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Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light — Chapter 213 Dimensionality Reduction Strike

Moen’s obsession with the fact that Alpha transformed into Sister Oil and went around comforting magenta cans didn’t last long.

Because light desire asked him another question.

“How’s the spread deployment going?”

A serious alien dynasty is a bit troublesome for the empire and may take a little more time.

But for an alien dynasty whose technology is so backward, the canned people don’t think it’s that difficult.

The reason why Zhan Ning’s aliens conquered this star area so easily was because the technology provided by Black Bean Sprouts did not actually play a full role.

The key factor is that the four gods are causing trouble and rain from behind.

Now that Guangyu is here with thousands of cans, the Four Gods must not be able to act as civilized grandfathers to Zhan Ning’s aliens.

This means that the threat level of this dynasty has been declining.

Some battleships of the Second Legion have already begun to move towards other Zhanning alien star systems.

They promised the Quartermaster that they would destroy this alien dynasty without mercy, and they had no procrastination.

This superficial alien dynasty does not pose a real threat to the empire’s sacred expedition fleet, but the demolition work will take time.

There is no canned intention to take this pride and arrogance lightly. Demolition is smashed with bricks, and it is very likely that his legion will be laughed at by other legions.

“This alien dynasty doesn’t even have equipment like power armor and void shields. It’s hard to imagine how they conquered this sector.

Furthermore, the attack range of their warships is even lower than we expected, less than half that of our warships.

To be conservative, we plan to use medium-level penetration radiation, and our battleships are ready to occupy four sub-sectors at the same time. “

After all, Moen is the commander of the army, and he has seen alien dynasties before, but this is the first time he has seen an alien dynasty that is so weak in technology and has been so emasculated.

The technological level of some aliens that have only developed two planets or even local planets may be similar to that of the Zhanning aliens, but their technology trees are still complete after all.

The Zhanning aliens are completely unable to fight against the Empire at long range. The power of their weapons will decrease once the range is far, but the Empire has no such concerns.

What did you say? Is Zhan Ning’s alien ready to get closer and fight again? When you say this canned food, people will be excited. There are not many opportunities to join the gang with this kind of fried fish delivered to your door.

The Magenta Cans all have a hard time choosing, should they use a chainsword or a power hammer?

“Just deal with it, I want to take a nap.”

Rasta was about to go back to the cabin to think about one thing, and that was how to deal with the disciples when they returned to the Court of Dawn.

“Wish you sweet dreams!”

Moen stepped down and began his busy work as commander of the regiment.

At the same time, Zhan Ning was in a sub-star area of ​​the alien.

Based on remote observation, the Second Legion has deduced the location of life planets in this sub-sector.

An Indomitable-class light cruiser, two Tempest-class frigates and a Spark destroyer broke through the subspace and set off towards one of the living planets.

There were four hundred and forty-four cans on board the four battleships.

But they are the elite of the Second Legion, more than half of them have sophisticated power armor, and they are all die-hard loyalists of Guangyu. Their devout faith will increase their combat power.

There are even one hundred and twenty helmet-free ones in these magenta cans.

The temporary commander of the four hundred and forty-four cans is the squadron leader Malvon of the first company.

Already ready to join the gang, he is undergoing his pre-war mobilization in the Indomitable-class cruiser Swim Dome.

He paced back and forth on the platform, and the sound of the friction of his power armor seemed to resonate with the machine soul.

“Our legion is called the Sons of Glory, and we bear the blood of glory.

This body is originally fire, and the heat of the soul can burn aliens!

The great Emperor’s radiance, the source of noble material providers, has entrusted the glorious mission of conquering this dirty alien dynasty to our Second Legion!

This is an honor that no other legion has received, it is the unique favor we have received, and it is the trust He has given us!

As an angel of the empire and a warrior recognized by the quartermaster, you and I should understand why I was born!

Our mission is to clean up this star system in four days.

Let the aliens see our efficiency, let the Empire see our loyalty.

I want you to be fearless, but also alert enough to use your brains. Astartes transformation surgery should not create dull wood.

I don’t want to see anyone’s needless sacrifice, it would make Him sad, you should know what I mean.

Also, He has already explained that He is God!

The great god is watching us from behind. Don’t let him down. Now, answer me, what should you do? ! “

“Blood of glory, scorching starry sky!”

“Meet Hu Liezhi!”

“Discover your true self!”

“Eye of wrath!”

“Destroy the enemy!”

“Endless winter!”

“Walking forward into the eternal night…”

The Magenta Cans, who had started worshiping the gods behind the Emperor’s back, responded enthusiastically every time Commander Mal asked him a question.

When morale reaches its highest level, the battleship emits a slight ripple.

That was the activation of the macrogun array, causing the light cruiser, which carried the firepower that a cruiser should be equipped with, to shake a little.

The Swimming Dome’s macrogun array is raining down plasma cannons, plasma beams, and heavy live ammunition strikes on the Jenning alien fleet.

The flames erupted from several hundred meters of gun barrels were like the wildest roar in the starry sky.

Although these densely packed beams of various colors are very small from the scale of a star system, compared with the size of a human being, they are like a mountain.

The inertial buffer eliminates the change in the position of the battleship caused by the recoil caused by such a terrifying weapon.

The distance between these four warships and Zhanning’s alien fleet is dozens of kilometers, and the speed of ordinary macro-cannon array shells is thousands of kilometers per hour.

This is normal. In the fire coverage of large-scale battles, it sometimes takes thirty to fifty minutes for the macro artillery array to hit the enemy from launch!

It is commonplace for the enemy’s and our fleets to attack each other even though they are separated by hundreds or even thousands of kilometers.

From a macro battlefield perspective, the speed of these projectiles is frighteningly slow, but they can fly one kilometer in three seconds at most.

To put it bluntly, if a macrogun array eight hundred miles away cannot kill a warship gunner from a backward alien civilization, you will be laughed at for two and a half years.

Zhan Ning’s alien fleet was confused.

Their fleet can also have a range of hundreds of kilometers, but there is no guarantee that its power will be the same as before.

The beam that flew hundreds of kilometers hit the swimming dome’s mixed ceramic-steel-plastic-steel collision angle without causing any damage. Instead, it was like a spotlight that wasn’t bright enough.

The swimming dome’s macrogun array and the light spear platforms of the other three battleships hit the Zhanning alien fleet. The series of explosions where they hit were a bit like the Emperor pulling Malcador with a string of firecrackers during the Ancient Terra period. Blow up people’s haystacks.

Zhan Ning’s alien was stunned by this dimensionality reduction blow.

The commander of this fleet immediately issued an order.

“Approaching the enemy ship! Our warships don’t have enough firepower! Attack again at close range! We need cover ships!”

Pheromones began to spread through the subspace, and the Zhanning alien commander began to force some unimportant battleships to block the main battleships.

The dominance of pheromones makes it impossible for these cruel aliens to refuse.

The Janine xenos, who have brought the creeds of Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Nurgle, and Khorne to their fullest, are furious.

They swore that after they approached the Swimming Dome, they would fight back with the cruelest colors to let these outsiders know the greatness of the Zhanning Dynasty!


Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Milky Way welcomes the sixth subspace evil god, Light Desire!


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