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Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light — Chapter 251 Not the Gospel

Not even Angron could hide Oinomouth’s thoughts, let alone Rasta.

Although Angron knew that if Raste did not come, the person in front of him would be closer to him, but Angron still felt a little angry that Oinomouth deceived his father Raste.

“Okay, each person has a bag of forty-four kilograms of grain.”

Rasta offered a price that was extremely generous to the villagers.

This made Oinomouth’s eyes widen.

Their usual food is whatever they find, including plant roots and insects.

This allowed these Nusrian people to evolve a special digestive system. In addition to being unable to digest the highly toxic and metal-hard thorns on the Thorn Plateau and convert them into their own nutrition, each Nusrian people’s Genetic modification and acquired evolution are forcing them to survive.

Human thoughts and cell thoughts are often rebellious.

The poor people in Nusria rarely eat decent grains, and even miscellaneous grains are rare.

During the ancient Terra period, the entire Terra could not guarantee that 70% of the people on the planet could eat healthy and clean grains, let alone Nuthria, a slave system?

Forty-four pounds of grain is enough to exchange for several lives. If it is fine grain, it is only suitable for nobles. It can be exchanged for a large amount of ordinary coarse grain.

Rasta had no intention of concealing his miracle. He raised his hand and dropped a large bag of rice on the ground. The heavy rice bag caused dust to rise on the dry soil.

This ability to create things out of thin air made Oinomouth take a step back. Alertness to danger is the first instinct of human beings living in extremely cruel situations. Without this instinct, they would have died long ago.

“open to take a look.”

After Rasta said this, he patted Angron and asked him to look behind him.

Angron did as he was told and saw some people sneakily watching him and his father from a distance. When he turned around, those people bowed and apologized while running away.

But there were also those who were unwilling to do so. They hid in the blind spots where they thought no one would notice them, and continued to observe the two luxuriously dressed outsiders.

Angron didn’t say anything, but stooped down and picked up an extremely hard stone.

Oinomouth didn’t know what the father and son were doing, but he still opened the rice bag.

The white flowers of rice, with a unique fragrance of grains, dominated his vision and smell.

Oinomouth couldn’t hold back, he grabbed a handful of uncooked rice, and while the rice grains fell into the rice bag, he stuffed a small portion into his mouth.

tasty! Yes, even uncooked rice is quite delicious to him.

Oinomouth was very much looking forward to the taste of these grains after cooking. Just when he was about to change a more respectful attitude towards these two generous nobles, a thunderous sound that broke through the air made his eardrums feel uncomfortable.

Angron threw the stone. The stone barely withstood his power and burst into the air. Then it shattered a stone wall far away. The slave merchant who used the hole to observe them behind the stone wall was instantly cut in half. , then the body collapsed, and most of the body tissues exploded into blood mist.

Angron’s attack was no longer a simple physical attack. The blessing given to him by Rasta was of destructive nature.

This horrific scene frightened the slave traders.

The villagers in the village of Negris, whose eyesight was not bad after the transformation of the Golden Age, knelt down and called gods.

Because the stones of Angron continued to lose strength after killing the peepers, and finally a seemingly small mushroom cloud rose at the end of the horizon.

Angron looked at his hands and then looked up at Rasta.

“Very weak.”

Rasta gave a fair evaluation.

It was indeed very weak. The mushroom cloud did not represent the level of a nuclear explosion, but could only be regarded as the level of a thermal weapon bombing.

Even if it is a nuclear explosion, it is not a toy to Rasta. He can easily pick up stars and blow them out.

Angron put aside his pride and acted like a good boy.

Oinomouth is a smart man, and he can tell what the current situation is from these anomalies.

The two people in front of him were probably not human.

After Raste gave his evaluation, he took Angron towards the village.

Oinomouth carefully picked up the bag of rice.

A little grain mixed with a bunch of mess, this is the vitals-sustaining meal for everyone in Negris.

These forty-four pounds of rice are enough for them to live for a long time.

Just as Oinomouth was thinking about it, his pupils suddenly contracted.

“What is the weight unit of kilogram? Why do I understand directly…”

Oinomouth began to wonder if he was in a nightmare.

But the disease in his body made him quickly understand the current situation.

Angron looked at the people of Negris like a curious baby.

Most Negris are busy doing labor, which is very painful, but they have become accustomed to it.

They would extract something from highly poisonous plants and then use their own crude soil alkali to remove the poison.

These things look strange, I don’t know if they are medicine or food.

Angron saw that some villagers were corrupted by the poison, and the nerves used to control their thighs were paralyzed, but the pain-sensing nerves were not.

So a group of bottom members who were accustomed to pain struggled to get out of the treadmill, relieve the pain of their nervous systems, and carefully observe the extent to which their skin had been eroded.

“That King of Terra you are talking about, can he change this situation?”

Angron remembered that the King of Terra seemed to want to conquer all the universe, and humans were his subjects.

Angron is a truly good boy who can feel the pain of others and is willing to relieve the pain of others.

He couldn’t bear everything in this village.

“In various worlds in the galaxy, those who have mastered technology have more or less records of the golden age, which was the pinnacle of mankind.

Therefore, despite their violence, they are still afraid of whether someone with greater power will punish them on their home planet Terra.

But King Terra doesn’t care about the cruel rule of each planet. He will let each planet continue to maintain its original state.

However, he wants to impose a tithe, which is an extremely heavy tax. In order to pay this tax, the entire planet will squeeze the bottom even more.

Moreover, King Terra’s acquiescence and permission will make the tyrants of the planet think that everything they do is legitimate and recognized. They will intensify their efforts, make themselves more cruel, and make the people at the bottom suffer more.

The arrival of King Terra is not good news for many planets, but a further step in suffering, even if it is just a small step.

So, Angron, let us do something that the King of Terra will not and cannot do, as our revenge and contempt for him. “

Raste revealed the common sense that the Emperor was not a good thing for some reconquered human worlds, which made Angron’s dislike of the King of Terra even stronger.

Oinomouth followed Rasta to a low platform in the center of the village.

“I am very satisfied with the price you mentioned. I would like to ask how many children you need.”

“I want more than just children.”


Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Milky Way welcomes the sixth subspace evil god, Light Desire!


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