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Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light — Chapter 195 Brass Gate

The empire’s recruitment is not whether you want to go, but you must go!

Yun Dingqi thought about this very clearly. He was a little transparent in the family, so he chose to stand up and take the lead, and also give an impression to the clan leader.

“I have a question, how could we go to so many remote corners and just support those… angels.”

Because of the bad reputation of the Ninth Legion, someone finally asked worried questions.

This is understandable. They have been educated as navigators for so many years, not to become a dish.

“This isn’t something you need to worry about!”

The patriarch looked at the questioner, who was actually a junior with the same surname as him and considered his grandnephew. No wonder he had the courage to ask questions, thinking that he could not bear to punish him?

“Didn’t we mainly go to the Fifth Legion in the past? Suddenly we were transferred to the Ninth Legion. The angels of the Fifth Legion wouldn’t…”

Some people tried to use this excuse to avoid going to the Ninth Legion.

The main reason is that those legends are too scary. Even if various legion and auxiliary armies as well as various imperial unit personnel in service endorse the Ninth Legion under the influence of lust for light, it cannot stop the stereotype of them behind the front.

“The Fifth Legion will have no objection. This is the glorious order of the Emperor. The companies of the Fifth Legion can’t wait to put down the war in their hands and escort you to the Ninth Legion!

Don’t embarrass me! You should know his legend, the great radiance of the Emperor, who single-handedly supported the entire Great Crusade for twenty-six years!

He can accomplish such a miracle, let alone change the Ninth Legion! If you still have any objections, you should know what the consequences will be if you refuse to be recruited according to the rules of the empire. “

After the patriarch said these words, he left all the things to the people below him. He was already old.

The Navigator family is a noble in the empire because they must accept the call. If they refuse the call, not only will the refuser die, but the entire family will be punished.

The family instructor responsible for teaching these navigators to obey orders came out from behind the old patriarch, his face so gloomy that it was ugly.

“Yun Dingqi, come out! Others, follow me!”

Suddenly, a group of idiots who were not afraid of the old patriarch followed the instructor with pale faces to receive special education.

Yun Dingqi just took care of himself and returned home.

The four surnamed families are huge and their population cannot grow. Most of the navigators will die in the Great Expedition, but they will survive for a long time, dozens or hundreds of times that of the auxiliary army.

“came back?”

He was greeted by a white-haired old man.

Yun Dingqi’s lineage is prone to youthful whiteness. This old man is actually his eldest brother Yun You, but he was turned into this by a special psychic energy.

Yunyou once followed a squadron of Astartes to fight everywhere, but finally retired from the battlefield due to psychic backlash.

Yunyou’s biggest regret in his life was that he failed to save some crew members like the Astartes did in the last battle.

“Brother, can you tell me again the story of the quartermaster who traveled among various legions?”

Yun Dingqi was actually a little uneasy inside.


Yun You’s eyes that were already looking at flowers seemed to light up a little.

After Yunyou finished recounting all the evil deeds of the evil table god.

Yun Dingqi gave his parting words in advance.

“Brother, I’m going to be a navigator.”

“Okay, is it a trading ship, or…”

“It’s from the Expeditionary Corps!”

“which one?”

“The Ninth Legion!”


Yun You was also silent for a while. He originally served on the White Scar Company battleship.

“Okay! My brother is very promising and has more courage.”

The two brothers chatted for a while, and Yun Dingqi said again that he would definitely become the emperor’s angel.

When Yun Dingqi asked people to take care of his brother and left.

Beside Yun You, a door of ashes opened.

“That’s not your fault. There’s no need for you to dwell on it for so many years.”

Guangyu was persuading the navigator who had blamed himself for too many years.

“If I had had the strength, I wouldn’t have watched them die.”

Yun You hated his own powerlessness.

The genes of the navigators of their lineage are very stable, but it will cause their bodies to be very thin.

He looked at the Evil God: “Please let my brother become an angel of the Ninth Legion.”

“He will undergo the Astartes transformation surgery within this week and he will become a Blood Angel.”

Light Desire revealed the name of the future Ninth Legion, and was then swallowed up by his own Gate of Ashes.


Dividing line—

In chaos.

It’s a pity that the battleship of the small team is still moving forward.

An incarnation of Rasta walked out of his cabin.

“I have found a navigator for you, and the pharmacist teacher has also been found. They are waiting for you at the destination planet.”

“What will happen to that planet?”

Although the planet appears to be at peace for now, the cans of the IX Legion know that their Quartermaster can predict the future.

Edmelon may be peaceful now, but when the Ninth Legion arrives, the end of the world may be coming.

“I’m not sure yet. I studied it all night, but unfortunately I’m a little short of oxygen and it’s hard to think.”

Raste looked back at the timeline and was pretty sure what was going on this time, but when he thought about Tzeentch, Nurgle and Slaanesh being involved, he felt that it was not that simple.

Angseth began to wonder what was going on that could make the powerful quartermaster feel hypoxic.

Rasta began to introduce the cans to the pharmacist in advance.

“Let me tell you, the pharmacist I found for you is a mortal who is extremely talented in this area.

Even Tzeentch marveled at her, but this apothecary was so loyal that even the temptation of Chaos could not make her fall.

You’d better be polite. “

“We will definitely do it. If she can’t get it, we will get it for her!”

A can means you are very friendly.

“She’s taller than you!”

The quartermaster kills that can of enthusiasm with one sentence.

Suddenly, they were shocked by the pile of cans, and they began to wonder if the quartermaster had found an Oglin pharmacist for himself.

“She has undergone genetic modification surgery on herself, which also incorporates the characteristics of subspace. You should understand how talented she is.

I need to choose one of you to be her student and become the super powerful pharmacist of our team. Who will come?

Don’t raise your hands if you don’t have this talent! I remember, aren’t there some of you who are self-taught?

Vann, get here! “

Rasta was surrounded by a bunch of cans, and he couldn’t even see the can standing behind him.

Vann pushed aside the other indignant cans and reached the quartermaster.

“Go clean up the original apothecary’s cabin, it will soon be yours!”

Rasta patted the other person’s lowered head and whispered.

Fann cheered and ran to clean up his operating room.

Rasta looked into the chaos ahead.

He is sorting out the timeline.

Soon, he saw what he wanted to see.

It was a huge portal.

It squirmed, unfurling in chaos.

It looks like living flesh and blood entangled with a large number of machines, and there are snakes and insects made of white bones swimming in it.

Eyes of different sizes were open on the door, rolling, scanning all psykers who could afford the price, whether they were lackeys of the Chaos Gods or registered professional psykers of the empire.

Many gears formed the doorposts on both sides of the door and were constantly rotating. The door was half-closed like a mouth, and the scene inside the crack was even more bizarre than chaos.

Rasta recognized what it was.

“The Brass Door.”

Good night (òó)


Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Milky Way welcomes the sixth subspace evil god, Light Desire!


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