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Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light — Chapter 308: Great Joy of the Soul

In the thirty-seventh millennium, the descendants of the empire’s gods, the angels, would often put forward various evidences to prove how powerful their lord was.

Among them, Guilliman, the leader of the Deep Blue Conspiracy, has always been criticized for seeming to be 50/50 compatible with everyone.

When this happens, the living angels with the blue of Macragge will jump out to refute the opponent.

“You fart! Even when my lord was just a child, he had a body like a blue whale!

Do you know the blue whale? The great life of Holy Terra before the first ocean dried up, the natural beast of Terra! “

Terran people are actually superstitious about many things.

If the Emperor had not always enforced his Imperial Truth, then every human might have worshiped every planet in the solar system, including the moon, as a god.

Because every human civilization has its own myths and legends that praise the celestial bodies in the solar system as gods.

Even as the Emperor enforces his own truth, the Imperium still regards Mars, Terra, and the Sun as sacred beings.

Any battleship named after the Mars class will be subject to some special reliance and belief by the passengers, such as the stubborn and powerful absolute belief of the Solar Auxiliary that broke out during the Great Crusade.

This sentiment can even extend to some of Terra’s special marks.

Such as the original ocean.

There is also the blue whale, the largest natural life recorded in ancient Terra.

Okay, let’s put it bluntly.

You can interpret the Smurfs’ words as: My father Guilliman has the qualifications of the Great Emperor, was born with a vision of heaven and earth, and was born with the power of a whale!

What are the visions of heaven and earth you ask? The sun was extremely bright that day, the sky was extremely blue that day, and the air was extremely fresh that day. Isn’t this a strange phenomenon in the heaven and earth?

When it didn’t work, the Smurf slapped the table and stood up: “When my father was born, the number of people in Macragge who starved to death was only five figures!”

These words are enough to make everyone stand in awe – for all the planets in the galaxy in the 30th millennium, this is really a super heaven and earth phenomenon!

There is no way, people will starve to death in the hive city, and it is calculated on a percentage basis.

There are more than 100 billion people in a hive city. Think about it, even if only one percent or even one thousandth of the people starve to death, it is five digits many times over.

At this moment, the little blue whale Robert Guilliman, who has the power of a whale, is being passed around one by one by the cans.

The special connection between the original body and the genetic offspring made them feel that the original body was full of all kinds of pleasing pleasures.

When a several-meter-tall primarch looks at a two-meter-tall genetic offspring, coupled with his own special induction of Astartes, it is as cute as when you look at your own child cosplayed as an Astartes.

Of course, in the original timeline, the original body, which was tortured by various cruel growth environments, emergency defects, and its own factors and became mentally abnormal, would abuse its own genetic offspring. This is just like perverted domestic violence, which is unsolvable.

A Primarch would find an Astartes who was only a little taller than his waist at most cute. Similarly, an Astartes would find a young Primarch who was not even taller than his own waist super cute.

After being passed down as a kind of mascot by his own descendants, Guilliman began to doubt his life.

This experience is much more irritating than lying in the ICU for 10,000 years and being smeared with skin care cream by ultramarines.

This kind of joyful scene could not be seen at all on the original timeline.

In a world without lust, the relationship between the Astartes was not particularly friendly.

Even Astartes within a single company may fight with each other and even kill their own battle brothers.

There is a strict hierarchy among the cans, and there is an extreme gap between the inner circle and the fringe cannon fodder.

An Alpha always has the highest goal of being able to sneak into the core circle of other legions, so that he can know the real secrets of the other legion.

Ordinary Astartes are just top soldiers in the eyes of the company commander, and sometimes they don’t look good at all.

Even the Ultramarines and the Blood Angels, who have the best brotherly relationship, have this situation. After all, they are human beings.

Therefore, various warbands were established, in small groups, in order to ensure many things, including not being alone when bullied by other Astartes in the same legion.

The arrival of Rasta almost broke this class division.

Before the Emperor’s Radiance Himself emerged from the Warp, the greatest secret of every Legion was their Quartermaster.

This secret was known to every Astartes, and it was this fairness that forged a closer bond of battle brotherhood between them.

Therefore, there will be no bullying behavior by company commanders who bully their brothers and their fathers.

Guilliman was furious when he was sent back. He burst into rage: “Who took my crotch?”

The instigator is quickly betrayed by the other Smurfs.

After Guilliman returned to his loyal XIII Legion, he issued his first orders.

“Bring them all to me! Take his money!”

It was a truly happy time.

Xuelyu, the female auxiliary soldier who told Rasta’s name, took advantage of a certain Astartes’ distraction to steal a handful of beans.

After sharing the beans with his companions, Xue Liu began to bet with his companions.

“I think they must do something to dazzle the master and the original body.”

“It’s for sure. If we want to bet, just bet for a few minutes!”

Xue Liu’s auxiliary army team leader also joined in, her bet! It’s the big chicken drumstick in today’s divine four dishes and one soup!

“I put on my tiger eggs for a year!”

The unlucky guy who had his beans stolen and was often eaten and drank by Captain Power Hammer let out a cry and joined in this gamble.

Seeing others staring at her, Xue Liu said reluctantly.

“I put my fruit on every holiday.”

“I’ll press this!”

A voice that was extremely familiar to all the auxiliary troops and cans came.

The auxiliary army and the cans who gathered around suddenly felt guilty. The master hated gambling the most.

Captain Power Hammer, who was attracted by the one-year-old tiger eggs, looked at what Rasta had photographed and felt a bit familiar.

“Is this… a remote control?”

Captain Powerhammer recalled the scene when Charmander powerfully suppressed the Slark alien under the control of this thing.


“Charmander doesn’t want to be controlled by a remote control, right?”

“Who said this belongs to Charmander?”

“That is?”

“Oh, a purple pervert.”


Sir, you are holding this remote control of the Chaos God. What is its specific function?

After Rasta’s return, his incarnation appeared in various companies of the Thirteenth Legion many times, and he viciously taught the cans about subspace knowledge.

Surrounded by a bunch of light elements and light sand, the pollution of chaos can’t even be touched.

Of course Rasta would not say that the remote control can be used four times and that Salish will explode once when pressed.

And the person everyone was betting on had already begun to show off his skills.

The Chainsword Master jumped onto the half-brother’s Charmander, feeling quite excited.

“Father, I have been waiting for this day for too long! In order to welcome your return, I have worked hard to practice my skills, and they finally come in handy today!”

Guilliman had not yet understood what was going on.

Chainsword Master, he…

He took out his saxophone!


Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Milky Way welcomes the sixth subspace evil god, Light Desire!


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