this thing together. He felt that Horus should become a cold and wise commander.

And lust for light, to be honest, it is too easy for people to have emotions that rulers and military leaders should not have.

How can I put it this way, the lusty culture is like a scourge, harming the bald people in the empire!

Horus said goodbye obediently, and then left. Outside the room, he saw his heir, kneeling on the ground, and presenting a purple box to the Astartes with short blond hair.

At this moment, the blood connection between the genetic father and his offspring made them look at each other deeply.

Horus did not rush to greet them. Later, he would put on his power armor, then meet all the Luna Wolves and accept their allegiance.

A Custodian carefully brought the purple box to the Emperor.

Each of the Imperial Guards is a being who implements the ultimate in literature, art and force. They know very well that it is definitely not a good thing to just ask others to bring something instead of bringing it yourself.

The Custodes eventually placed the box into the hands of the Emperor.

As the Emperor caught it, four words began to appear on the box.

These four words were not in Gothic. Fortunately, the emperor could understand them. They were in Chinese.

“Secret delivery…”

The Emperor recalled the term, which was more popular in the second millennium.

He hesitated for a while, and finally drove back the imperial army.

When he was alone, he opened the box.

Three rolls of toilet paper and six volumes of the Lord of Changes’ hand-painted version of “Salish Photo Album” are included.

Fortunately, the emperor was well-informed and was not too shocked. He identified two rolls of toilet paper that were filled with light.

“Tzeentch and Slaanesh were courting Him? He told me this immediately.

The Lord of Change’s goal was achieved. When Light Desire used Tzeentch’s gift to show me that our alliance would not be broken by external forces, Light Desire gained more or less a harmless impression and favor from Tzeentch.

This kind of impression and goodwill will increase as time accumulates, and existences like us are not short of time. “

The Emperor picked up the roll of toilet paper Rasta had inserted and pulled it open.

There is a line of words on this toilet paper:

“The atmosphere of Slaanesh is like a scourge!”

The Emperor guessed what it was without even looking at the other roll of toilet paper.

However, in response to Qianli’s kindness in sending toilet paper, he still opened another roll. After all, Guang Yu could feel him opening this roll of toilet paper.

This is the Emperor’s unbreakable gift in return for the Garden Baby Legion of Light Desire.

This roll of toilet paper contained words that did not surprise the emperor:

“It’s harming the Emperor!”


Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Milky Way welcomes the sixth subspace evil god, Light Desire!


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