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Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light — Chapter 18 Internet Addiction Origin

The Wolf Shepherd’s power armor does not yet have a special transparent mask that allows people to see his face. He walks in front, and people who want to witness the completion of the Shadow Moon Wolf follow behind him and spontaneously become his crowd. By.

The Emperor saw this scene through countless walls, but he did not stop it.

He even disliked whether such following was too little.

“He needs more prestige. He needs an opportunity to establish his absolute prestige. In this way, he will become the commander of all legions, not just the original body of the Luna Wolf.”

The Emperor was deep in thought, and he was already looking for an opportunity to crown Horus as a king without a king.

There are many automated devices inside the Emperor’s Dream.

These automated devices can modify the internal space of the Emperor’s Dream at any time, and add new small weapons equipment and even defensive devices at will.

This was not yet the most intense period of the Great Crusade, and the number of Astartes had not yet reached its peak.

The same goes for the Luna Wolf.

Not all of the Primarchs have returned yet, and the glory of the Great Crusade has only just begun.

Horus came to a high platform. He lowered his eyes and looked at the ten square formations under the high platform.

The size of the Astartes, coupled with the thousands of men in each phalanx, made the phalanx look like a large static wave on the plain.

Yes, it is a wave. No one will doubt whether these static waves will submerge all civilizations in a sector when they move.

The heartbeats of more than ten thousand Luna Wolves began to resonate in this confined space in unison.

More than 20,000 hearts tell their masters that standing on that high platform is their genetic father, the god who gave them a second life!

The resonance of blood and genes, as well as the same loyalty to the Emperor, made these proud Emperor’s Angels kneel down at the same moment.

In order to allow the Gene Father to see them, almost all Astartes took off their helmets, held their arms with one hand, and lowered their heads.

Horus glanced at his legions, jumped down from the high platform, and also took off his helmet.

“Look up and look at me!”

A face that was eerily similar to most Luna Wolves and had a special temperament was reflected in the eyes of every Son of Horus.

The craze of blood made them swear to dedicate all their strength and every bit of life to the person in front of them.

The genetic flaw of the Luna Wolves was that they bore a strong resemblance to Horus, which was more than twice as similar as any other Legion to their primarch.

Therefore, Horus is loyal, everyone is loyal, Horus betrays, and except for a few Luna Wolves, almost everyone will follow their father in rebellion.

This was why the Emperor was assured of Horus, he trusted Horus, he saw deep in Horus’s soul the reason why he could be trusted absolutely.

Horus was the ideal successor to the Emperor, the “human” who could work with him to build the Empire.

When the Shepherd God glanced at these heirs, he saw the son he had met once, Loken, the captain of the 10th company.

The moment he saw him, Horus always felt that there was some bricklaying work going on in his hands.

When the Luna Wolves of the 10th Company saw their father looking at their company commander, they were worried that the other party had any concerns because of Loken’s appearance being different from the other Luna Wolves.

Fortunately, Horus quickly looked away.

He began a speech, and for the first time he truly displayed his charisma as a leader. He told all the Luna Wolves the Emperor’s glorious blueprint, even if they already knew it.

But there is no dislike for the Luna Wolves, and their emotions are easily infected by their own original body.

Horus’s speech ended quickly, but the last words were this.

“The Emperor painted a painting called the Milky Way, rendering the glory of mankind to every place!

I am the pen in his hand, you guys! My children, my blood is flowing in your bodies! That’s the ink in that pen!

tell me! What will happen where your blood is spilled? “

The Shepherd God is looking forward to an answer.

He longed to see loyalty without fear of sacrifice in the eyes of these heirs.

The first person to give an answer, he stood up.

It’s that pale and haggard guy again with scars on his face.

“Wherever the Moon Wolf is stained with blood, the enemies of mankind will not be able to stand!”

His voice was not loud, but it was firm, so firm that at this moment of resonance, even the genetic brothers who were farthest apart heard his words.

Every drop of our blood is sacred ink! Flow for the Emperor and Gene-Father!

This is the belief of the Luna Wolves at this moment.

Horus heard a satisfactory answer.

“Then what are you waiting for?”

He scolded the rest of his sons.

“Wherever the Moon Wolf is stained with blood, the enemies of mankind will not be able to stand!”

The roar penetrated the soundproof walls of the Emperor’s Dream and even spread to rooms farther away.

Horus was absolutely sure of controlling his children, and he knew what they needed.

Integrating them with an absolute philosophy, and letting them find their target with an unparalleled will, he has stretched out his fingers, and the wolves will rush towards those enemies.

