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Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light — Chapter 311 The evil master of Alzheimer’s disease

When Angron saw his father again, he was in the study room of the shrine.

Connor Guilliman had a respect for Raste that he had never experienced before in his life.

The King of Macragge, who was not associated with tyranny, started a large-scale construction project and built a small palace for Rasta. This palace was named the Palace of Gods and lived next to the Guilliman family. .

Angron felt something was wrong.

His father Guang Yu was not a particular god and would not ask for a palace alone, so the reason immediately became simple and clear.

Rasta was not in a good condition right now, and he began to choose to see as few other people as possible.

Even though Tarasha Euton’s acting skills are superb, she can’t hide Angron’s role as a mind reader.

After a few months, when Angron came to his father again, what he saw was no longer the boy who looked like his father.

Gray-pink hair, pale face, messy eyes, and black nails.

The monster was meditating hard with a pen, writing down the plan one by one in the notebook to prevent himself from forgetting.

To be honest, it is already a miracle that light desire can defeat an evil spirit whose whole purpose is to nurture the galaxy.


Angron began to regret why he had not stopped Raste.

He should have thought of it earlier.

The Sixth Evil God will always use multiple meanings but true answers to induce others to think in the wrong place.

The gray-pink monster raised its head.

He looked at the person in front of him for a long time before he remembered something.

“Angron…the World-Eating Dragon…the Creation Angel…”

The monster was thinking about the plan but the light was getting weaker and weaker due to the dim light, and fell into hard thinking.

He has failed once, this time it is the second time to nurture the Milky Way. Although the last nurturing failed, but…

But He did pay the price twice.

Fortunately, this time, He restored Osiris and would restore more.

“I’m sorry, Angron, you are the king of the world…you cannot reach the divine blood heaven…you will herd all the galaxies for me…”

The evil spirit stretched out his hand in pain, then took it back in a daze, as if he had forgotten what he had just said.

Angron felt suffocated.

He stepped forward and began to sort out the papers scattered everywhere for his father.

He saw one of the pages.

“I replaced all the negativity and left it in this incarnation. Angron, this may hurt you…

But, I’m sorry, Angron, my other incarnations must walk normally in the world, and I still have some things to do…”

Before separating all reason and confusion, Light Desire had already seen this future, and he left a letter for Angron.

Angron was silent for a long time.

His figure suddenly grew taller, and the piece of paper with the crooked and unsightly writing became more like a small note, but it became increasingly heavier.

The primarch will awaken and stimulate itself due to overly excited emotions, thus growing up rapidly.

Angron is like that now.

“Father, I can beat up the false emperor, right?”

The World-Eating Dragon sensed another part of himself that was far away in Nusria. He had broken out of his shell and he had hatched.

Angron had followed the Emperor in the last attempt to rescue Rasta. That time Angron tried a revolution, and with Rasta’s help, his revolutionary army obtained enough food and supplies.

But the Emperor came and ordered the Revolutionary Army to be annihilated and Angron taken away.

Rasta saved all the revolutionary troops.

When the four main gods crossed the barrier of reality and entered the galaxy by stealing their own authority and began to control everything, Angron rebelled and killed the highest point of the empire.

The Emperor and the Sons of Light fought on the Martian battleship Song Maria, and Angron cut off half of the Emperor’s hand.

That time Luojia did not betray, or rather, he pretended to betray. At the last moment, the Primarch who worshiped the Emperor stood in front of the Lord of Mankind and was slapped by Angron to somewhere on the bridge, unable to scratch him. Come down.

This time Angron has gained all these memories after hatching.

He was still angry at the Emperor for what Rastra had told him about the pitiful life of the Primarch known as the Lord of the Red Sands.

The culprit of this life, the one who abused him the most, was the Emperor.

Angron never recognized the so-called fatherly love that the Emperor had. It was so hypocritical and made him sick.

“Forget it, the Corpse Emperor is not as important as my father.”

Angron sat down.

He has grown into a young man. Although he is four meters tall, his aura is surprisingly strong.

If Magnus inspired the psychic ability to break into the palace of Terra to meet the Emperor, he was as tall as a mountain, and the Custodes were not as high as his knees, and he slaughtered the Custodes as easily as trampling to death a young animal.

Then Angron can now directly transform into a dragon and burn the entire Emperor’s Dream in his own wrath.

Angron chose the latter between seeking revenge against the Emperor and taking care of his father with his now powerful soothing powers.

He sat down, opposite the evil thought.

With the full activation of his abilities, the Alzheimer’s disease of Evil Spirit Thoughts finally got better.

Then, this senile and terrifying thing lay on the table, finally resting.

Angron sent his father to the bedroom of the shrine, covered him with a quilt, and then came to the courtyard of the shrine.

Guilliman arrived belatedly, holding a box in his hand. Without even thinking about it, it contained the food he had brought to the teacher.

The moment he saw Angron, Guilliman was stunned, and then he quickly recognized his brother.

“Father needs some rest.”

Angron blocked Guilliman’s approach.

Guilliman, a sensible fellow, stopped in front of the courtyard.

“My mother made Mapo tofu according to the teacher’s instructions. Do you want to eat it?”


The two brothers just sat on the ground in front of the courtyard. Several dishes were a bit too mini for Angron now.

Guilliman sorted out his emotions and words several times, but in the end he was unable to ask the teacher what was wrong.

He knew that if he asked again, he would be pushed to the ground and beaten by the brother in front of him.

“Is there anything I can do for you?”

“Go and get some wood. I’m going to plant bamboo, chop firewood, and grow vegetables here.”

Angron has this temperament. Since he is now taking care of his father, he cannot let himself be impatient.

He had to calm down and use his psychiatrist’s best abilities.

Guilliman did not answer, but stood up directly to arrange this matter.

Angron looked at the back of the father of the Smurfs as he left the palace.

Guilliman had grown fifty centimeters in the exciting days after Thalasa and Connor had gained immortality, and then some more after Angron sensed something was wrong.

Even before Angron, Guilliman remained a stunted little man.

But in front of Tarasha, Guilliman was already two meters tall, taller than herself.

Angron took out the letter again.

He read the contents of the letter carefully.

Rasta emphasized one thing. He only had one painful incarnation, and the other incarnations were still unscrupulously cheating people everywhere.

“Father, don’t lie to me. I’ve already been lied to once.”


Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Warhammer 40k: Lust of Light

Status: Completed Author:


In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Milky Way welcomes the sixth subspace evil god, Light Desire!


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