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Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light — Chapter 20 Recruiting Network Administrators

Horus, the mason, was building the outer wall, absent-mindedly. Finding lust was one thing, but how to speak was another.

He was somewhat self-aware that the other party was the emperor’s partner and not his. In the other party’s eyes, he was just an unqualified child.

The reason for building this house was probably to allow him to repay the future that Guang Yu had vaguely revealed to himself.

He didn’t say anything, and the Internet cafe owner Guangyu couldn’t help it.

“What? Are you wondering why your offspring are stunted?”

Rasta started today’s customer consultation with a nonsense topic.

It is a misconception that Astartes are at least two meters tall.

Because they have already put on power armor, excluding the bonus of power armor, the minimum height of Astartes is actually over 1.9 meters. This results in many tall races and some well-developed adults and young people in the empire. As tall as an Astartes in armor.

But the physical strength cannot be compared.

The Astartes have two hearts and three lungs. Not only do they have received the genes of the original body, but their body density is far higher than that of ordinary people. Different Astartes have different special abilities.

This was not the purpose of Horus’ visit, but at this point, he was also curious about whether his descendants could be more mature.

With Horus’s height and build, it would be no problem to have four ordinary Luna Wolves on his shoulders, and one more on his head. He could even take out a little book for them to read together.

So he nodded.

“It’s none of my business!”

Guangyu’s words made Horus almost unable to hold back and use the bricklayer’s knife in his hand as a hidden weapon.

In fact, the calcium tablets given by Rasta can effectively improve Astartes’ height, but the process is slow.

Why? Because it needs to be changed together with the power armor.

Compared to Horus, He, the sixth evil god, is more responsible.

“Speaking of which, I’m also curious about one thing. There are two inseparable sons in your army, one is thirty-five years old, and the other is eighteen years old. They are biological father and son. They both call you dad, so…”

The Sixth Evil God wanted to continue talking.

Horus turned his head and looked over with a resentful expression. He thought it was best not to play with this ethical joke.

“Okay.” Guangyu pursed his lips, feeling very aggrieved.

Horus then carefully lifted up the big killer weapon while working.

“I want to know if there is a second copy of the unparalleled divine artifact you gave to the emperor. Is it possible for me to control it?”


Guangyu was stunned for a moment, then realized what it was.

He once again looked at the young faun, the bald man of the empire.

You are a promising boy, you dare to control this.

“I don’t think you can control it.”


“The Emperor will be the first to find out when you get it.”

“Will the Emperor take it away?”

“No, your Emperor father will chop you down.”


Horus was immediately discouraged. As a young man, he was not very patient, otherwise he would not have done something like going up and tearing apart the members of the Mechanicus into pieces, thus causing the gang to suffer a disaster. .

He clearly felt the Emperor’s power, and he eagerly desired to be the Emperor’s help, rather than under the other’s protection.

Not even doing child labor here for the Emperor’s partners.

Yes, that’s right, it’s child labor. He, Horus, is only a teenager now. He just developed faster as a primarch.

The black-hearted landlord Rasta didn’t care about this. He took out the blueprint, looked at the outer wall created by Horus, and then he snapped his fingers.


The outer wall that Horus built in an efficient way suddenly collapsed.

The child bricklayer turned his head in disgrace, as if to ask the sinister landlord why he was exploiting this poor child.

“Look for yourself, look, what kind of crappy project have you built?”

Guang Yu came up with drawings that were reasonable and well-founded.

Horus still wanted to refute, but then remembered the other party’s unclear prophecy.

People are under the eaves, so they have to lower their heads and build a house well.

Horus was still so impatient.

“Is this how the Emperor taught you how to be patient?”

The lust for light is so disillusioned that if I don’t have any more patience, I will soon be like Him.

“I am the son of the Emperor, the Primarch of the Empire, and the father of the Luna Wolves. My patience should be used in a vast expedition to unify mankind, not in building a warehouse here!”

Horus was furious; he felt that his worth had been denied.

He was menacing and huddled in the corner, his lesser god essence feeling the wrath of light desire.

He said the most cowardly words in the most ferocious tone.

“It’s not that I can’t let my other heirs build it, and the efficiency is not bad. At worst, one can’t do it but two.”

Horus was indeed the first Primarch to return, not the stunted half of the Primarch in front.

The Sixth Evil God grinned.

His terror was almost like another lower sky, making the Wolf Shepherd God in front of him begin to regret whether he had said the wrong thing.

“I think I’m too good to you. I need to find an overseer!”

Emperor’s Dream.

After Horus and the Emperor left, Loken returned to the 10th Company alone, picked up the bottle of calcium tablets, and looked at it over and over.

He was not an idiot, he was sure that his father saw the special mark on the bottle at some point, and even the Emperor saw it.

So he also wanted to know what was written on it.

The Luna Wolves of the 10th Company were showing off to the other nine companies in an extremely shameful manner.

Showing off the endless supply of food they can’t finish, including sweet potatoes, grapefruits, and calcium tablets, they take out their treasures one by one.

I don’t know who was responsible for it, but the other nine companies no longer tolerated these guys and rushed directly into the 10th company to start looting.

While looting, he was still beaming.

“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you to the battle brothers of the 10th Company for helping us bring these things from our material providers.”

The tenth company was the last to be created, and it couldn’t defeat the veterans of the first nine companies. The bald war was about to break out.

“Company Commander! Requesting reinforcements! Company Commander! Help! Company Commander, what are you doing, Company Commander!”

Mu En and the brothers from the 10th Company were crying and howling there, while Loken was still looking for instructions and warranty for calcium tablets.

This provocation was intentional. The 10th Company wanted to distribute things to other companies, but was too embarrassed to say so.

As soon as they stirred up trouble, the other nine companies understood what was going on under the hint of their company commander.

Of course, there were some company commanders who didn’t understand, and almost went out to stop it, until Abaddon slapped him in the back of the head.

Loken’s concentration ended when Acton came running to get the bottle of calcium tablets in his hand.


The two company commanders started fighting on the spot. Good guy, I let you take points, but I didn’t let you really grab them! Do you want everything I have?

Fortunately, Acton just saw him in a daze and came over to see what was going on. He didn’t really grab him, and the farce ended quickly.

Loken couldn’t figure out the reason for a long time and threw the bottle of calcium tablets back into the box.

Mu En also told him at this time.

“After all companies have received an equal share of supplies, including calcium tablets, there will no longer be an endless supply of supplies.”

Loken nodded, he had expected this.

He glanced at the pile of calcium tablet bottles again and was about to leave, until he discovered something.

He knelt down and saw a line of small words on the box, or in other words, a small advertisement.

“Recruiting network administrator?”


Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Milky Way welcomes the sixth subspace evil god, Light Desire!


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