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Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light — Chapter 26 God’s Chosen Tank

Go back to ten minutes ago.

“You mean, I, take this, to appease the machine soul?”

The chainsaw swordsman held a saxophone in one hand and scratched his head with the other.

“In the midst of thousands of troops, people are chatting and laughing, music is playing, and the soul is soothed. How heroic is this?”

Rasta has no psychological burden at all when it comes to tricking people into revealing dark history.

Among the other Smurfs nearby, except Captain Powerhammer, who had a weird look on his face, the others seemed to think nothing was wrong.

The Astra Militarum were still working furiously, especially a freckled soldier with a bulging heart and bulging cheeks.

As they ate, the group of Astra Militarum pricked their ears to hear what the legendary Emperor’s Glory had to say.

Seeing that the Chain Sword Master was still hesitating, the Sixth Evil God gently patted the armor of the Cerberus fire-breathing tank.

“What are you afraid of? I will drive the tank and you will play the saxophone on top. Together we will be invincible!”


The Chain Sword Master’s eyes lit up.


Then the Chainsword Master jumped onto the Cerberus fire-breathing tank. He waited for a long time but didn’t see Rasta enter the driving seat of the tank.

He turned around and saw his most trusted material provider taking out a remote control from nowhere.

Wait, remote control?

“Kill them to death!”

Light Desire casually gave a blessing to the Cerberus fire-breathing tank machine soul, and then used the remote control to control this guy, which was bigger than a giant truck pulling ore, and rushed directly out of the gate of the fortress.

Is this the driving you’re talking about?

The chain sword master shouted that he had been fooled and played the saxophone.

He couldn’t let go at first, until the Cerberus fire-breathing tank killed a circle of aliens outside trying to persuade them to surrender, and in his comfort, it sprayed out a 30-meter long dragon of flames.

At this moment, the Chain Sword Master achieved the ultimate evolution and completed the trinity of sublimation. He felt the life of the saxophone in his hand and the connection with the roaring tank under his feet.

As the flame dragon grew longer and longer, he began to press his crotch, feeling more and more.

When the rate of fire of live ammunition has exceeded the theoretical value, and when the flame dragon has reached 100 meters, he is getting better.

All this has become his instinct.

Today, the Chainsaw Sword Master once again enters the realm of Tank Le Saint.

It was also at this time that those strange particles dispersed because the Chosen of Khorne was expelled.

The other Ultramarines in the rear saw the burning of the two saints of music and sword in the long night of fighting.

Even if the alien terrain-killing bombs fall around him, they will be bounced away by the invisible light.

This is a 100% ricochet technique!

One thought came to everyone’s mind – I can’t imagine his happiness!

The Astra Militarum soldiers who were eating pumpkin leaf sprouts and sausage slices with pepper oil were stunned.

Everyone looked at Rasta. The sixth evil god got tired of playing with it and threw the remote control away.

The captain of the Power Hammer who was closest to him lit up.

It’s my turn to play!

Astartes’ reaction speed and observation ability, he already understood how the material provider controlled the Cerberus fire-breathing tank through this thing.

The surrounding Smurfs reacted a beat too slowly, feeling regretful.

However, they persuaded the excited captain.

“Captain, please, it’s my turn!”

As an extreme warrior, on the most cruel battlefield, you can live without it, but you can’t live without it. Living means hope.

This is what the Sixth Evil God whispered to them two years ago. All in all, it makes sense.

But it is also effective. In this way, they can obtain power from light desire. Its nature is somewhat similar to the “power of my thoughts”.

I also ordered an Astra Militarum set meal. The fresh and delicious pumpkin leaf sprouts and pepper sausage slices were quickly destroyed in the Emperor’s Glory.

The Astra Militarum knew they couldn’t grab the remote control, so they continued to work hard.

The female Astra Militarum soldier with bulging cheeks kept staring at Rasta. She couldn’t figure out why this woman was devouring food like a mortal like her who had never eaten good food.

“Look what I’m doing, I’ll eat yours!”

Picking a piece of chili pepper sausage with chopsticks from the bowl, Rast began to record the video.

In the future, he will send the legendary classic “Saxophone Marines” to the Emperor and Guilliman.

Return to the frontal battlefield.

