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Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light — Chapter 176 God-born Ideal

The Laughing God of the Eldar tribe certainly knew the dangers of doing such a thing.

But He has always been involved in dangerous situations.

The gap between him and Slaanesh is as huge as the gap between him and an ordinary demon.

The Lord of Joy has no intention of letting go of any Eldar god.

It wasn’t that it was so fast at first, but the bean sprout cake had already been turned into a gourmet guide by Salish.

Bean Sprout Cake is a very responsible Eldar god. He can take back the souls of Bean Sprouts from the Lord of Chaos again and again, although the number of successes is pitiful.

This is why the Huadou sprouts are so loyal to Him and are not afraid of death.

The Eldar have been huddled at the edge of the galaxy and in the Webway for too long, and it is no exaggeration to describe them as barely surviving.

The Laughing God Bean Sprout Cake has been trying to find a real way out for his space elves.

Now He sees this hope.

The birth of the God of Positive Art is undoubtedly the greatest encouragement to the Eldar.

This time the world chosen by the Harlequins is the craft world Bietan.

Arkworld is a super giant battleship, and its interior is like a world.

This is a kind of warship that can even be called a living one.

After all, the space elves’ ancestors were rich, inherited the legacy of the ancient saints, and ruled the galaxy.

Therefore, the firepower and technological level of each Arkworld warship have the potential to rival or even surpass the Emperor’s Dream.

It’s just that the materials science of the Eldar and Terran humans are completely different, so it’s impossible to calculate whether the costs of the two are the same.

For example, the Emperor’s Dream used a portion of ceramite to build the most expensive hull, and also used a large amount of fine gold to make various protective plates for parts that could withstand impacts and long-range attacks.

The materials of the Eldar tribe are completely incompatible with those of the Empire.

As the current highest authority holder of the Webway, Bean Sprout Cake can reach most areas of the galaxy through this thing.

Therefore, he can directly drive the webway into the Arkworld.

The Arkworld cannot enter the subspace, and its speed is relatively slow compared to the top races in the galaxy.

Even if you can enter the subspace, why don’t you rush to deliver food to Salish?

Maybe Sally is in a good mood, hey! The Arkworld directly becomes a breeding farm.

When each Arkworld is about to undergo a major migration, it can only conduct rapid interstellar navigation through the Webway.

Therefore, no Ark Eldar can refuse to believe in bean sprout cake.

“Drama performance is also an art. I only hope to use this art to please the God of Art in the real universe, so that He can feel my goodwill.”

Bean sprout cake is tying some silk threads on her fingers.

He also witnessed the process of Nuss Green becoming a god. The forty-four drawing papers have been placed in the Black Library by Him.

There are not many people who are eligible to receive these drawing papers, and their existence is extremely small.

At the other end of the silk thread of the bean sprout cake is a bean sprout that is extremely devout to Him.

How strong are the bean sprouts? You can directly enter Holy Terra, walk unimpeded in the Royal Palace of Terra, until you come to the outside of the palace where the Golden Throne is, and then say – we are here to express goodwill.

There is no other way, just tell the Empire directly that we have good intentions towards you, and the Empire will say that the aliens should die.

The actions of the Flower Bean Sprouts to rush into the Terra Palace and occupy the spring water declared to the human empire: We are qualified to say that we are here to express goodwill and hope for peace.

Bean sprout cake is definitely not as powerful as the King of Darkness, but there are quite a few bean sprouts, each of which has the strength to surpass the forbidden army.

The flower bean sprouts chosen by Bean Sprout Cake to play an important role in this drama are the one-actors.

Unicorns are undisputedly the most powerful sprouts. They often live alone, suffering loneliness and curses in the Webway.

Each unicorn is born to play the role of Slaanesh, to warn the Eldar.

And for a bean sprout, if you play the role of Slaanesh, what will happen?

Therefore, Dujiao is loved and respected by the bean sprouts.

The Laughing God recalled Unicorn just to let her play an important role in the forty-four drawings.

Little does the Laughing God know that that character is actually the sixteenth Primarch of the Human Empire!

The forty-four drawing papers give a large amount of information, but it is incomplete.

On the first drawing paper, the scene of a mysterious and terrifying being controlling his puppets to play the role of Slaanesh to deceive Ibosas, the abyss of gambling, cannot be understood correctly.

In the eyes of the Laughing God, the puppet pretending to be Slaanesh to help that terrifying being sing a double act is probably also a god.

The Ridiculous God cannot make a god out of his own group of clowns. He can only choose the most suitable unicorn to play the opponent.

The unicorn also plays the role of Slaanesh, and the opponent also plays the role of Slaanesh, so it becomes extremely reasonable for the unicorn to play the opponent.

And the Laughing God Bean Sprout Cake himself plays the role of that terrifying existence.

His heart is uneasy, and He is taking all the clowns on an adventure.

If His foreknowledge had not revealed any irreversible situation in this performance, He would not have attempted such a huge gamble.

Finally, He tied the last transparent silk thread on Unicorn’s finger.

The show can begin!

Just when he was thinking this, he felt like his eyes were blurred.

He is no longer in the webway, and the thread on his hand has become extremely tight.

The God of Laughter felt that his soul was frozen. He looked down and saw that there was a unicorn in front of him?

“Playing the role of an unknown terror that dares to openly steal the power of the four main gods of chaos is indeed a very risky and wrong decision.”

The bean sprout cake, which Rasta called “Xilaile”, tugged at the thread in his hand.

There was absolute darkness around him at the moment, and he couldn’t see any light. Only silk threads allowed him to perceive things in the outside world.

The reply came quickly through the thread.

The voice of the soul transmitted by the Laughing God through the silk thread is: Who are you?

The reply He received was: Infinite fear, Pele!

Dou Ya Gao suddenly felt horrified, because when he received this message, he sensed the aura of decay and death. It was just the immortality of the gods that allowed the other party to still have residual thoughts.

The other party is a subspace secondary god!

The Laughing God began to recall the knowledge in the Black Library, and finally found the information about Belial.

This is a Chaos God who is keen on inflicting all kinds of fear, no matter what kind of fear. He will take the ribs of his victims to strengthen his divinity. He also has a large number of followers in the galaxy.

These mere tens of billions of believers are a drop in the ocean compared to the followers of the four main gods of chaos, but they also make him no weaker than the Laughing God.

There is no way, the four main gods in the chaos are like peaks. They are too tall, making it difficult for people to see the secondary gods besides them.

The Laughing God began to be cautious and continued chatting with Rasta’s dish, eager for more information.

The Emperor and Malcador were speechless as they watched this scene through the live broadcast.

In the end, Lao Ma couldn’t bear to ask about the evil master.

“You’re doing this? Isn’t it too much?”

“Where did I go too far? Didn’t He play me first? I just asked Him to talk to a rib on my dining table. I was just teasing Him. Am I trying to kill Him like Slaanesh?”

Well, Sidisi was very dissatisfied.

He captured the Laughing God with the Gate of Ashes and threw it on his dining table. This was actually an opportunity for the other party.

If the Laughing God can gain anything through the Desire Table, his power will grow even further.

As for not getting it? You deserve it, let’s have a slow chat with a piece of god’s rib about the god’s desire.


Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Milky Way welcomes the sixth subspace evil god, Light Desire!


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