Horus, who had already received the information about the Luna Wolves and knew it by heart, began to call the company commanders one by one to come to him.

“Taric, Loken, Hastur, Abaddon, Acton…”

Every time Horus called out the name of a company commander, the company they belonged to felt proud.

Their father knows them and cares about them!

“What are you looking at? Let’s play for a while. I know your names, Xuesta, Uruk’en, Bernard…”

The smile forced by Horus made the Luna Wolves run aside with joy.

Then Horus gathered together with his ten captains.

Loken’s suspicion had been cleared, so he didn’t ask.

He asked the other company commanders: “You nine also know…that material provider?”

The other nine company commanders obviously didn’t know that the material provider was Light Desire. They didn’t even know about Light Desire, or even the existence of the evil god of subspace.

The company commanders were silent at first, then nodded.

To be honest, that material provider is a bit like a scar in their hearts. Some of them are in the same state as Loken when they first arrived in Nawei.

Abaddon rubbed the back of his head. He was the worst. The material provider found a reason to beat him up as soon as they met.

The opponent used this kind of force to conquer the most powerful company.

He has been thinking about a question for many years, but he can’t figure it out.

It doesn’t make sense. Why can’t my own mighty Captain of the Luna Wolves defeat that guy?

Horus saw everyone’s reaction and suddenly became worried.

The bald heads of the empire are deeply poisoned by the culture of lust!

Being fellow victims, he understood his sons.

“Lorken, what did he ask you to send?”

Horus was still curious. The thing was so mysterious that the Emperor needed to see it alone, and he asked the Imperial Guard to keep his head and hands as far away as possible, as if he were holding something fragile.

Could it be that it’s an automatic painting device? Can we dye another pink Imperial Guard?

Loken hesitated and finally told the truth.

“That is an extremely terrifying weapon! In this world, there are only a handful of beings who can open it, and our great emperor is undoubtedly one of them. He is even the only one who can control such terrifying power. exist.”

The surrounding company commanders suddenly felt confused and at the same time silently praised the majestic image of the Lord of Humanity.

This made Horus feel as if his heart had been scratched by a cat.

As the emperor’s favorite son, he felt that maybe he could open it and control that big killer weapon!

If he mastered that power, what glory would he lead the entire Luna Wolves to?

But judging from the emperor’s appearance, it was obvious that he was not allowed to touch it.

Somehow, he remembered what a certain evil god told him about his rebellious spirit in his youth.

“I’ll just go once and ask the wicked Li Ting Supreme once…”

Whether it was some information that the other party hinted at him, or his curiosity about “The Thing Only the Emperor Can Control”, the killer weapon, it made him want to go to Guang Yu again to ask for details.

A father-son gathering ended quickly. Before leaving, Horus’s good son gave him a box of calcium tablets.

The filial son gives his father calcium in the new and old age. Is there any problem? No!

Horus even found instructions on the bottle.

[Normal Luna Wolf takes one pill a week, Bald One takes one pill every two days! 】

He was trembling with anger and showed the bottle to Loken. Unfortunately, Loken couldn’t see anything after looking at it for a long time. Only then did Horus realize that this was something only he could see.

Horus was relieved that he was not embarrassed in front of his sons.

Then he poured a calcium tablet and ate it.

no problem.

Horus wanted to go to Light to ask questions immediately, until the Emperor arrived.

“You should seize the time to get in touch with the legion, instead of doing other things in a hurry.”

The Emperor noticed something was wrong. He looked at the bottle of calcium tablets in Horus’ hand. To be precise, he looked at a certain place.

Horus felt something was wrong and asked in a trembling voice.

“Can you see it?”

“No, no, no, I can’t see.”

In order to protect his son’s dignity and pride, the emperor told lies with his eyes open.

The grief-stricken Horus had a new understanding of the insidiousness and foresight of lust.

From the moment this calcium tablet was handed into Loken’s hands, he had already counted on this moment.

After the legion’s training, Horus hurried back to his cabin and drove everyone away.

What if he mixes up something genuine again, wouldn’t it be a disaster?

He couldn’t wait to see Guang Yu, but found that he didn’t know how to find it.

After thinking hard about the conversation he had when he first met Guang Yu, he tentatively spoke.

“Do I need to recharge the Internet fee?”

The next moment, billions of light points passed and changed around him.

Finally, when a dazzling whiteness replaced his vision, his hand unconsciously took over a giant bricklayer’s knife and a long ashlar stone.

“Internet addicted boy, you are here!”


Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Milky Way welcomes the sixth subspace evil god, Light Desire!


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