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Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light — Chapter 17 The Mother of Genes

Horus didn’t know that the Emperor was being harmed by three evil gods at the moment. He was wondering how terrible the power of that thing was, and whether it would be dropped by the Emperor on the battlefield of the Great Crusade in the future to destroy more… Lots of aliens.

As he walked, countless people saluted him and he went to his cabin.

When he reached the observation window, he stopped and looked at the desolate earth-yellow planet with lots of dark brown spots at his feet.

According to the Emperor’s order, this planet will receive the Empire’s construction investment because of the Wolf Shepherd. Huge buildings will rise here, and the people here will be eligible to receive the Emperor’s glory.

Among them, those young people with sufficient talent and awareness will be selected to become the sons of the Wolf Shepherd. They will undergo Astartes transformation surgery and become members of the Luna Wolves.

What Horus was looking at was where his original gang was, which had been set up as a temporary transformation site by the Adeptus Mechanicus using a ship.

Some of Horus’s gang brothers resolutely accepted the Astartes transformation surgery and were willing to continue to follow him to conquer the star sea.

It was just the words of the priest of the Mechanicum that made him worried.

“Astartes transformation surgery is not that easy to succeed and has a high mortality rate. In fact, the age suitable for transformation surgery should be in teenagers, and they are a bit older…”

This was the reply given to Horus by the director of the temporary canning production line workshop in Cosonia.

“A qualified military leader should learn to make choices, perseverance, and indifference to necessary sacrifices.”

Horus used the principles taught to him by the Emperor to sober himself up.

Then he went into his cabin.

There were many people busy in the Wolf Shepherd’s cabin.

The height of the original body is unknown, and it is impossible for the Empire to build power armor suitable for them in advance.

As the Primarch, the hope and future of the Imperium, the Sons of the Emperor, it would be a bit disrespectful to have their power armor made of ordinary ceramite.

“Dear Emperor’s Son, please allow me to apologize in advance. Your power armor is still being built, but we have made a temporary one for you first. You can use it for a while.”

The Tech-Priest of the Mechanicus sent a tall power armor in front of Horus whose style was completely consistent with the Luna Wolf.

The Astartes and Custodes who accompanied the Emperor on his expeditions, and even the golden Power Armor Shinichi armor worn by the Emperor himself made Horus covetous.

This thing is what he thinks is a man’s romance. Now he is still young, somewhat impetuous, and far less stable than he was later.

So he couldn’t hold back his joy and touched the finely crafted power armor that fit his body shape.

The simple white background, paired with moon patterns and chilling carvings, made Horus even swallow a sip of saliva.

No one could find fault with the Emperor’s Children’s gesture.

In fact, Horus’s height required them to look up when looking at Horus. At close range, they could not see the subtle expressions on Horus’s face.

Horus began to accept armor. These thick power armors had to be put on by the wearer alone. The process was cumbersome and troublesome, comparable to a torture.

When the parts of the power armor fit together on Horus’ body to form a perfect component, various data popped up on the power armor’s panel.

Capture various rays, calculate the evolution of the battlefield, and recall roughly what happened in the place in front of you. There are various life support systems, medical systems, and even nerve enhancement response devices.

The power armor that the empire is proud of, the terrifying symbol that has frightened countless alien civilizations, is obviously not just a piece of armor-type ceramite.

When Horus finished putting on the power armor, he was immersed in this sense of power. He felt that he was very safe now.

In this state of concentration like talking on the phone, someone handed me something.

Horus took it without thinking.

The next moment, his eyes blurred.

He is holding a brick in his hand! right! That’s right! A long piece of ashlar! But for his height, he does look like a brick.

He raised his head blankly and looked around at the changed scene.

This is a vast wilderness, with dirty ice and snow receiving moderate sunlight.

He glanced around and found no one at all.

Until his impoliteness was interrupted by an unsatisfactory “Huh?”

He finally lowered his head and saw a guy who was not very tall. When he saw the other person clearly, the secondary god essence he possessed began to be extremely uneasy, and at the same time told him how terrifying and dangerous the existence in front of him was.

Just for a moment, he seemed to be a beetle lying in the shadow of the other party.

“What are you looking at? Moving bricks!”

Light Desire does not condone Horus. He is far less polite to the Wolf Shepherd God than Loken.

Horus wanted to retort a word or two, but then a kind of fear welled up in his heart.

He honestly began to build a house in this black ice and snow.

Guang Yu even handed him a blueprint.

“See, there needs to be a fireplace here, and I need to lay a solid foundation.”

Horus concentrated on his work, and the various combat assistance systems of the power armor perfectly helped him become a qualified cement worker.

He vaguely guessed the identity of the other party. After all, there was no one else who could snatch someone directly in front of the Emperor except that person whom the Emperor thought was unreliable.

“You came to me to build a house?”

Horus found this humiliating, but he had learned patience and calm from the Emperor.

“No, I came to you for other reasons, but when I think about you not having many of the qualities I like, I feel that I am at a disadvantage for you, so I have to find something for you to do in exchange for work.”

