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Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light — Chapter 236 Your Father

“Angron, wake up.”

A not-so-distant call was stimulating the fragile nerves of the young original body.

At this moment, he is lying in the training cabin.

And the amniotic capsule, which is deeply embedded in a corner of the mountain and has countless cracks, has been watched by a group of black bean sprouts for more than a day.

Based on the information from soul divination, they concluded that this was the original body cultivation chamber of the Human Empire.

The Dark Eldar don’t like to develop shields, and they can still understand some relatively simple shield technologies.

But a group of black bean sprouts who only know pleasure and are thrown out to do dirty work, you let them know all the shields of the empire?

I have tried this bunch of black bean sprouts many times.

They wanted to take the babies out of the chamber.

With Black Bean Sprout’s animal behavior, it’s easy to imagine what he wants to do.

After several attempts failed, the angry Black Bean Sprouts tried to use high-lethal weapons to destroy the culture chamber together with the original body.

Unfortunately, every time they were just a little bit closer to breaking through the dim light shield.

Yes, that’s right, Khorne shook his head when he saw it, and Tzeentch saw the dim light of the detour, but in the eyes of Black Bean Sprout, it was just that.

After being unable to open the cultivation chamber, the black bean sprouts began to panic.

They cannot be exposed to the galaxy for a long time and must hide in the webway, otherwise it will be time for Shalish to cook dark dishes with black bean sprouts.

But perhaps because it was too close to the dim light, Salish had no intention of settling here at all. Instead, the black bean sprouts scattered in other areas of Nusria were taken away one by one by Salish because there was no dim light around. Started His soul food.

“Our actions this time must have received divine inspiration!

We have been operating in the real universe for more than a day, but our souls have not been taken away half!

Sure enough, God bless the ancient sacred and imperial orthodoxy! “

The black bean sprouts were sitting together, and the middle was filled with pieces of meat from unknown creatures.

It is a habit of a small number of Dark Eldar tribesmen to bring out a piece of food for each person to have a meal together, but it has become normal for the food to contain fragments of other Black Bean Sprout heroes.

The most hellish time, eight black bean sprouts went out to capture slaves. During the dinner, the food they cooked up contained 100% black bean sprouts, without any starch or other additives. From now on, enjoy the freedom of black bean sprouts!

Just as these beasts were preparing to eat, the Dark Eldar who was in charge of sentry glanced at the training cabin after scanning the wilderness of the plateau mountains.

The dim light went out at some point, probably when the sentry turned his head and looked away.

“The shield of this training cabin has disappeared! Its energy is finally exhausted!”

His status was not high among the people, so the sentry immediately reminded his companions.

These dark elves, both men and women, have a kind of spiritual malignant ugliness. This ugliness is transmitted to the body surface through the soul, making people feel uncomfortable when they see them.

“You can add food. I haven’t eaten the so-called Imperial Primarch yet. I haven’t grown up yet. The meat must be very delicious and tender!”

A Clive broad-bladed knife was lifted by a black bean sprout. It got up before the other companions and rushed towards the cultivation cabin.

It had no idea what it was about to face.

While the other black bean sprouts were still wondering why they were a step late, the cultivation cabin exploded!

Black Bean Sprout, who was the first to charge, was hit by a piece of debris and flew hundreds of meters, screaming miserably on the ground.

Even with its body density, it was broken into several large pieces by this sudden attack, and its trunk fell into a thicket of poisonous thorns.

The plant-eating insects living in the thorn bushes were stimulated by the blood, and immediately began to dig into the wounds of the black bean sprouts with their saw-toothed legs to enjoy this rare delicacy.

Everything happened in an instant, even so fast that the nervous systems of the black bean sprouts could not respond.

Angron walked out of the training cabin, growing a little bigger every second.

In four seconds, he went from a baby to a four-year-old.

These black bean sprouts finally remembered that the higher-ups of the conspiracy told them that their prey would be the beings who could tear apart the Eldar Titans with their bare hands in the future!

Angron’s nature is actually quite peaceful. When he encountered these Dark Eldar in the original timeline, he had grown like an eight-year-old child.

Originally he approached these black bean sprouts with a friendly attitude, but he was attacked by various vicious Dark Eldar torture weapons, and then felt a lot of pain in the Dark Eldar souls.

That’s why he went berserk and slaughtered all the invading enemies.

Having just woken up this time, he should have said hello to these black bean sprouts.

With the blessing of Krastra, Angron’s abilities were pushed to the limit. Even from a distance, he could still read all kinds of memories of the Dark Eldar that he brought to other lives in every possible way. pain.

This made Angron’s hatred for these black bean sprouts reach the extreme.

He wielded the power of light lust and slowly walked towards these so-called galactic space pirates.

The cowardice attribute of the Dark Eldar is even higher than their cruelty.

Black Bean Sprout, who was frightened by Angron, tremblingly asked his companion next to him.

“How much power did he explode just now…”

“…” Black Bean Sprout, who is proficient in mathematics, didn’t dare to answer at all. He didn’t want to believe this fact.

With such speed and power, is this a living thing?

The black bean sprouts started to turn around and run away.

Even if they have the consciousness of sacrifice, they still have to judge the correct situation.

Such a monster, let alone them, even if an Archon airship like the Throne of Pain comes, it will be torn apart.

The Primarch was born with some knowledge, but Angron was sorely lacking in this area that he still did not understand what was happening.

The black bean sprouts fled in several directions, which confused him. He didn’t know which one to chase.

The voice in his head reminded him again.

“Come on, raise your finger and call your names one by one.”

Angron obeyed his instructions and pointed at the black bean sprouts who were running away and almost pissed themselves.

When he retracted his hand, more than a dozen beams of light formed and shot towards the black bean sprouts.

Of course, the black bean sprouts cannot dodge this attack. This is not a one-hit kill, but some kind of corrupt light that makes the black bean sprouts incapacitated.

A dozen Dark Eldar began to watch their bodies decay.

The souls they absorbed turned into physical soul worms, eating everything in their bodies.

Light Desire just doesn’t like playing with souls, but that doesn’t mean he’s not good at it.

Angron saw the food next to it.

To be honest, he was a little hungry.

He walked towards the Dark Eldar rations.

“Peng!” A fierce fire rose, swallowing these unknown foods into the fire.

Angron looked at the arsonist next to him.

Rasta waved to him.

Angron recognized that this was the owner of that voice.

He came to Guangyu obediently.

“Who are you?”

“Your father, Light Desire.”


Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Milky Way welcomes the sixth subspace evil god, Light Desire!


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