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Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light — Chapter 310 The final dimness

Guilliman didn’t think the name “Delight of Fire” was that foreign.

Because Rasta’s tone of “Xing” is one tone instead of four. If the tone is changed, the taste seems to be comparable to Frostmourne.

“The Joy of Fire…is it powerful?”

Guilliman was still a little unsure.

Angron was the same age as him, but Angron could render him helpless with one finger.

This made Guilliman think that he might be a disabled Primarch.

“Of course it’s powerful. In the long dark night, the subspace demon is poisoning all living beings. Suddenly, a light of fire lights up in the darkness, and it quickly approaches the evil.

At this time, the demons would be stunned for a moment, and then they would see the tall man behind the fire.

The next second, they would be shouting ‘woc Guilliman’ and not even have the chance to return to the spring. “

Guilliman, who had nothing to do with the tall man at the moment, imagined the scene in his mind.

Rasta took back the spoon tiredly, grabbed the semi-solid blood inside, and slipped it into two plates.

He opened the Ash Gate and allowed Guilliman and Angron to return to Macragge first.

“What about you?”

Angron’s worry and Guilliman’s surprise appeared at the same time.

Guilliman also felt strange. He had been tricked for a long time, so why could he not want to separate?


Rasta was silent for a moment.

He said: “I have a little something to do. My two ideas are in conflict. I need to be quiet.”

He speaks the truth.

This made Angron, who could sense the true thoughts, feel a little relieved. He had just mustered up the courage and was ready to stop his father from doing something stupid.

Guilliman hesitated for a moment, and finally said: “I asked mother to leave a dish for you, mushroom cream soup.”


Rasta calmly watched Angron and Guilliman return to Macragge through the Ash Gate, and then he closed the Ash Gate.

He left this planet, and those cans were used to his sudden departure.

The quartermaster’s time is so valuable that they are unwilling to waste any more.

Rasta has entered chaos.

A dim light loomed over Him.

The four main gods of chaos are like hiders holding their breath in the dark, not daring to breathe.

They are no longer as weak as the four main gods in the original timeline. They are more aware that a terrible accident is about to happen now.

Raste walked towards the depths of chaos, towards the far reaches of infinite time and space.

Finally, He stopped.

He raised his head, and from the infinite heights of chaos, something was sent down by the gray-pink color.

It was a light, a light that was gradually unfolding.

That was another thought the evil spirit put down.

The evil spirits already feel that this universe is hopeless and want to end this game early.

The evil spirit was disappointed with his first thought of falling into this universe.

After supporting the Milky Way for too long, Guang Yu, who was already extremely weak, lowered his head and glanced at the palm of his hand.

His appearance began to change.

From a human boy, he turned into a pale and terrifying thing.

But this god form is not enough to deal with another thought.

As a result, His eyes became messy and his gray-pink hair fell down.

He no longer suppresses the dazzling light in exchange for the most powerful power to deal with an enemy named himself.

At that infinite height, another being with gray-pink hair was born, looking indifferently at another thought that was the same as his own below – with eyes like messy threads.

The color after the interweaving and fusion of gray and pink is a dull pale color.

Rasta’s pale face lost its humanity. The only thing he did to himself before losing his dim light was to fill up the evil spirit’s spiritual filter, and told himself to use this to kill another thought.

Deep in the chaos, dazzling lights collided and then exploded.

This can destroy the power of the universe, because the endless chaos of space and time of the Warp Chaos can be restrained.

Otherwise, no matter whether planets, stars, river systems, super galaxy clusters or even the universe itself, will be burned to ashes by this light.

Death of All Creation may come at a heavy price.

But when it comes to destruction, nothing can be done better.

Time in chaos is undefinable.

No one knows how long the dim light erupted.

Perhaps chaos cannot actually restrain this dazzling light. That power can definitely tear apart chaos and illuminate reality.

It’s just an eagle catching a chick, and the guy protecting the calf is spreading his wings to protect it all.

After a long time, everything calmed down.

Among the four main gods, except for Khorne, the other three have become extremely frightened.

Even if the breath of death came from the depths of chaos, they did not dare to move at all.

Finally, from the depths of the chaos, a rickety figure with twisted limbs came out.

Her gray-pink hair was dirty and messy.

He was tired, but He won.

No one watching the battle knew how He defeated so miserably.

But Guang Lu was at his weakest point ever.

But He still appeared in front of the four main gods of chaos blatantly, as if passing by an ant’s nest.

The intense uneasiness frightens Chaos itself.

Yes, it is chaos itself, not just the four larger fruits produced by chaos.

With heavy steps, we are getting closer to reality from chaos.

Before the opponent finally left Chaos, the Chaos Gods were ready to take action in order not to perish.

The first to stand up was the figure on the brass throne.

But halfway through standing up by pressing the armrest, He sat back down again.


The Sixth Evil God, who had opened the barrier to reality, once again sprouted a dim light like the setting sun.

“There are still forty-three years left…”

After miraculously returning to normal, Guang Yu read out a sentence with difficulty.

Then he emerged from Chaos and headed for Macragge.

Just after He left, the most terrifying subspace storm in history began to erupt in the chaotic subspace. This storm was not projected into reality, but was like a huge wave, causing everything in the entire subspace to tumble.

It was only at this moment that the aftermath of “a slight conflict between two ideas” came through.

Whether it is the Skull Mountain, the Ring of Joy, or other realms of chaos, as well as the resurrected secondary gods, they are all small boats being swept around in this huge wave.


Dividing line—


Guilliman’s wicked teacher, a god worshiped by the entire world, walked into the midnight kitchen.

Tarasha has been waiting here for a long time.

She and Connor have taken the [Blood of Thirteen]. Although they have not become immortals, their life levels have already achieved a leap.

“Sorry for the waitting.”

The evil spirit filter has been completely consumed, and Rasta, who can no longer expand, no longer feels like he did in the past. He is plain and lifeless.


Tarasha guessed something, but she didn’t bring it up.

She took the food that Guilliman and Angron had reserved for Rasta from under the thermal cover and placed it on the table.

After pouring a cup of tea, she left the kitchen.

The moment she closed the door and left, she saw God’s back.

Even Thalasa Eudon, the one who taught Guilliman how to be peaceful, looked horrified.

She quickly hid her emotions and left the kitchen.


Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Milky Way welcomes the sixth subspace evil god, Light Desire!


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