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Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light — Chapter 256: Shark Arm Emperor

The so-called more than one hundred elite troops led by the leader of the High Knights, plus a bunch of ordinary infantry, were more fragile than bubbles in front of the forty-four cans.

In the 40th millennium of the original timeline, a company had one hundred people and forty-four cans, which was already half a company.

Moreover – these forty-four cans have been strengthened by Rasta. In terms of actual combat power, each of them can defeat several of his former selves in a single fight. The combined combat power of the two cans is already very large. It’s hard to say how many normal cans it is equivalent to.

The leader of the High Knights, together with his steel chariot, was trampled under the feet of the captain in the forty-four cans who had the pink four painted on his chest.

More than 6,000 kilograms of weight weighed on this mortal who thought he was noble.

Even with multiple genetic modifications and some enhanced body parts, Anita’s loyal dog continues to cough up blood.

“Nuse… Rhea…’s… cough, adults… won’t let you go… you don’t understand at all… cough, cough, what kind of trouble have you provoked…”

The leader of the Knights thought that these forty-four Astartes were all the enemies the planet Nusria faced this time.

“These words should not be spoken to me, a big-headed soldier who only knows how to execute orders. You should talk to our squadron leader or company commander. Unfortunately, you are not qualified to see them.”

Being able to have the fourth pink painted on the power armor shows that this Astartes is one of the four champion warriors of the Second Company.

The champion warrior of lust requires compassion, bravery, hatred of evil, and more inexplicable things.

But the most important thing is resistance, a struggle against fate.

Rasta was unwilling to accept Angron’s fate.

After killing this insignificant enemy, the second consecutive champion looked towards the city.

“Destroy their anti-aircraft firepower, let the auxiliary troops land, and occupy the planet as quickly as possible. This is the order of the great quartermaster!”

The champion warrior still did not forget to carry Rasta’s banner on his body.

Because it is against the laws of the empire for them to attack a human world without authorization.

In the 40th Millennium, the number of Astartes was greatly reduced, and the Empire was not so wealthy, but the two-hearted guys had enough power.

Chapter leaders of some powerful chapters can even directly sign an extermination order without going through the imperial interior department, completely extinguishing hundreds of billions of intelligent life on a planet and the entire ecology on it.

Not now, unless you are a legion commander at the level of Moen, and you will be heavily scrutinized by the empire after signing the extermination order. The question is that the emperor is not trustworthy about the cans.

He even intended to exclude the Primarchs and Astartes from the center of power politics.

Children with cerebral palsy in the empire may have objected to Emperor’s Glory’s order before, but after Emperor’s Glory appeared in Chaos, and his majestic figure was so majestic that it was impossible to look directly at him, as long as his IQ was not as low as that of an ant-cow, , basically all know what to do.

Nusria does have technology, but the anti-aircraft firepower is not strong enough to prevent the auxiliaries from landing.

But the Astartes never gamble on such things. What they have to do is to do their best and do everything to the best of their ability.

The cans began to attack the city.

With Astartes’ reaction speed and eyesight, the people on the top of the city were already targeted by the pineapple mirror and sniped to death as soon as they showed up.

There is no need to open the scope at all. The Astartes, whose marksmanship is extremely accurate, can just shoot one by one.

It only took four weapon swings from the champion warrior to breach the gate.

Under the incredible gazes of these mortals, the champion warrior lifted the power ax and ignored the city gate with a half-meter-thick alloy sandwich.

“I come from Holy Terra, the birthplace of mankind, and I come to this world on behalf of the Empire to bring the grace of the Emperor’s glory to everything here!

Those who are innocent will not be killed without surrendering their weapons! “

The moment he spoke, the champion warrior raised his hand and directly caught a metal bullet that was more than ten centimeters long.

The kind words have been said, and now it’s time for the slaughter.

Aerial gunships have begun to take care of some buildings in the city.

There are also Astartes, who are directly preparing to drop into the city through airborne pods, and there are also war dogs with psychic powers. They are using space jumps to behead the big slave owners and nobles in the city.

Nothing shocks mortals more than the heads of the ruling class.

At this moment, Anita felt so powerless that she felt like she was a child again.

Her army is getting smaller and smaller, but after her enemies entered the city, they were unscathed!

This nightmare-like scene made her want to kneel down and beg God to wake her up.

After the auxiliary troops landed, the official campaign finally began.

Following the Astartes’ instructions, the Auxiliaries began the massacre.

In the cities of Nusria, the ratio of good people is already very low.

The cans only need to mark the people who don’t need to be killed, and kill all the others who deserve to be killed.

These lackeys of the Nutharian nobles, who thought they were safe from death, could not even dull the disintegration field on the Astartes weapons.

“It’s so weak, I feel like I could fall asleep here!”

An Astartes grabbed a guard and smashed it over another guard’s head.

These people can’t even break their defenses, so what’s the point of fighting?

Heads of people are rolling in, and the purification of the entire world begins from this moment.

The Astartes don’t have much patience. Even if they don’t have too many sins, servile mortals who still choose Nusria nobles after repeated persuasion will fall under their weapons.

People in Negris and surrounding villages could see the big movements in the city from a distance.

Oinomouth couldn’t believe it – the noble army that he had always thought was invincible was so vulnerable.

He had another understanding of the God in front of him.

Angron was always smart. He lowered his head and thought for a while, then asked about his father.

“Do I have a big grudge against these people?”

“Yes, hatred is as deep as the sea and endless.”

Rasta touched his head.

“Can you tell me something?”

Angron’s future self didn’t tell him too many facts, and seemed to be waiting for Rasta, his father, to tell his past self the truth in a more appropriate way.

“There is a group of despicable and filthy people who bullied you as much as they could, killed and enslaved your favorite brothers and sisters, and tortured you until you were completely naked.

You are in the most desperate situation, trying to find a slim hope and light.

You fight against this unfair fate with miracles and overthrow those mountains that are pressing on your head.

But one day, King Terra, who claimed to be your father, arrived. He did not choose to help you, but instead helped your enemy.

Your enemy ravaged and killed your brothers and sisters, and was recognized and protected by King Terra. King Terra also enslaved you and asked you to conquer worlds for him.

And try your best to belittle your dead brothers and sisters, saying that they are worthless and like garbage.

Those who have committed unforgivable sins against you are still enjoying life freely, using the skulls of your brothers and sisters as urinals, beating them half to death, and letting dogs eat them alive…”

From Angron’s point of view, Rasta had restrained himself in telling the emperor’s mistakes.

He will not forgive the Emperor for the wrongs he has done here.

To completely deny a person and ask the other person to pay for you selflessly and without regrets.

Who in this galaxy wouldn’t be driven crazy by the shark-armed Emperor? !

“If I were to kill King Terra, would you stand by me?”

“Of course, Angron, I will!”


Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Milky Way welcomes the sixth subspace evil god, Light Desire!


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