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Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light — Chapter 273 Lust and Scam

Prospero, in some ways, is more like a planetary prison for runaway psykers.

Because of psychic powers, the Thousand Sons Legion may be wiped out, not to mention a group of mortals and even mutants.

The Devouring Bees that Tzeentch used to force the Prospero people to awaken to their spiritual powers are now the best agricultural product in all of Prospero.

Amon, Magnus’s teacher before he was one year old in the original timeline and Prospero’s senior intellectual, is currently destroying the last piece of the statue of Tzeentch.

Tzeentch had a statue of himself in Prospero, filling it with models of various psionic spells.

This kind of spell model exists in various graphics, allowing psykers who see them to release psychic attacks such as fire and frost.

From the moment Prospero was saved by the Lord of Psionics, Amon followed the Lord of Psionics’ orders and destroyed the nine psychic statues of Tzeentch standing on Prospero.

The Empire abandoned them, humanity rejected them, and they welcomed their own god, the Psionic Lord.

The Master of Psionics taught them how to use what they once thought to be their natural flaws to transform the world.

Prospero now has a large amount of arable land. Even if the output is not as high as that of the empire’s agricultural planets, he can still start to grow food while being self-sufficient.

Even sometimes they would contribute their excess food to the Lord of Psionics through sacrifices.

The Lord of Psionics accepted it and sent the food to the Thousand Sons Legion.

The quartermaster of the Thousand Sons Legion once said to these cans: “Some of the food you eat comes from me, and some comes from your brothers in destiny.”

Ralast has been preparing to steal Tzeentch’s power since he claimed to be the Lord of Psionics.

Now, Osiris’s departure also announced that the theft was over.

Amon is currently worried about one thing.

The Lord of Psionics once told him that his adopted child Magnus was actually the Primarch of the Empire and was born knowing it.

The other person will surpass his knowledge when he is one year old.

It is precisely because of this transcendence that Magnus became more and more proud, and eventually Tzeentch continued to nourish this pride until he betrayed the empire.

Amon, like most of Prospero’s people, are not interested in the Empire because they are the people who were abandoned by the Empire.

But they hate everything in the Warp even more than the psionic Lords they believe in.

The cruelty of the Soul Devouring Bee is not as simple as imagined. It is a fear that can cause the destruction of a world. There are rotten severed limbs and arms everywhere, and there is not a complete head.

When the Lord of Psionics took over the planet, he allowed leaders of the Prospero community like Amon to see their future.

The Devouring Bee only wiped out some people in this timeline, and was enslaved by the Prospero people, used to impart pollen and eat weeds.

The size of the Devouring Bee is more than half a man, and it is very powerful. In Prospero, the Devouring Bee was even used as a cattle.

Prospero’s psykers were even able to extract psychic energy from the bodies of the Devouring Bees for their own use.

All in all, they and their psychic masters showed no mercy to these cruel and bloody warp creatures.

The cost of raising these Devouring Bees is just the warp Slaanesh demons that Rasta throws here from time to time.

That is to say, if He doesn’t say anything, if He is willing, Shalish will be happy to come over and sign some kind of subspace demon import and export treaty.

When Amon was troubled by “No matter how he learns knowledge and teaches it to Magnus, he can’t match his growth rate,” two figures quietly appeared in the room.

“The Great Lord of Psionics!”

Amon turned around and bowed his head.

“You have really done your duty during this period. Come on, I will buy you a pair of single-frame glasses for the Chinese New Year.”

Rasta sat down as he spoke, picked up the fruit shop on the table and handed it to Angron.

Angron accepted the feeding and ate it without any courtesy at all.

Amon is not an idiot, of course he recognizes it, this is another original body.

He wanted to say hello, but he didn’t know what to call him.

“This is Angron, the most powerful Primarch now and in the future, the World-Eating Dragon, the Angel of the Galaxy.”

After Rasta said this, he shifted his gaze and looked at Magnus on the other side through the wall.

Different from the original timeline of “Magnus: The Last City in the World”, the current magical ponies are well-fed, if not well-educated.

His life was so comfortable that even Guilliman couldn’t compare to him except for the lack of maternal love.

“What are you thinking about?”

Angron was determined to learn from his father’s methods.

“In the future, he will get his lower body parts by subspace fraud, and even end up joining the Yaozi Group.

I’m thinking about whether to do a few subspace scams for him in advance to give him a long memory. “

After being deceived by Tzeentch and losing an eye, Magnus blew up the emperor’s sewers. After his ex-mother or stepmother was tricked to death, he used various reasons to deceive himself in order to prove that he was right.

He had fought before the Emperor, imagining that the Emperor would admit that he was right and graciously let him stay.

The fact was that the Emperor hated Malcador so much that he got into a fight and finally told him to go away.

In this way, Magnus deceived himself in front of the demon prince of Tzeentch. As long as anything was not what he thought, his spiritual power would self-hypnotize him to modify his perception and become what he thought it was.

“How can I help you?”

Amon was thinking about the use of monocular glasses while asking for a job.

“Then give this to him.”

Rast stretched out his hand.

Amon raised his hands, palms up.

As his hands sank slightly, a black rectangular block appeared in his hands, with a huge monitor next to it.

“This is…”

“Just give it to him, he will figure it out soon.”

Rast didn’t want to explain what the Internet was or what a computer was.

Of course, there was absolutely no Internet in this computer, only a demon engine.

Thinking of this, Guangyu was a little depressed. Why did he wholesale demon engines everywhere recently?

I just got one from Curze, and I got another one here.

But the nature may be different. The demon engine from Curze is a guardian.

The thousand degrees here is really a thousand degrees, which can make Magnus suffer.

Angron suddenly said at this time: “Why don’t you get me one too?”

He seemed to think it was cool that other primarch brothers had their own demon engines, but he didn’t. After all, he was still a child.

“They have the demon engine because you have me by your side.”

Lassite dispelled Angron’s idea of ​​having a big toy with just one sentence.

“Then I don’t want it!”


Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Milky Way welcomes the sixth subspace evil god, Light Desire!


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