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Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light — Chapter 297 Playing with the Cat Stick

The dark archon said that the country bastards who knew no dignity and nobility did not care about Black Bean Sprout’s pitiful remarks.

Black Bean Sprout seems to have inherited the style of the Ancient Spirit Empire and the richest extra-dimensional city, so they are orthodox.

But in the eyes of Ark Bean Sprouts and Wild Bean Sprouts – it’s all nonsense!

You don’t even have a god, how dare you say that you are orthodox? wrong! Are you embarrassed to say that you are bean sprouts? Where is the face? No more?

If you have to say that black bean sprouts have a god, well, Slaanesh, the evil god of subspace.

To be honest, Black Bean Sprout’s style and deeds are even worse than those of Salish followers.

After all, followers of Slaanesh can also be passive and slack off in their work. Black Bean Sprout is not an option. They enjoy doing it, and if they slack off in their work, it will be their turn to suffer.

In Arkworld Bietane, all the leaders of the Arkworld coalition forces are gathering.

The attack is still going on, but many bean sprouts are making a pilgrimage here.

The painter, the son of lust for light, the god of art, the righteous god walking in the galaxy, Nusgreen, who made the entire human empire celebrate the ancient Terran New Year and thereby sublimated art, is painting on the artificial sky of Bietan.

No one knows what He is painting, but every bean sprout will be attracted by this painting.

The black bean sprouts of Comoros thought that the terrifying firepower they encountered was caused by each of the Ark Bean Sprouts coming on stage.

In fact, more than half of it is because the God of Art splashed ink on a painting called the hyperdimensional city of Commorragh.

The Laughing God has publicly stated many times that Nusgreen, the god of art and the main god of the real universe, can be believed in by Bean Sprouts.

Coupled with the many tours of the Flower Bean Sprouts, Nusgreen gained a large number of believers among these Eldar.

Nusgreen also receives letters from these faiths.

When the Holy One created the Eldar race, he left certain information in some genetic sequences, and this information would be inherited through blood inheritance.

In these beliefs, the eldest son of Light Desire had conversations with Osiris countless times.

The righteous gods from the human empire are worshiped by the bean sprouts. Who would believe it?

“Those who have made a contract with me, I will bless you so that you can be protected by me. Your souls have already relied on you and you no longer need to be deprived by chaos…”

Nusgreen was painting and whispering something.

The sound was really low and low, but every bean sprout worth his salt heard the sound.

From today on, they are completely free from Salish’s curse.

Not to mention Nusgreen’s own power and the help of reality barriers, Salish was helpless against the painter.

Let’s talk about the evil lord who protects his shortcomings…

The bean sprouts stewed over low heat that Salish had been cooking for an unknown amount of time were all gone.

Not all was lost, black bean sprouts were not blessed.

Nussgreen’s brush finally stopped.

Because His Father has come.

Nusgreen has free control over his height.

It is no exaggeration to say that with the use of psychic powers, this god of art can reach the stars with his bare hands.

But He still used the height of more than two meters when he was reborn, which was comparable to the height of an Armor Astartes.

This height does not seem tall to Dou Ya.

But now, with comparison, it seems quite high.


Nusgreen knelt down on one knee and faced the young man who came out of the Ashes Gate.

Anyone who has seen a play written by the Laughing God knows who this boy might be.

A shuddering feeling made all the bean sprouts fall to the ground in fear.

The threat of Slaanesh has terrified all the bean sprouts for an unknown amount of time.

In the drama, the Laughing God guessed that he had killed the Lord of Joy countless times.

“I need you to do me a favor!”

Rasta glanced at Nusgreen’s masterpiece.

“You say!”

Nusgren didn’t say anything nonsense. He knew one thing from Osiris’s letter: his father’s mental state was already very unstable, and now it was all maintained by his unfamiliar brother Angron.

“I need you to draw a heaven, so use Commorragh as a drawing board.”

Rasta has begun to not care about anything that interferes with reality.

He has already begun to prepare the divine blood heaven plan.

This also means that half of His plan to rely on life to save himself went bankrupt.

The evil spirit’s disappointment in this galaxy and universe made Him lose all his patience.

Before the evil spirit takes back his thoughts or does something else, Rasta must complete his work as soon as possible. His time is tight.

Rasta had already thought about it. Ferus took the card… No, he took the template of the monkey and entered the Heavenly Palace. Then no one should stop him?

Who stops? Zixia! Let’s see if Fulgrim at Chemos Guanjiang Estuary is purple enough?

Fulgrim and Ferrus must fight.

Raste entered chaos in the timeline when Osiris failed. That time he lost control because he did not go to Angron in advance.

The four main gods of chaos also made some moves.

In that time, the four main gods of chaos relied on the four original bodies or disciples of light who stole their authority to cross the barriers of reality and tell the truth.

As a result, before arriving in the real universe, Rasta was driven back to the depths of chaos and suppressed for an unknown period of time.

That time, Ferus also died, not by Fulgrim, but in the Reality Barrier War.

Before the evil spirit felt that the idea had failed, Rasta, as an idea, restarted everything, moving everything towards the only timeline now.

This time, He had even thought out the measures to remedy the situation in advance.

Since the original destiny was that Fulgrim would kill Ferrus, even if the two escaped from the duel, Ferrus would still die in another way.

Then Rasta will let Ferus and Fulgrim duel again.

This time, Fulgrim is not possessed by a demon, and Ferus still “falls in love at first sight” and insists on keeping the third sister, so at best both sides will suffer losses. Rasta will go down and hang a bottle of water alone and put a band-aid on it.

Moreover, Rasta left something for Ferus that could change his destiny. Although the Book of Life and Death can only be used once, Ferus is not so stupid that he does not know how to make the best use of it.

“Who is the Jade Emperor?”


“He’s in Comoros?”

“Nonsense, when the time comes, you walk up behind him, blindfold him, and I ask him to guess who I am. If he guesses wrong, I will tie him up directly!”

“Isn’t he going to be fooled?”

“Then I’ll tie up the Queen Mother who’s playing with the cat stick, and see if he cares. If he cares, come over and act out the play with me.

I saved face for him! Otherwise, I will let you change the Emperor’s Dream to Heaven. “

The conversation between father and son seemed to be heard by many people.

The bean sprouts were stunned – wait a minute, what are you two going to do with the fifth evil god who is the most evil, terrifying and violent in the human empire, more chaotic than chaos, and more vicious than the main god of space?

Rasta sighed when he saw this, pulled Nusgreen up, he put on sunglasses on the painter, and then he took out an amnestic device.

“Come! Say it with me! Eggplant!”


Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Milky Way welcomes the sixth subspace evil god, Light Desire!


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