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Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light — Chapter 25 The joy of the machine soul

Horus, an internet-addicted boy, was filled with grief and anger. He turned this emotion into strength and began to wipe out his enemies with a more violent attitude.


This made the Luna Wolves think that their new war cry had a special bonus on their father’s combat power, so they shouted even harder.

An alien was equipped with a translator and began to curse at this place.

“Evil network administrator, the people of the Blood God will not…”

Horus rushed over, grabbed the alien, and threw it at the ax swung by the Chosen of Khorne.

The ax that can easily cut through flesh is still unabated, trying to chop down the Wolf Shepherd.

Horus almost instinctively stretched out his hand and shook it.

This is not an ordinary psychic power. There is no phenomenon such as the temperature dropping and liquid water freezing around him.

Following his action, the next moment, all the aliens around the Chosen of Khorne began to be squeezed, and finally turned into cannonballs, bombarding the Chosen of Khorne.

The alien’s anger had reached its extreme. He tried his best to destroy most of the shells, but unfortunately he still couldn’t protect his waist.

The network administrators of Horus saw this scene, and they were surprised and delighted.

Surprisingly, the Empire’s control over psykers is extremely strict.

Happily, the Emperor’s sons, their father, possess such great power.

Horus looked down at the palm of his hand, and he was shocked.

This was not the psychic power he was supposed to have. His memory seemed to go back to when he was holding a bricklayer’s knife.

This is some kind of special power honed from bamboo strips. This is…

This is a special skill developed by an internet-addicted boy who is addicted to brick-moving games and levels up!

The Chosen God of Khorne took advantage of this moment to approach Horus, but did not launch a direct attack. It was not in line with his character to attack when the opponent was distracted.

Khorne once again blessed the alien, allowing him to praise the mighty god on the mountain of skulls.

Khorne did not bless him because of his strength and bravery, but wanted to use his power to see how powerful Horus was.

Not all aliens have traits that Khorne likes. Seeing the Wolf Shepherd in a daze, an alien began to attack here with a long-range rifle.

Until a ripple formed around Horus.

He affected some kind of power around him, and then rushed towards the Chosen God of Khorne savagely.

“Buzz buzz…”

Before the two of them came into contact, Taogang was trembling due to some special fluctuations, making a strange low sound.

The moment the battle ax and the war hammer collided, the surrounding Astartes and aliens were blasted away, even if they were separated by more than ten meters.

Horus finally understood what kind of power he had gained.

What Light Desire gave him could indeed make his soul more powerful, but the power of his soul could also make his physical attacks somewhat specialized.

Now it’s not like the Primarch versus the aliens, but the Chosen of Khorne versus the Blessing of Light.

But basically, Alien Chosen is terrible.

If Horus hadn’t been young and fledgling, he would have directly destroyed this divine choice with one blow.

But the actual situation was not much better. After seven consecutive strikes, Horus smashed the opponent’s weapon and arm, and then ended the alien’s life with one blow.

The surrounding aliens are directly frightened. The Chosen of Khorne is their morale and what they consider to be their unrivaled power.

But now, Khorne’s Chosen is dead, and his killers are unharmed and looking towards them.

The aliens were defeated and began to scream and run away.

From the moment the orbital weapons were destroyed, the aliens were at a disadvantage.

Along the alien’s retreat route, massive fortifications and heavy firepower came into play.

Various beams of light and even physical shells were thrown into the space between the Luna Wolves in a chaotic manner and began to wash away the ground.

Horus had not yet faced this experience, and he once again used that power to shield a small area around himself.

“follow me!”

Three words, led by Acton, the descendants closest to him came under his protection.

Their speed was not slowed down by their heavy power armor, and it only took them two breaths to charge to the first fortification.

This demolition team destroyed the opponent’s machine gun fortress with extremely high efficiency.

The bolters of the Luna Wolves in the rear didn’t really have the range to hit that far, but there were sniper-type bolters who started calling names one by one.

The space battle ended, and the Luna Wolf gunships that opened their protection fell down and began to attack the opponent’s fortress.

With the death of Khorne’s Chosen, the all-encompassing darkness dissipated somewhat.

But it is still dark here. The difference is that now, this dark night can be lit up by the flames of war in a short time.

Horus has noticed that the special particles that create darkness are extracting heat from the body. His power makes this extraction have almost no impact on him, but his descendants may not be able to withstand it.


Horus picked up a basket of alien cannonballs and threw them all directly towards the alien position.

No communication is needed, the sniper bolter has already clicked on these shells, causing a flower of light and heat to bloom.

Horus was right when he said something. The best care he could give his descendants was to lead them to charge, and there was nothing else.

“The battleship is ready!”

“Wait a minute, we haven’t gotten the information about the trapped person yet.”

The seventh company of battleships has prepared a saturation strike from the air to the ground, but Horus wants to rescue the Ultramarines here.

In his first rescue, he needs to laugh at the other party.

The current war situation is not cruel enough to require the dropping of bombs indiscriminately between ourselves and the enemy.

The Chosen of Khorne, previously slain by Horus, struck from behind again.

He has been invested by the blood god of Khorne, and is no longer a xenomorph, but has become a daemon.

Demons cannot be killed by normal means. After death, they will be exiled back to the subspace. A sufficient price can allow the demon to return from the subspace again.

The Luna Wolves don’t know what demons are, they only think they are ugly aliens. They have seen this kind of ghost coming back from the dead many times, and they are not panicked.

Horus wouldn’t even know that. He would meet the Emperor one moment, and be dragged to build a house by the Sixth Evil God the next. How could he still be afraid of such a little shrimp?

Just when Horus was about to send the Chosen of Khorne to the opponent’s new home subspace again, there were words such as “I am Horus’s network administrator”, “Horus’s network administrator is invincible”, “Horus’ favorite network administrator must be me” “This strange war cry and even stranger sound came from behind the alien.

Immediately afterwards, a fire dragon that was a hundred meters long sprayed out.

The Flame Luna Wolves know this, it is the characteristic of the Cerberus fire-breathing tank, but…

Whose Cerberus fire-breathing tank can spit out a hundred meters of fire? Its constantly rotating wheels also transport long-range live ammunition at another muzzle.

The Luna Wolves sighed and cursed their mistake. Now they could no longer laugh at the Ultramarines. The other party would definitely insist that they could handle the battlefield.

With the terrifying vision and perception of the original body, Horus picked up a piece of the fortress wall and swept away the aliens, and at the same time saw the true appearance of the Cerberus fire-breathing tank.

The hundred-meter fire dragon and the continuous live ammunition strikes are just side dishes.

The real output is the strange sound coming from above the tank.

On that tank, a Smurf was playing the saxophone on his hip, soothing the machine spirit of the Cerberus fire-breathing tank!


Everyone can see how happy he is!


Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Milky Way welcomes the sixth subspace evil god, Light Desire!


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