The Chosen God of Khorne only has eyes for Horus, but now Horus only has eyes for the Two Saints of Music and Sword.

Horus’s disrespect for him made the Chosen of Khorne very angry. He wanted to look back and see who dared to compete with him for favor.

When he turned around, he was completely stunned.


At this time, Rasta threw away the remote control, so the Cerberus fire-breathing tank stopped for a moment.

The Chosen One of Khorne understood immediately!

This is the other party challenging themselves.

Looking at the two Saints of Music and Sword who had killed countless people on their own side and his car, the Chosen of Khorne became more motivated to fight.

He raised his tomahawk and roared, then directly killed the tank knight.

The Hellhound fire-breathing tank of Machine Soul Dayue didn’t take this mere alien seriously at all.

It roared, and under the control of Captain Power Hammer, it crushed directly towards the Chosen of Khorne.

This outrageous scene made Horus understand one thing.

He looked around, looking for the owner of the Internet cafe. Except for the emperor’s collaborator, no one could do such a thing.

His sight soon stopped at the exit of a fortress, where more than a hundred Ultramarines had already begun to attack behind the Cerberus fire-breathing tank, clearing out the aliens who were lucky enough to survive the unparalleled firepower of the God’s Chosen tank.

Later, Guangyu and a group of Astra Militarum walked out of the fortress carrying their rice bowls, showing off their rice while watching the battle.

Following his father’s gaze, the network administrators also saw the familiar face with black hair and black eyes.

They had killed the alien in their hands. The only ones still fighting on this battlefield were two chosen ones.

Light Desire Chosen Tank vs. Khorne Chosen Alien.

It may be that Khorne was moved by the courage of the Chosen to launch a brave charge against the Machine Soul Carrier blessed by Him in front of Light Desire.

The power of this Chosen became stronger and stronger.

Until the Sword Saints finally dropped Sachs, took out the Chainsaw Sword, leaped over the tank and fell across the sky, holding the Chainsaw Sword and slashing at the demon who thought it was a one-on-one duel.

With the blessing of the Light Desire version of “My Power of Thinking”, he teamed up with the Chosen Tank to completely kill the Khorne Chosen who had turned into a demon.

This is real death, not exile back to the warp, and there is no possibility of resurrection.

This planet is very large, and this is just a local battlefield. The Moon Wolves originally planned to go to other places to eliminate the aliens immediately by gunboat, but when they saw Rast, they changed their minds.

The battlefield was completely cleaned up by the Astra Militarum. The Luna Wolves who failed to taunt the Ultramarines were not disappointed and followed Horus to Rasta.

“The power you gave me is very strong!”

Horus knelt on one knee sincerely this time. He finally began to understand Loken’s thoughts.

The Luna Wolves, one by one, bowed down with their father with guilt and gratitude.

When they heard Horus thank Rasta for giving him power, they felt that they owed him another point.

“Not bad, you didn’t let me down.”

Light Desire gave a good evaluation and passed the bowl and chopsticks to the side.

The Lejian Duo Saints were in the limelight at the moment, and no one dared to compete with him for the job of receiving the bowl and chopsticks.

After getting up, Horus was eager to seek more wisdom and power from Light Desire.

Rasta began to talk nonsense seriously.

“The Emperor and I formed a two-man legion to fight against the terrible existence that you cannot imagine for the time being.” Horus was very excited. Finally, he was qualified to see this level. “I see that you have some qualifications. I want to absorb you into our legion as fresh blood. Don’t worry, it won’t delay you from continuing to lead your descendants in the Shadow Moon Wolf.” Rast’s face was solemn as the head of the novice village. He was committing a crime against the best criminal in the village. Horus suppressed his excitement. He asked, “I feel extremely honored for this!” “Very good, but our legion is a little special. Everyone has a different code name. For example, my name is Wuxidisi and the Emperor is Yigubigu.” “…” Horus hesitated. This code name sounded a bit childish. But when he thought about being in the same legion with the Emperor and those who were on par with the Emperor, and fighting together for a great goal, he felt that this sacrifice was nothing. “Then what is my code name?” “Little Dot!” “?!”


Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Milky Way welcomes the sixth subspace evil god, Light Desire!


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