Guang Yu looked at this isolated island in the filthy ocean.

There is an ocean in the hive city, but it is not obvious from outer space because, to be honest, the ocean in the hive city is darker than the hive city itself and is thicker and mixed with all kinds of pollution and industrial waste.

Li Ting’s transformation can be accomplished overnight, but this will develop a bad habit.

What humans can do should be done by humans themselves as much as possible.

“So, can you tell me how you got me here?”

Horus was very curious about this man’s power.

“Let me tell you this, in this galaxy, if you read my name, you have already been targeted by me.

Moreover, I feel your hostility, Horus, didn’t your father teach you to respect your elders? “

Light Desire is the evil god, and his influence in the real universe is many times greater than the other four old guys.

Even in the subspace, they can drive people crazy, let alone being mentioned in the real universe.

Guang Yu is even better than the four of them in this aspect. After all, he is an out-and-out evil god.


It was difficult for Horus to associate the fact that Light Desire was an elder from the Pink Custodes.

He suddenly became alert and took two steps back.

This allowed him to observe whether the elder was holding any special paint in his hand.

“Don’t worry, I won’t paint your power armor pink.”

Lust comforted him.

“Yes, Supreme Li, that is a bit scary for me. I am a Primarch, a tall enough male. If I wear power armor like that, I will have no prestige at all and will attract ridicule to the empire. “

Horus, whose life’s goal was to be a military leader in the eyes of the Emperor, could not accept that.

“I can also turn you from the genetic father of the Luna Wolves to the genetic mother.”


Horus stopped the bricklaying work in his hands and looked at the extremely evil existence in front of him in horror.

“Just kidding.”

The Sixth Evil God said this with a guilty conscience.

“I wonder if I actually got here?”

“Of course not. I just made your spirit fall into some kind of illusion. It’s a bit troublesome to get you from the Emperor’s Dream. It can be done, but it’s very troublesome.”

“Then you still want me to build this useless thing?”

“How could it be useless? I connected the real place here with your spirit. You are really building a house. How about it? Do you feel like surfing the Internet? Have you developed an addiction to the Internet? Do you plan to recharge your batteries? Internet fee?”


Horus finally understood why the Emperor had so many words for his partner.

He felt that his blood pressure was a little high: “Can you tell me something serious?”

“It’s business, I forgot. Let me think about it. I was thinking about making the emperor uncomfortable the whole time.”

Raste’s fingers began to touch the ground, touching every dirty spot.

Horus asked as he watched the ice and snow gradually return to normal and even start to turn dazzling white.

“What do you mean by making my father feel uncomfortable?”

“Although your father asked you to ask me for help when you encounter difficulties, in fact, with your strong temper, you will not come to me unless there is a life or death crisis.

He has figured this out. He doesn’t want you to have too much contact with me, because he is afraid that I will lead you astray.

He is afraid that you will lose your cold leadership mentality, that you will be led away from loving the human race by me, and he is even more afraid of more things.

I’m not happy about this. Why should all the advantages belong to him?

And as a child who was born only a few years ago, shouldn’t you be rebellious?

To give you a preview of your future rebellion, you should try it now and go against the Emperor! Challenge! “

“How could I disobey my father!”

Horus was so stimulated by Guang Lu’s words that he spoke angrily, but his dizzy mind regained consciousness in a moment.

To be regarded as a companion by the emperor, there must be deep meaning in Guang Yu’s words.

He narrowed his eyes: “What on earth are you talking about?”

“Have you ever thought that in the future you will become the person you hate the most now, and you will even hate yourself.”

Guang Yu looked at the young Wolf Shepherd God, his tone and eyes no longer so casual.

“Impossible, my soul has been handed over to humans! It has been handed over to the Lord of Humanity, and I swear that I will light up the galaxy with the glory of humanity!”

“What if… what if your body in the future is no longer this soul.”

The whisper of lust made Horus’ hair stand on end.

He sighed.

“The reason why I found you in advance is to leave a mark on you. If I can’t get enough chips from you before that moment comes, you will use a broken and extremely diluted chaotic mind to create A true sin that you cannot tolerate.”

Horus lowered his head and thought. He was thinking about the meaning of the other person’s words.

When he raised his head again to ask something, the world in front of him was no longer covered in ice and snow.

In front of him was his cabin. He looked down at the palm of his hand. There were neither bricks nor a giant bricklayer’s knife.

It was a bucket of pink paint that came from nowhere.

The surrounding Mechanicus priests and armored personnel were silent.

They witnessed with their own eyes how the Primarch used a bunch of random things to make such an authentic pink paint.

“Send it to the Guardsman, and tell him to use it to touch up his armor when it is bumped.”

Horus hurriedly sent the thing in his hand.

At the same time, he was thinking about the words of Light Desire.

Until someone began to remind him instead of urging him.

“Your descendants have been assembled, they are waiting for you and the immortal will you will give them!”


Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Milky Way welcomes the sixth subspace evil god, Light Desire!


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