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Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light — Chapter 245 Both civil and military

Rasta recalled his past.

He was frail as a human being and nearly wiped out as an evil spirit countless times.

It would be fine if they were just eliminated. Those people’s idea is to use Rasta as an immortal weapon to rule the world and enslave all living creatures.

Those people’s excuses are so righteous, and they can shout slogans such as “friendship, love, family, and the world”.

The evil spirit therefore spared them once and allowed them to escape from the swamp.

But when they got information about the evil spirit and learned that the evil spirit was actually trapped in the swamp and never came out to harm anyone, they still entered the swamp again with the excuse that it would be a disaster in the future.

The evil spirit tilted its head, and there were more corpses in the swamp.

Rasta has come step by step from an extremely weak evil spirit to what he is now, and he doesn’t know whether it is difficult or not.

Because the evil spirit will be tortured by pain forever and will only speak those two words forever. Only by burning out a universe can its resentment be reduced.

Everything beyond that is meaningless.

When He reawakened as the Fading Light, the human part of the Evil Spirit, He made a deal with the Evil Spirit.

He came to save all of this. In this extreme cesspool, there was actually a soul that was extremely pure in contrast.

His damn empathy was overflowing again.

The future self on the Pale Throne summoned forty-four disciples and made the best plan for His birth.

The lavish lust for light was born in the Court of Dawn with endless sorrow.

At that time, there was no way He could contact the forty-four disciples to protect Nusgreen.

The resurrected light in the endless darkness was so swaying that it took all the strength to just struggle out of the pain.

The evil spirit put the universe in a bottle and temporarily stopped its journey. It was ignorant and had only the desire to destroy. It had nothing else, but it was curious that its own thoughts had other ideas.

Its idea is to prove that some lives are worth saving, and it places the bet on the other side.

It has only resentment for everything. It talked too many truths during its lifetime, and no one agreed. It simply gave up thinking. The so-called kindness is destruction, it is the death of everything, it is the death of all things and concepts.

Rasta’s power can destroy an entire universe, and that’s not difficult.

Because He is a spark released by evil spirits, which is insignificant to evil spirits.

The Starfire, which can double its power every one hundred thousandth of a second, can destroy the universe in less than a second just by releasing its dazzling light.

But such a powerful thought is just a spark from the evil spirit.

Rasta didn’t know how powerful the evil spirit was. He only had the memory of the conceptual ability of the evil spirit that could still be described, and even this memory was incomplete.

The higher dimensional part of the evil spirit is performing some even more unreasonable final rituals somewhere unknown.

“Osiris, my greatest enemy has always been myself and the ugliness in everyone’s heart.

I have tried it many times. The first time, I directly helped the empire win. Humanity unified the galaxy and even trampled the insect swarm into the universe.

However, the easy victory made the empire corrupt and degenerate, making the galaxy even more of a cesspool than it is now.

I directly erased this timeline and brought everything back to the time when the Court of Dawn was born.

This is my fourth time saving everything.

Osiris, the last rescue was also here. You rejected Tzeentch. I looked at all this and chose to escape.

I didn’t come to see you, you fought alone and embarked on the road to save me…

I will not repeat the mistake of last time, so I am here to find fault, my child. “

The thought of the evil spirit stopped Osiris from retreating with a few words.

The scary child took Osiris into his arms.

From the gray-pink hair, the authority of Khorne fell and flowed into Osiris’ body.

Raste let go of the chief disciple.

“This time, I will also hand over the authority of Khorne to you. You have both wisdom and enough strength to protect yourself.

I won’t stop you from finding a way to save me. This time, you have enough power.

Go, Osiris, and be a god of luxury. “

After the grey-pink scary child said all this, he turned around and stepped into the door of ashes and left here.

Osiris transforms from child into Grand Inquisitor.

He felt the power in his hands.

There is no need to complete the ritual to steal Tzeentch’s authority.

This completed process is the constant change that provides Him with endless power.

What he has to do now is to completely integrate the authority of Khorne.

When this is all done.

Whether it’s Chaos or the Galaxy, he can be invincible against the four main gods of Chaos.


Osiris’s mood at this moment was hard to describe, and he felt it was difficult to breathe.

But His will soon became stronger than anything else.

“For the Lord of Lights!”

He glanced at Huestis, gave him a blessing, and then left the planet as well.

At this moment, in chaos.

Next to the Well of Eternity.

Tzeentch cannot see these scenes, he is not yet powerful enough.

But He vaguely guessed all of this, including the fact that Rasta also gave the power of Khorne to Osiris.

Carlos’s head turned this way and that, but he couldn’t see anything.

Finally, it started cursing.

“It’s planned!” A head snatched half of the Lord of Changes’ line.

“Everything is going according to plan!” The other head was so confused by the lust of light that he actually became angry with his main god.

Xin Liezhi was not angry when he heard the two-headed roast duck’s words, and even burst into laughter.

“What a wonderful transformation, a supreme art…”

While the Lord of Changes was laughing, a figure appeared in front of Him.

“You laughed so hard!”

The God of Strength and Wisdom smashed down the thick iron book in his left hand.

Tzeentch, who had never been beaten so violently by a second god, did not react immediately.

The next moment, the judgment from the Court of Dawn overthrew the Lord of Changes.

The Grand Inquisitor condensed the staff, and the surging spiritual energy dyed the chaos, and used it to open up Tzeentch’s face.

The two-headed roast duck jumped directly into the Well of Eternity without thinking, because it was Osiris’ prey and target.

Osiris came for Kalos’ power that did not belong to Tzeentch.

He wants to see the past and the future, and He wants to find out all possibilities.

The Lord of Changes was still excited after being attacked.

His injuries were not serious, and He began to fight back.

Two strands of spiritual energy can illuminate a corner of chaos, even causing a large shadow to appear in the real universe.

This is a positive and negative battle between knowledge and wisdom authority, which is also mixed with power and authority.

Osiris is too impatient after all, and he still can’t defeat Tzeentch who has cosmic investment.

The four gods of chaos now are much more powerful than in the original timeline.

The investment of the universe elevates them.

The various changes, power and desires brought about by Rasta, as well as the constant emergence of miracles of life, are all strengthening the four gods.

Of course Osiris couldn’t take advantage.

Just as the Lord of Change was fighting back, He heard something laughing.

He stopped his hand dejectedly: “This is too protective.”

Osiris knew that he was helpless, and he was unwilling to let the Lord distract himself from taking care of him. After giving Tzeentch the last painful attack, he also jumped into the Well of Eternity.

“Let me seize that bright future!”


Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Milky Way welcomes the sixth subspace evil god, Light Desire!


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